Sachin Parekar celebrates 25 years of his film career, with launch of new film ’Taffeta’

Varsha Usgaonkar Sachin Parekar Sanjay Parekar, Taffeta
Varsha Usgaonkar with Sachin Parekar and Sanjay Parekar

Film maker Sachin Parekar has completed 25 years of his film career. To celebrate this achievement, he had invited Varsha Usgaonkar, star of his first film ‘Shejari Shejari‘, at a function recently. On this occasion, he made announcement of his next film ‘Taffeta‘. Actually, ‘Taffeta’ is Persian word and means ” Twisted Woven” Now, in what context, he has used this title, will be known, only after release of this film.

Scripted by Tushar Godse, ‘Taffeta‘ will be directed by Nitin Savale and stars young team of artistes, comprising of Siddharth Chandekar, Abhijit Khandkekar, Prajakta Mali & Pallavi Patil. And, as the title suggests, it is a love story with emotional touch. But, the makers of this film, claim that it will be a different type of love story.

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