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Prestigious State honour for veteran actor Shrikant Moghe

shrirang-mahajan-saili-bhandarkavthekar-pushkar-lonarkarFamous for his roles in Marathi films like ‘Madhuchandra’, ‘Sinhaasan’, ‘Gammat Jammat’, ‘Umbaratha’, ‘Vasudev Balwant Phadke’ and Marathi stage plays ‘ Varyavarchi Varaat’, ‘Tuze Aahe Tujapashi’, ‘Lekure Udand Jali’, veteran actor Shrikant Moghe will be presented with very prestigious award by Maharashtra Government’s cultural wing. Natavarya Prabhakar Panashikar Rangabhoomi Puraskar for the year 2014-15 has been announced for Shrikant Moghe by Hon. Cultural Affairs Minister Vinod Tawade on thursday 27th nov.’14. Selection process was handled by Tourism & Cultural affairs secretary Valsa Nair-Singh, Cultural affairs director Sanjay Patil and Akhil bharatiya natyasammelan’s president Arun Kakade alongwith Hon. Minister. The coveted award consists of cash Rs. 5 lac, Shawl-Shreefal, and a memento trophy. Congratulations to Shrikant Moghe and loads of best wishes from marathimovieworld.com