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तावडे साहेब, महाराष्ट्राच्या रत्नागिरीत मराठी ऐवजी तेलुगु चित्रपटाला प्राधान्य


महाराष्ट्राचे माननीय सांस्कृतिक मंत्री विनोद तावडे यांनी नुकतीच मल्टीप्लेक्स मध्ये मराठी चित्रपट प्रायीम टायिम ला दाखविण्याची घोषणा करून मराठी चित्रपट निर्मात्यांना आणि मराठी चित्रपट रसिकांना खुश केले. त्यानुसार मुंबई, पुणे येथे प्रायीम टायिम ला मराठी चित्रपट चांगली गर्दी खेचत आहेत. पण सिंगल स्क्रीन सिनेमा मात्र या बाबत मराठी चित्रपटांना प्राधान्य देत नाही असे आढळून येत आहे. महाराष्ट्रात अश्या सिंगल स्क्रीन सिनेमागृहात जर प्रायीम टायिम ला मराठी चित्रपट दाखविले तर, तर मराठी चित्रपटांना नक्कीच घवघवीत यश मिळेल.

आता रत्नागीरीचेच उदाहरण घ्या. रत्नागिरी शहरात मराठी लोकसंख्या भरपूर असूनही, श्रीराम सारख्या सिंगल स्क्रीन सिनेमागृहात २७ मार्च पासून, ‘येवाडू‘ हा तेलगु चित्रपट रोज ३ शो मध्ये दाखविला गेला. ३ एप्रिल ते ९ एप्रिल दरम्यान फास आयंड फ़ुरिउस या इंग्रजी चित्रपटाचे ३ शोज , त्यापाठोपाठ आता आता १० तारखेपासून हिंदी पडेल चित्रपट ‘ एक पहेली लीला‘ चे ३ शोज दाखविण्यात येत आहेत. पण मराठी चित्रपटांचा पत्ता येथे कट केला आहे, असे म्हणयचे का ?

गेल्या आठवड्या आलेल्या ‘कोफी आणि बराच काही’ आणि कोकणच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर आधारित ‘काकण’ या चित्रपटाला येथे शो मिळू शकत नाही, याचे आश्चर्य वाटते. कोकणातील इतर सिनेमा गृहात सुद्धा मराठी चित्रपट एखादाच शो मिळवतात. बाकी हिंदी किंवा तेलुगु चित्रपटासाठी दिवसात तीन शो! रत्नागिरीत मराठीचा टक्का घसरला, की वितरकान्तर्फे दुसरे काही राजकारण चालले आहे ? सांस्कृतिक मंत्र्यांनी याकडेही कृपया लक्ष द्यावे.

Shital Upare raises her voice in support of Marathi media

Shital Upare, Actress

Actress Shital Upare , Miss Heritage International 2014 , who made her debut through Marathi film ‘IPL’ has strongly reacted to the step motherly treatment given to Marathi Media.In her blog on social networking site, she has narrated the entire episode at Cinemax , Versova multiplex, where she was invited as celebrity guest, to watch the premiere show of Mrunalini Patil’s film ‘Kay Raav Tumhi’.

This is what Shital said, “I was invited as celebrity guest at ‘Cinemax Versova ‘ Mumbai for Mrunalini Patil’s film ‘Kay Raav Tumhi’ , Along with me, there were quite a few renowned stars of Marathi and the star cast of the film was also there at the event . During the film’s interval, we were called for a interview bite ; so , we went out in corridor, but there wasn’t camera or media. Then, we went down stairs; but, media wasn’t there either. So, the guard assisted us straight out of the gate of Cinemax ; Just along the roadside. And the media was standing there with a small flex of this film . When a senior artist asked the media people, as to why were standing on the street and not inside the theatre? But, the reply was horrifying . They said that the media for Hindi /English film only, were allowed inside ? But not Marathi media people.”

“Now, do you think I should write something more? I can just say, We Should raise our voice against such discrimination. It was neither my film, nor my friend’s film. I was just a guest invitee; but, still I felt hurt; because I am a Marathi. With such strange happening , I really doubt whether in Maharashtra, there is respect for Marathi ?” she added.

Dr. Mrunalini Patil, the director of ‘Kay Raav Tumhi’ has thanked Shital, for her support.

Shrikant Bhide makes his debut through ‘What About Savarkar’

Shrikant Bhide in What About Savarkar?Marathi stage has offered many talented artistes to Film industry. Now, Shrikant Bhide, who has been working on stage for past several years and who is a good dancer gets a lifetime role, to play the central character of  Abhiman Marathe in forthcoming  Marathi film ‘What About Savarkar’. The film is all set to release on 17th April 2015.

The character played by Shrikant is inspired by the ideology of great freedom fighter of India, Veer Savarkar. Shrikant, who has also appeared in many short films, gets enough scope to display his potential, through this role of a protagonist , who fights against injustice. In fact, this film represents today’s generation . Directed by Nitin Gawde, the film stars Shrikant  Bhide, along with  Sharad Ponkshe, Vivek Lagu, Avinash Narkar,  Atul Todankar & Sara Shravan.

Nominations of Marathi films declared for 52nd State Awards

Marathi Films Posters

The short listing of nominations for the 52nd Maharashtra State awards to Marathi films have been declared. Besides declaring nominations in three categories, 7 awards for technical excellence and best child artist award have also been declared. Ten Marathi films have been nominated for the final round and they include, ‘Elizabeth Ekadashi’, ‘Naagrik’, ‘Lokmanya Ek Yugpurush’, ‘Khwada’, ‘Happy Journey’, ‘Ek Hazarachi Note’, ‘Surajya’, ‘Salaam’, ‘Rama Madhav’ and ‘Poshter Boyz’. Out of these, five films will be eligible for awards in the final round.

In the other two categories, ‘Kaakan’, ‘Doosari Goshta’ and ‘Khwada’ have received nomination for Best production on debut while ‘Poshter Boyz’, ‘Naagrik’ and ‘Khwaada’ find their nomination for Best direction debut; respectively. One film from each section will receive the award in final round. There were 54 entries of films, for the State Awrds, which comprised of films receiving censor certification, during the period 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014. The nominations were decided by a committee comprising of 15 people appointed for this purpose

The technical awards declared are as follows:
Best art direction: Tejas Modak, Prashant Bidkar & Ajay Sharma (Happy Journey),
Best Cinematography : Devendra Golatkar (Nagrik) ,
Best Editing : Jayant Jathar (Happy Journey)
Best Sound Recording : Pramod Thomas (Happy Journey)
Best Costumes: Bhausaheb Shinde (Khwaada)
Best Makeup : Raju Ambulkar (Khwaada)
Best Publicity Design : Himanshu Nanda & Rahul Nanda ( Doosari Goshta)
Best Child Artiste : Ashutosh Gaikwad (Kaakan)

The final round will be held in Pune, on 30th April, 2015; in presence of the panel of five experts and invitees from Marathi film industry. The awards will be distributed on the same day.

First look of ‘Te Don Divas’ unveiled

Te Don Diwas, Marathi FIlmAfter Mumbai and Pune, now filmmakers from Nagpur are coming forward to offer something different to Marathi cinema. Actor turned director Devendra Dodake, who has assisted South Filmmaker K.Raghavendra Rao recently; is now all set to make his debut with the release of his Marathi film ‘Te Don Divas’ on 17th April 2015. The first look of this film was unveiled, in presence of entire cast of the film, in Mumbai recently.The show was anchored by Pradeep Bhide.

Luckily for Devendra he found timely support from his friends including writer Devendra Belankar, who not only encouraged him but also turned producers of this film. Four senior actors, namely Mohan Joshi, Alka Kubal Athalye, Arun Nalavade & Vilas Ujawane , impressed by the script, agreed to play important roles in this film. The film, which talks about a happy family, with parents making their children happy, to help them accomplish their dreams. But, what if the family faces crisis? How they face the situation, is all that the film has shown through its screenplay.

Besides the four senior actors mentioned above, the artistes of the film comprise of new comers Prasiddhi Ayalwar &  Sanjeet Dhuri along with child artiste Chinmay Deshkar . Rupali Kondewar More and Devendra Ghodke will be seen in supporting roles. Film’s cinematography is my Sameer Athalye and music is by Moreshwar Nistane.

‘Court’ to be released throughout India

Court Moviestill

Winning awards at film festivals, does not necessarily guarantee a film commercial success at box office. Such films, which catch fancy of section of audience and jury, are also required to reach out to the maximum number of people, to create awareness. Promotion of movie has become an order of the day, through which the film maker expects the viewers to watch his film in theatres.

The makers of soon to be released a National Award winning film ‘Court’, which is produced under the banner Zoo Entertainment by Vivek Gomber, is well aware of compulsions of promotions. When ‘Court’ was conceived by writer, director Chaitanya Tamhane, he did not get an instant go ahead by the producer, who in turn wanted some time to ponder over the project. If not meagre profits, but at least a break even was expected from this first time film project. But after a nod from Mr Gomber, Mr Tamhane kept no stone unturned, to make this movie realistically interesting, and all the awards speak for the film.

Now, the makers of ‘Court’ are busy in promoting this multi-award winning film. They feel that the awareness about this national award winning film, should be spread many fold. So they have requested all the people, who featured in the film, numbering around hundred, to promote the film through their personal contacts in social media. This emotional appeal was met with innocent enthusiasm shown by the entire group of first-time ‘actors’. Incidentally, this very cast got a special mention from the jury of MAMI, as Best Ensemble of Cast in a Film.

National award winning film ‘Court’, which can boast of 18 more awards at various film festivals and expected to increase the tally because it has still 20 odd invitations from other international film festivals, is the first Marathi film to be released nationwide, simultaneously on 17th April 2015.

‘Acting for camera’ workshop by Ankur Kakatkar

Ankur Kakatkar

Ankur Kakatkar , the maker of popular   film like ‘Premasathi Coming Suun’ whose two other films ‘Dhol Tashe ‘ and ‘LBW’ are also getting ready for release, will be conducting a workshop on week ends during the month of April and May 2015. opportunity to enter the world of CINEMA as actors or technicians here is their chance right away!!!

This workshop will be conducted under the banner of  Moviemakers Corporation in Pune & it will be held in Pune, on every saturday & sundayin the evening. Along with Mr. Ankur Kakatkar , his able team able team of Mentors will also assist him, in the conduct of this workshop.  This workshop is focused for actors,  who are desirous  to be a part of this tinsel world  and is named “ACTING FOR CAMERA”. The participants will have an opportunity to interact with well known artistes like Neh a Pendse  ,   Abhijeet Khandkekar ,  Saksham Kulkarni , Ruturaj Phadke and many more.


Amruta Khanvilkar – The best dancing actress so far

Amruta KhanvilkarOne of the leading actresses of Marathi film industry – Amruta Khanvilkar, had won many  hearts, through her hit dance number ‘Vajle ki bara’ from the film Natrang, which is one of the best and most popular song till date.

We all know that Amruta is a very good dancer.  We have seen her dance performance on television before. Now, after winning the hearts of her fans, we understand that she might appear in Nach Baliye‘s next season. In that case, we are sure that she will be declared the  dancing diva.

Though this news is yet to be confirmed, we wish her all the best and look forward to her best dance performance.

Incidentally, Amruta will be seen with Subodh Bhave in upcoming Marathi film  ‘katyar kaljat Ghusli’,  which is due to release in coming  Diwali

‘Time Pass-2′ creates a buzz with its music

Priyadarshan Jahav, Priya Bapat Kamat, Timepass

With not even a month left now, for its release, Ravi Jadhav’s ‘Time Pass-2 has already started creating a buzz, with its music.  On Friday evening almost all the singers from this film, gave a live performance, in front of media representatives and invites, to give a glimpse of the fever the film is all set to create during the month of May, when the film releases, all over Maharashtra.

The film has already raised lot of curiosity as Priyadarshan Jadhav and Priya Bapat will portray the Dagadu turned Rocky and grown up Prajakta in this sequel. The film is being marketed extensively, by Essel Vision and Athaansh Communications . Even otherwise, the variety offered by different singers on the rocking music of Chinar & Mahesh, is enough for the film to do good business.

Music being the USP of this film, the makers are marketing this aspect more. Last week, they had a grand event in Pune, to promote this film and now it was in Mumbai; when Apeksha Dandekar & Ishq Bector enthralled the audience with their Madan Pichkari… duet. The other songs in this film are rendered by popular singers Vishal dadlani, Mahalaxmi Iyer, Rishikesh Kamerkar, Shalmali Kholgade,Nikhil D’souza, Ketaki Mategaonkar,  Adarsh Shinde ,  Anand Shinde & others.

Sara Shrawan plays a Manipuri girl in ‘What About Savarkar’

Saraa Shravan, Actress

Any talented actor looks forward to play a challenging role, which will help him or her establish her own identity. Sara Shrawan’s wish of playing one such role, has been fulfilled through the film ‘What About Savarkar’. In this film, Sara plays a Manipuri girl.
‘What About Savarkar’ produced by Rohit Shetty and Atul Parab, is inspired by the ideology of great freedom fighter Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. It may be recalled that Savarkar’s ideology had not only inspired people from Maharashtra, but many youngsters from different parts of India were impressed by his fight for country’s freedom.

Sara plays the character of Sunidhi Singh, who is stimulated by the thoughts of Savarkar. In the film, she joins the movement of the hero , for a cause. The film is all set to release on 17th April and stars Sharad Ponkshe, Vivek Lagu, Avinash Narkar, Atul Todankar, Shrikant Bhide , besides Sara Shravan.