Category Archives: News

Will Gajendra Ahire’s ‘Nilkanth Master’ inspire youth?

Nilkanth Master, Marathi Movie
It is not necessary that the biopics on the lives of great personalities only inspire youth. If the script is strong, then the characters presented through the film, can also inspire today’s youth. Film maker Gajendra Ahire has tried this experiment through his forthcoming Marathi film ‘Neelkanth Master’, which is scheduled for release on 7th August 2015, all over Maharashtra.

Recently, the first look of this film was released in Pune, in presence of Music director duo – Ajay Atul; when besides director Gajendra Ahire, the female artistes of this film Pooja Sawant and Neha Mahajan were also present. The film talks about the values and shows how for the love of country, a youth sacrifices his own love. Omkar Govardhan has played the lead role in this film, produced by Meghamala Baliram Pathare. The music is by Ajay Atul, which assures good quality music.

‘आम्ही सारे खवय्ये’त विविध तज्ञांचे मार्गदर्शन

Aamhi Saare Khavvayye, Prashant Damle

दर बारा कोसावर भाषा बदलते तशी दर कोसावर खाद्यसंस्कृतीही बदलते. महाराष्ट्राची ही वैविध्यपूर्ण खाद्यसंस्कृती केवळ देशभरातच नाही तर जगभरात प्रसिद्ध आहे. महाराष्ट्रीयन खाद्यसंस्कृती जगभरात आपला ठसा उमटवते ती त्याच्या साधेपणामुळे आणि वैविध्यपूर्ण लज्जतीमुळे. महाराष्ट्रात खाद्यसंस्कृतीचा समृद्ध वारसा असूनही आज एकूण धकाधकीच्या जीवनात रोजच्या आहारात जागा घेतलीय ती फास्टफूड किंवा डाएटफूडने.

अनेक व्याधींपासून मुक्तता मिळवण्यासाठी लोकांचा कल आहारसुद्धा संतुलित आणि योग्य पद्धतीचा घेण्याकडे वाढतोय.  मात्र  संतुलित आणि योग्य आहार म्हणजे नेमकं काय हे माहित नसल्यानं आहार संतुलनापेक्षा चुकीचा आहार घेतला जातो आणि आरोग्याची समस्या अधिक बिकट होते.  झी मराठीवर ‘आम्ही सारे खवय्ये’ कार्यक्रमात येत्या काही भागांमध्ये विशेष तज्ञमंडळींना पाचारण करण्यात येत आहे.

आरोग्याबाबत काही खास सूचना देताना किंवा विविध विषयावर मार्गदर्शन करताना काही विशेष पाककृतींची ओळखही ही तज्ञमंडळी करून देणार आहेत.  ६ जुलैला कान-नाक-घसा तज्ञ डॉ. ज्योत्सना जगताप तर ७ जुलैला ज्येष्ठ सौंदर्यतज्ञ माया परांजपे नोकरदार स्रियांनी कमीत कमी वेळेत पोषक आणि संतुलित तसेच सौंदर्य टिकवण्यसाठी काय आहार घ्यावा यासाठी मार्गदर्शन करतील. तसेच ८ जुलैला स्त्रीरोगतज्ञ डॉ. ललिता मायदेव आणि ९ जुलैला मार्गदर्शक सुचित्रा सुर्वे दहावी – बारावी झालेल्या मुलांना व पालकांना मार्गदर्शन करतील.

‘कॅरी ऑन मराठा’मध्ये अरुण नलावडे यांची ग्रे शेड भूमिका

Carry on Maratha, Arun Nalawade
अरुण नलावडे हे  नाव घेतलं  की डोळ्यासमोर उभं राहत ते साध सुध व्यक्तिमत्व. त्यांनी भूमिकाही आपल्या व्यक्तिमत्वाला साजेशा अशाच केल्या. ‘श्वास’ चित्रपटात त्यांनी नातवासाठी तळमळणाऱ्या आजोबांची भूमिका केली तर त्यांच्या गंमत जंमत नाटकाने धमाल उडवली होती. आपल्या अभिनयाने त्यांनी अगदी साध्या भूमिकाही जिवंत केल्या.  कॅरी ऑन मराठामध्ये अरुण नलावडे यांनी ग्रे शेड असलेली भूमिका साकारली आहे. पहिल्यांदा अशा वेगळ्या भूमिकेत  आणि लूकमध्ये  पाहायला मिळणार आहेत. सिनेमातला त्यांचा लूक त्यांच्या भूमिकेला साजेसा असा आहे. त्यांचे चाहते त्यांच्या या भूमिकेवरही प्रेम करतील यात शंकाच नाही.

Bhushan Pradhan pairs with Manwa Naik in ‘Dhinchyak Enterprise’

Bhushan Pradhan, Manva Naik, Dhinchyak, picture

In the recent past, we have seen Bhushan Pradhan paired with newcomers like Mrinmayi Kolwalkar, Nidhi Oza, Sai Lokur and Amruta Deshmukh. But, in the forthcoming Marathi film ‘Dhinchyak Enterprise’ you will find him paired with Manva Naik. Isn’t that a big surprise ? Recently, during the music release of this film, Bhooshan himself admitted that, he was initially scared to face the camera with Manva, because the kind of characters she has played before.

Anyway, ‘Dhinchyak Enterprise’ is a musical love story, with a social message, according to the makers of this film. Today, love relationship is changing according to time. And, it is very difficult to judge the true relationship. So, get ready to watch this new love relationship between Bhooshan and Manwa, when the film releases on 31st August 2015. Directed by debutant Nishant Sapkale , the music of this film was released recently, in presence of the lead pair along with lyricists Sachin Pathak , Mayur Sapkale , music director Sameer Saptiskar, singers Harshdeep Kaur, Aadarsh Shinde, cinematographer Udaysingh Mohite and others. Mika Singh, who has also rendered one song, was however absent. Also present on this occasion were senior artistes Jayant Savarkar ,Anant Jog and special guest Pooja Sawant.

Sundeep Kochar’s debut Marathi film ‘Bhavishyachi Aishi Taishi’

Sandeep Kochar, Celebrity, Astrologer

Celebrity Astrologer Sundeep Kochar is making his debut through a Marathi film, ‘Bhavishyachi Aishi Taishi – The Prediction’. This film is a story of three young Maharashtrian girls, working and staying together. They have different views about life, in general. All is well, in their small world, until a fateful day, when they encounter with an astrologer; which changes their lives forever.

Produced by Ramesh Talware, the film is directed by Surinder Verma, it has been called as India’s first film based on astrology. The film’s promotion was in full swing with music released sometime in April 2015. The film was announced for release in June 2015. But, it seems , it’s release has been postponed.

The film stars Sandeep Kochar in the role of an astrologer , along with Varsha Usgaonkar, Manasi Naik , Ruchita Jadhav ,Karol Zine, Asawari Joshi, Kishor Nandlaskar, Swapnil Joshi( Jr.) & Ananda Karekar .

Vandana Gupte to release her ‘Family Katta’ in October

Vandana Gupte, Rani Varma, Family Katta, Sister
Popular veteran Marathi actress Vandana Gupte, after her 44 year long career in acting, is now getting ready to offer her first Marathi Home production ‘Family Katta’ in October 2015.  Having won several awards for her performance on stage, television and films, she is also active in the field of acting. In forthcoming Marathi film ‘Murder Mestri’, she is playing a prominent role.

This Marathi film is being made under her home production ‘Sister Concern Entertainment’, which is in partnership with her younger sister and veteran singer Rani Varma.  Both Vandana and Rani are daughters of legendary Hindustani classical & playback singer late Manik Varma. Their father was also associated with Indian classical music, besides being a lyricist and dialogue writer.

Umesh & Girish promise variety through ‘Highway – Ek Selfie Aarpaar’

Highway, Huma Qureshi, Movie

Many Marathi film makers have travelled on Mumbai Pune Expressway very often. But, none of them thought of making a film on the backdrop of this highway, till writer Girish Kulkarni thought about it. Girish and his long time friend Umesh Kulkarni sat together and they decided to make a film, on a one liner. Their friend Vinay Ganu joined them as a producer and thus the idea of ‘Highway! Ek Selfie Aarpaar’ was born.

Recently, the music release and unveiling of the first look of the film was held in a ceremony, which saw many dignitaries from Marathi film industry and Bollywood. Actually, the star cast and technical team of this film itself is a combination of Marathi and Bollywood artistes and technical people. The film has two Bollywood actresses Tisca Chopra and gorgeous Huma Qureshi, playing important roles, while the music of the film is composed by Amit Trivedi. It was for this reason, both Umesh and Girish Kulkarni spoke in Hindi and Marathi, while delivering their speech, so that their special invitees understood, what they said.

Huma Qureshi, Girish Kulkarni, Film, PictureThe music of this film was launched by popular music director duo Ajay Atul, while the poster of the film was unveiled by Everest’s Sanjay Chabriya,  Esselvision’s Deepak Rajadhyaksha and actress Jyoti Subhash. Mr. Satish Alekar, who is also part of the film’s team, was asked to release the first look of the film. The film does promise variety through this fun filled journey on the highway, undertaken by the big team of artistes comprising of Girish Kulkarni, Satish Alekar,  Remuka Shahane, Mukta Barve, Sunil Barve, Umesh Jagtap, Kishore Kadam,  Nagraj Manjule, Vidyadhar Joshi, Shrikant Yadav, Shilpa Anaspure, Sameer Bhate, Vrushali Kulkarni many others. The film is all set to release on 24th July 2015

Abhijit & Jitendra getting ready to play ‘Dhol Taashe’

Abhijeet Khandkekar, Dhol Tashe, Jitendra Joshi

Till now, we had only heard about the loud beats of musical instruments ‘Dhol Taashe’ during wedding ceremonies and festive seasons in Maharashtra. In fact, they are part of our Indian culture. But now, a Marathi film titled ‘Dhol Taashe’ is about to create a noise, with Abhijeet Khandkekar  and Jitendra Joshi, the two lead stars of this film, all set to play.

Brahmandnayak Movies will be presenting this Marathi film ‘Dhol Taashe’, which revolves around a Politician, who tries to use this cultural activity, to promote his political party & pull the middle class boy, into his dirty game.

Needless to say that soon this young boy becomes the leader of a party called ‘Maharashtra Yuva Dhol Taashe Aghadi’. The film is a story about these two characters and their reciprocation to each other, over an immense cultural gadget called Dhol Tashe. Film releasing on 3rd July.  The film stars Abhijeet Khandkekar, Jitendra Joshi, Hrishita Bhatt, Pradip Velankar, Ila Bhate, Vinay Apte & others. Cinematography by Kedar Gaekwad, music by Nilesh Moharir and lyrics by Guru Thakur are other credits.

Director Milind Kavde is offering variety through ‘Shinma’

Gurleen Chopra, Dance, Picture

Director Milind kavde has been experimenting new things through his films. We have seen him engaging a big team of artistes through his past films. This time, he has engaged none other than Popular Punjabi actress Gurleen Chopra, to perform an item number in his forthcoming Marathi film ‘Shinma’, shooting of which is going on.

Recently, he picturised a suitable folk song ‘Chimni Udali…’ on the glamorous star, that too with popular choreographer Ganesh Acharya also performing with her. The song has been rendered by Anand Sinde and Kavita Nikam, on the lyrics of Jai Atre, with Varun Likhte providing the music.

Produced by Arun Joshi and directed by Milind Kavade, ‘Shinma’ stars a big team of veteran and newcomers like Ajinkya Deo, Yatin karyekar, Vijay Patkar, , Ganesh Yadav, Kishori Shahane, Abhijeet Chavan along with youngsters like Saurabh Gokhale, Sanskruti Balgude, Nisha Parulekar, Arun kadam, Anshuman Vichare.

Anil Kapoor releases music of ‘Manatlya Unhat’

Anil Kapoor, Mitali Jagtap, Kailash Waghmare

Kailash Waghmare, who was part of the award winning Marathi play ‘Shivaji Underground in Bhimnagar Mohalla’ is now making his debut through forthcoming Marathi film ‘Manatlya Unhat’. Recently, during the music launch ceremony of this film, he was fortunate to have Bollywood Superstar Anil Kapoor to wish him success. So overwhelmed was kailash on the occasion, that he reacted , “I am playing a character from a young man of 20 till 65 years age and I have tried to imbibe their nuances in this character. The film shows, how unforeseen incidents happen in the life of a common man and how he faces them with great resilience. This can be seen in the film and I am thankful to director Pandurang Jadhav for casting me in this film”.

Anil kapoor, while releasing the music CD, said that he was very much impressed by the song in this film, which had beautiful lyrics and excellent music. There were many other special invitees on the occasion. Prominent among them were Vijay Patkar and Usha Jadhav. Usha had come to wish her sister Ranjana , who has rendered the song.

‘Manatlya Unhat’ is producer Vijayshree Patil’s first production, directed by Pandurang Jadhav and stars three award winning artistes Mitali Jagtap, Kishore Kadam and child star Hansraj Jagtap. The other artistes in the film are Kailash Waghmare, Sameer Dharmadhikari, Ruchita Jadhav, Nagesh Bhosle, Chhaya Kadam, Manthan Patil and Avshiksha Patil. Lyrics by Vishwaraj Joshi ,music by Rahul Mishra, background music by Ashwin Srinivasan and DOP Nagraj Diwakar and editing by Nilesh Navnath Gawand are other credits. The film will be released on 24th July 2015.