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Now, Bharat Jadhav to anchor new comedy TV show

Bharat Jadhav Ali Lahar Kela Kahar Colors News

It looks like that there is nothing much left for actor Bharat Jadhav in Marathi films. Either the Marathi film makers are ignoring him, or he is not finding suitable roles in Marathi films. Now, we hear that he will be anchoring a Comedy TV show ‘Aali Lahar Kela kahar’ on Colors Marathi TV channel. His favourite director friend Kedar Shinde, will be directing this show, which is all set to go on air.

It may be recalled that after doing lot of theatre in Marathi, Bharat Jadhav had turned one of the top actors in Marathi from the period 2000 to 2012. But, for the past 3 years, his popularity had declined, with the emergence of new young actors in Marathi. Moreover, during the past three years, Marathi cinema had also seen a shift from comedy to realistic films on social issues. Two years ago, we also saw Bharat performing in a comedy serial on television. So, it is not surprising to see him back on television. After all, an actor gains maximum popularity through TV shows, which are seen by maximum Maharashtrian households. Let’s hope that Bharat offers, something really entertaining under the direction of Kedar Shinde.

Subodh has really worked hard for ‘Katyar Kaljat Ghusali’

Subodh Bhave in Katyar Kaljat GhusaliWhen an actor makes his debut as a director and that too directing some senior actors in his field, it is a hard task. But, for actor turned director Subodh Bhave, it has been a challenging job. He has not only successfully handled his debut project ‘Katyar kaljat Ghusali’; but has also received appreciation not only from bigwigs like Sachin Pilgaonkar and Shankar Ehsaan Loy; but also from his each and every technical team member. No wonder, Subodh made it a point to thank each one of them personally, during the press interaction, while introducing veteran evergreen actor Sachin Pilgaonkar, who is plying the most important role of classical singer Khan Saheb in his film.

Subodh’s ability as a director came for test, when he showed the confidence in singer & musician Shankar Mahadevan, to play the role of Pandit Bhanushankar. But, Subodh wanted the expressions and lip movements to match with the song perfectly. And, this was possible, only if he had opted for a singer, who could sing classical song, through his heart.

However, in the case of Khan sahib, he wanted a versatile actor who knew about songs, as a singer; but, at the same time, play that required negative character with perfection. So, he opted for Sachin Pilgaonkar, but used the voice of Rahul Deshpande for the songs to be picturised on him. In short, having directed the Marathi play on this subject, he had done his home work very well.

If this was not enough, he engaged the best writer, best sound designer, best music directors and the best make up man, to make his film technically perfect, to match international standard. Isn’t that hard work put in by this actor turned debutant director ?

‘कल्पना एक आविष्कार अनेक’ मध्ये ‘मैं वारी जावां…’ सर्वोत्कृष्ट एकांकिका

Kalpana Ek Aavishkar Anek

लेखकांना महत्व देणारी, नव्या लेखनाला चालना देणारी स्पर्धा म्हणून ओळख असलेल्या ‘अस्तित्व’ आयोजित कै.  श्री. मु. ब. यंदे पुरस्कार ‘कल्पना एक आविष्कार अनेक’ २०१५ या एकांकिका स्पर्धेत दिशा थिएटर्स ठाणेची ‘मैं वारी जावां…’  सर्वोत्कृष्ट एकांकिका ठरली तर फिनिक्स, मुंबईची ‘मन्वंतर’ ही एकांकिका द्वितीय पारितोषिक विजेती ठरली.

यंदा ज्येष्ठ साहित्यिक गुलजार यांनी नात्यांबाबत गहिरा आशय व्यक्त करणारी  ‘अलाव’ही कविता विषय होती.  अंतिम फेरीचे परीक्षण प्रतिमा कुलकर्णी,जयंत पवार,वैभव जोशी,विद्याधर पाठारे आणि हृषीकेश जोशी या मान्यवर परीक्षकांनी केले.

या स्पर्धेतले सर्वोत्कृष्ट लेखकाचे  पारितोषिक स्वप्निल चव्हाण याला  ‘मन्वंतर’ या एकांकिकेसाठी देण्यात आले. प्रेक्षक आणि परीक्षक या दोघांच्याही पसंतीस पात्र ठरलेला ‘मैं वारी जावां’तला  प्रसाद दाणी सर्वोत्कृष्ट अभिनेता ठरला.  ‘ऋणानुंबंध’च्या भाग्यश्री पाणेला अभिनयाचे द्वितीय, ‘मन्वंतर’ साठी अजित सावंतला तृतीय, ‘टर्मिनल’साठी प्रज्ञा शास्त्री यांना चतुर्थ तर ‘ऋणानुंबंध’ च्या मैथिलि तांबे ला पंचम पारितोषिक देऊन गौरवण्यात आले.

अंतिम फेरी – निकाल
सर्वोत्कृष्ट एकांकिका (प्रथम): दिशा थिएटर्स – ‘मैं वारी जावां…’
सर्वोत्कृष्ट एकांकिका (द्वितीय): फिनिक्स, मुंबई – ‘मन्वंतर’
सर्वोत्कृष्ट लेखक : स्वप्निल चव्हाण – ‘मन्वंतर’
सर्वोत्कृष्ट अभिनय (प्रथम) : प्रसाद दाणी – ‘मैं वारी जावां’
सर्वोत्कृष्ट अभिनय (द्वितीय) : भाग्यश्री पाणे – ‘ऋणानुंबंध’
सर्वोत्कृष्ट अभिनय (तृतीय) : अजित सावंत – ‘मन्वंतर’
सर्वोत्कृष्ट अभिनय (चतुर्थ) : प्रज्ञा शास्त्री – ‘टर्मिनल’
सर्वोत्कृष्ट अभिनय (पंचम) : मैथिलि तांबे – ‘ऋणानुंबंध’
सर्वोत्कृष्ट प्रकाशयोजनाकर : शीतल तळपदे – ‘टर्मिनल’
सर्वोत्कृष्ट नेपथय :संदेश जाधव – ‘ऋणानुंबंध’
सर्वोत्कृष्ट संगीत : मल्हार फडके, संतोष वाडेकर – ‘मन्वंतर’

परीक्षक : प्रतिमा कुलकर्णी,जयंत पवार,वैभव जोशी,विद्याधर पाठारे आणि हृषीकेश जोशी


Makers of ‘Katyar Kaljat Ghusali’ introduce Sachin as Khan Saheb

Sachin Pilgaonkar, Katyar Kaljat Ghusali, Movie

Last time, when they had a press conference, the makers of ‘Katyar Kaljaat Ghusali’ had introduced Shankar Mahadevan, as one of the lead actors of their film, playing the role of classical singer Pandit  Bhanushankar. But, this time, it was the turn of well known actor Sachin Pilgaonkar.  Sachin was introduced as Khaansaheb  Ustad Hussain, the classical singer from Bareli, well versed with Urdu language.  The function was held in Mumbai on Thursday evening, to not only introduce his character in the film, through few clippings; but also present his long journey in the film industry, through a short film. Sachin’s wife actress Supriya, daughter Shriya and his mother were also present on this occasion.

Incidentally, Sachin is playing this parallel but negative role of a classical singer, in this film and has spoken Urdu language throughout the film, without speaking  a word of Marathi. The multi talented actor, while speaking on the occasion, thanked the makers of this film, for giving him an opportunity to perform this negative role, which he was playing for the first time.“I would love to play all such roles, which would appeal me and also suit my age.” said Sachin Pilgaonkar.

Sachin himself is a very good singer; but, since this film is based on classical singing , he has taken the voice of Rahul Deshpande, grandson of great classical singer Vasantrao Deshpande, who had performed this role, in the drama based on this subject. Hindi television actress Sakshi Tanwar plays his wife in this film and Amruta Khanvilkar, plays his daughter. Another highlight of the film is its music by Shankar Ehsaan Loy, who are making their debut as music director in this film.

Has Gajendra Ahire tried something different through ‘Shasan’?

Shasan Marathi MoviestillKnown for his thought provoking  films on social issues, Gajendra Ahire is a well known name in Marathi films. Besides directing the films, he has also written scripts of most of his films. Having directed more than 40 films, during the past 10 years, Gajendra Ahire is now all set to offer his next film Shasan, which will be a political thriller. But, it remains to be seen, whether he has tried something different through his latest film, which is due for release on 22nd October 2015.

The film is all about a smart political game plan played by a Union leader, for his entry into politics. The film is produced by Shekhar Pathak, under the banner of Shreya Films Pvt.Ltd; and has a big team of big names from Marathi film industry, like Dr. Shreeram Lagoo,Vikram Gokhale, Mohan Joshi, Nagesh Bhosale, Makarand Anaspure, Bharat Jadhav, Siddharth Jadhav, Jitendra Joshi, Manva Naik, Aditi Bhagwat, Vrinda gajendra, Kiran karmarkar & Amey Dhare.

Highlight of this film is that Jasraj Joshi has rendered a song on the lyrics of well known poet Vi. Da. Karandikar and music of Narendra Bhide.

एका ‘डोमा’च्या आयुष्याचा संघर्षपूर्ण धगधगता जीवनप्रवास


अनेकदा समाज व्यवस्थेकडून दुर्लक्षित केला जाणारा, माणसाच्या अंतिम क्षणांना मोक्ष देणारे काम करणारा महत्वाचा घटक म्हणजे ‘डोम’ समाज.एका डोमाच्या आयुष्याचा विस्मयकारक – संघर्षपूर्ण धगधगता जीवनप्रवास ‘डोम’  या आगामी चित्रपटात पाहायला मिळणार आहे. प्री .आर. एल. तांबे ह्यांनी ‘सह्याद्री पिक्चर्स’ द्वारे ह्या चित्रपटाची  निर्मिती केली असून प्रदीप दळवी ह्यांनी  लेखन आणि दिग्दर्शन केले आहे.

डोमाच्या संघर्षपूर्ण आयुष्यावर प्रकाश टाकणाऱ्या ह्या समाज प्रधान चित्रपटात वेगळी प्रेमकथा बरोबरच सहस्यमय पटकथासुद्धा आपल्याला पाहायला मिळणार आहे. चित्रपटात डॉ . विलास उजवणे, अंजली उजवणे व मोहन जोशी ह्यांच्या मुख्य भूमिका असून सोबत अनिता नाईक, प्रदीप दळवी, प्री .आर. एल. तांबे, दीपज्योती नाईक, गीतांजली कुलकर्णी,प्रदीप पटवर्धन हि कलाकार आहेत .  

छायांकन राजू कडूर, संकलन सचिन नाटेकर ह्यांनी केले आहे. प्री .आर. एल. तांबे  ह्यांनी लिहिलेल्या गीतांना स्वप्नील बांदोडकर, साधना सरगम, शकुंतला जाधव, वैशाली सामंत ह्यांच्या आवाजतील गाणी संदीप डांगे ह्यांनी संगीतबद्ध केले आहेत.ऑक्टोबर महिन्यात हा  चित्रपट प्रेक्षेकांच्या भेटीस आहे.

Another Beauty Queen Sayali Bhagat, to make her debut in Marathi


actress-sayali-bhagat-marathimovie-yaliLast year we saw two beauty Queens Manasi Moghe, ‘Miss India Universe’  and Shital Upare, ‘Miss India Heritage International’, making their debut in Marathi films.
Now, ‘Miss India Sayali Bhagat’, who has already acted in Bollywood films like The ‘Train’, ‘Halla Bol’, ‘Yaariyan’ and other south Indian language films; is making her debut in Marathi, through a film ‘Yali’.
This will be a grand comeback for Sayali, who had taken a break, after her marriage to family friend and Delhi based entrepreneur Navneet Pratap Singh in December 2013.
In this Marathi film ‘Yali’ Sayali has found a challenging role of a Female ATS Officer, which has been inspired by Top IPS dynamic Lady Police Officer Meera Borwankar.
The entry of this young actress, would certainly ensure glamour into  Marathi films, which are otherwise almost going on par with Hindi films, as far as use of technology is concerned.
Moreover, Marathi films do present good scripts. No wonder, Sayali is tempted to do a Marathi film.

Ashwini Bhave gets ready to welcome Narendra Modi in California

Ashwini Bhave
This is a big news for Marathi film industry. Ashwini Bhave, who is at present settled in USA, in the West Coast, California, is all set to welcome Indian prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. Mr. Modi, who is on visit to USA, will be arriving at the Silicon City, to address a gathering organized by Indo American Community of West Coast . There will a gathering of about 18,000 dignitaries at SAP Centre, at the event hosted by three persons and we understand that Ashwini Bhave is one of them

It may be recalled that the talented actress married a software professional Kishore Bopardikar, who is now running his own company in USA. But, she hasn’t forgotten her roots in India. Therefore, every year she finds time not only to visit India; but also finds time to perform in a film or present a TV show. Few years ago, she also made a comeback to Marathi films, by making her own film ‘Kadachit’, which won many awards.

‘Urfi’ will be next film of Prathamesh Parab

Prathamesh Parab, Actor Having entertained the audience in the film ‘Time Pass’, with his character of ‘Dagadu’ a teenager ; Prathamesh Parab is now back, to offer an action filled  love story with a touch of comedy . That’s what,  the  trailer of  this film, released on social networking sites, clearly indicates. The film is now ready for release on 23rd October 2015; and Prathamesh is all excited to see the response of the audience. His young co star in the film Mitali Mayekar has already made her debut in films, as a child star in Priayadarshan’s 2009 film ‘Billu’ produced by Gauri Khan.

In ‘Urfi’ Prathamesh will be seen as a young real estate agent Deva. Directed by Vikram Pradhan, the film also stars well known artistes like Upendra Limaye, Kavita Lad, Milind Pathak . Produced by Yuvraj Varma, Sartaj Mirza and Mahelka Shaikh, the  music has been composed by Chinar Mahesh on the lyrics of Mangesh Kangne and Kshitij Patwardhan.

‘माझे पती सौभाग्यवती’ मालिकेमधून वैभव मांगलेचा वेगळा प्रयोग

Vaibha Mangle, Actorबाईचं दुखणं समजून घेण्यासाठी बाईच व्हावं लागतं असंही म्हटलं जातं. बाईच्या मनातील हेच दुखणं समजून घेण्याची एक आगळी वेगळी कथा प्रेक्षकांना बघायला मिळणार आहे झी मराठीच्या आगामी ‘माझे पती सौभाग्यवती’ या मालिकेतून. वैभव मांगले हे वैभव मालवणकरच्या मुख्य भूमिकेत दिसणार आहेत. येत्या २८ सप्टेंबरपासून ही मालिका प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीस येत आहे.

या मालिकेची कथा आहे एका स्ट्रगलर अभिनेत्याची. अभिनयाची आवड ज्याच्या मनातच नाही तर रक्तात भिनली आहे असा हा अभिनेता.  अनेक वर्षे संघर्ष करूनही मनासारखं काम तर मिळालच नाही उलट वाट्याला आली ती अपमानास्पद वागणूकच. त्याच्या संघर्षामध्ये त्याच्या प्रत्येक पावलावर त्याची मनोभावे साथ देतेय ती त्याची पत्नी. आपल्या पतीने खूप नाव कमावावं आणि मोठा अभिनेता व्हावं हे तिचंही स्वप्न. याच दरम्यान वैभवच्या आयुष्यात एक अशी घटना घडते ज्याद्वारे अभिनयाच्या संधीचं एक मोठं दार उघडतं. हाडाचा अभिनेता असलेल्या या नटाला जी मोठी भूमिका मिळते ती असते एका स्त्री पात्राची. अभिनेता म्हणून ओळख कमवायला आलेल्या नट पहिल्यांदाच एक मोठी भूमिका मिळते पण तीही स्वतःची ओळखच मिटवून टाकणारी. पण हे आव्हान स्वीकारून स्वतःच्या अभिनेता या ओळखीबरोबरच या पात्राची नवी ओळख निर्माण करतो का ? आपल्या दैनंदिन आयुष्यात बाईचं अस्तित्वदुर्लक्षित करू पाहणाऱ्या त्याच्या आयुष्याला या कामामुळे कलाटणी मिळते का? त्याच्या स्वप्नांची पूर्तता होते का ? या सर्व प्रश्नांची उत्तरे मिळतील ‘माझे पती सौभाग्यवती’ या मालिकेतून.

झी मराठी वर दाखल होणाऱ्या या मालिकेची निर्मिती मंदार देवस्थळी ह्यांनी केली आहे. ज्यामध्ये वैभव मांगले बरोबर नंदिता धुरी, अशोक शिंदे, रमेश भाटकर, उदय सबनिस, स्नेहा माजगावकर, अद्वैत दादरकर हि कलाकारही या मालिकेत असणार आहेत.