16th SKD Gaurav Drama Fest begins

The 16th SKD Gaurav Drama Festival began on Saturday evening at Yashwant Natya Mandir Hall, in presence of chief guest veteran actor Mr. Mohan Joshi, ABMNS President Mr. Gangaram Pednekar and Programme head of Colors TV channel Mr. Sanjay Upadhye.
This year 27 Dramas have taken part in this competition and among them, Shree Chintamani’s ‘Shevgyachya Shenga‘, Sonal Productions ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy‘ , Anamay Produced ‘All The Best-2‘ , Sonal Productions ‘Perfect Mismatch‘ & Atharva Productions ‘Don Special’ have been selected for the final round, by the Jury comprising of Mr.Pradeep kabre, Rohini Ninave, & Avinash Kharshikar.
Highlight of this festival is that the audience will get an opportunity to watch these plays at concessional rates of Rs.100 & Rs.50/- only. Moreover, the audience present for these shows, will get an opportunity to vote, along with the Judges.
However, as per the latest news, the Play ‘Don Special‘ will not be staged, due to some unavoidable circumstances. Instead, the audience will get a chance to see a classical play ‘Teenhi Saanj‘. The play winning this contest , will be awarded a prize of Rs. 1 Lakh. The organisers of SKD, Mr. Chandrashekhar Sandve and Archana Nevrekar have also announced that on 6th and 7th April 2016, they will host the competition for Marathi films and the names of 10 shortlisted films, will be announced by them, shortly.