Category Archives: News

Suyog offers new Marathi play ‘Laginghaai’ on 5th April

Laginghaai, Marathi Natak

Gopal Algeri of ‘Suyog’ group is all set to present his brand new Marathi comedy play ‘Laginghaai’ on 5th April 2015. Written by Adwait Dadarkar , this is the second successful play by the writer-director for Suyog, after achieving success through ‘Goshta tashi Gamtichi’. But, this new play ‘Laginghaai’ has an interesting team of artistes, comprising of Aditi Deshpande, Omkar Raut, Niyati Ghate & King of Comedy Ashok Saraf.

Set on the backdrop of ‘marriage’ the play presents one such humour filled theme, where the widower father and his son are having affairs and are getting ready to marry; but are in an awkward position to share their marriage plans. Father is feeling odd, because he is marrying at old age , while son is trying to hide his affair, as he wants to marry a woman who is elder to him. This being a pure comedy, writer director Advait Dadarkar is confident about its success. The play has music by Abhijit Pendharkar, who makes his entry with Suyog group. Another highlight of this play is that Bollywood art director Shashank Tere has designed the sets of this play.

Children’s film ‘Aatli Baatli Futli’ to release on 24th April

Aatali Batali Futali, Marathi film

As you sow, so shall you reap. The proper upbringing of the children, helps in the long run, to make them good citizens of future. Producer Supriya Chavan has taken efforts to make one such film, suitably titled ‘Aatli Baatli Futli’, to convey a timely message on this issue. The film is all set to release on 24th April 2015.

Directed by Amol Padave, this entertaining film, is targeted at children, so as to groom them with good morals . The film has many new faces of child artistes, comprising of Sharayu Sonavane, Viraj rane, Aditya Kavale, Anay Patil, Shreyali Vahane, Poorva Shah, Jeevan karalkar, Vibhav Borkar & Sameha Sabnis. Popular singer Avadhoot Gupte and Swapnil Bandodkar have rendered their voices for songs in this film. Cinematography of this film is by renowned cinematographer K. Aniket.

स्टार प्रवाहवर ‘तू जीवाला गुंतवावे’

Ajinkya Nanaware, Shivani Surve
मराठी चित्रपटांप्रमाणेच मराठी मालिकांचा स्वतः चा एक वेगळा असा प्रेक्षक वर्ग आहे. आपल्या मालिकांकडे जास्तीत जास्त प्रेक्षक वळवावा, आपल्या मालिकेस जास्तीत जास्त लोकप्रियता मिळावी ह्या साठी वाहिन्यांमध्ये नेहमीच स्पर्धा चालू असते. त्यासाठी नव-नवीन प्रयोगही केले जातात. गेल्या काही महिन्यात आपणास अनेक वाहिन्यांवर नवीन मालिका पाहायला मिळाल्यात.  अर्थात त्यातील सर्वच मालिकांना प्रेक्षकांची पसंती मिळतेय असे नाही.

सध्या प्रेक्षेकांमध्ये विशेष चर्चा आहे ती स्टार प्रवाह वरील, सचिन दरेकर लिखित ‘तू जीवाला गुंतवावे’ ह्या मालिकेबद्दल. हि मालिका सध्या चांगलीच लोकप्रियता मिळवतेय. शिवाय सोशल मिडिया वरही ह्या मालिकेची विशेष  चर्चा आहे.  ह्या मालिकेचे दिग्दर्शन दीपक नलावडे हे करत असून त्यांनी ह्या पूर्वी  ‘लक्ष’, ‘दुर्वा’ ह्या मालिकांचे दिग्दर्शन केले आहे.

अनन्या आणि निनाद ह्यांची फ्रेश प्रेमकथा हा ह्या मालिकेचा मुख्य गाभा, मालिकेत अधून मधून जरा ‘फिल्मी’ टच  सुद्धा पाहायला मिळतो. अनन्याच्या प्रमुख भूमिकेत शिवानी सुर्वे तर निनाद ची भूमिका अजिंक्य ननावरे ह्या नवोदित कलाकाराने साकारली आहे.  ह्यांच्या सोबत अपूर्वा नेमलेकर, विक्रम गायकवाड , अक्षया भिंगार्डे  हे कलाकार आहेत. शिवाय अभिनेत्री प्रिया बेर्डे सुद्धा बऱ्याच काळानंतर आपणास एका विशेष भूमिकेत दिसते .

स्टार प्रवाहवर सोमवार ते शनिवार रात्री ९ वाजता प्रसारित होणारी  हि मालिका आगामी काळात आपली लोकप्रियता टिकून ठेवण्यात यशस्वी ठरणार कि नाही?  ते मात्र येत्या काही भागात कळेल.

‘Bedardi’ launched with a song recording

Jasraj Joshi, singer

Marathi film directors are a little bit lucky than their counterparts in national language film directors, as they get to explore diversifying subjects. Their films are also backed by sensitive producers, who are not afraid to handle hard-hitting, content-driven subjects. Fortunately, these producers are not much bothered about the commercial aspect. This could be one of the reasons, which attracts non-marathi directors to marathi film industry.

One such producer Suresh Bhagat, who is responsible for offering Marathi films like Gharkul Punha Hasave, Char Divas Sasuche and a hit hindi film like Biwi Ho To Aisi, , is coming up with a new Marathi movie ‘Bedardi’ . Muhurat of this film was done with a song recording. Music director Pravin Kunwar recorded the first song, in the voice of Jasraj Joshi, out of the four songs, written by Sanjali Rode for this film. Bedardi is being directed by a first-timer in marathi films, Sahil Seth. The film is about a complex father-son relationship and is claimed to be a lively entertainer, filled with song and dance, music, emotions etc.

Omkar Kulkarni (last seen in Balgandharva as V. Shantaram) is in the lead and Arun Nalavade and Jayant Savarkar will be seen in prominent roles. Bedardi’s story is by producer himself, while screenplay and dialogues are by Manish Kulkarni. The film is expected to go on the floors as soon as the remaining cast is finalised.

Now, Marathi film on ‘Khavale Maha Ganapati’

Khavale Maha Ganapati, PhotoLimca Book of Records have already taken note of Khavale Maha Ganapati, as the oldest Ganapati idol in our country, having history of 314 years. Situated in Taramumbari village in Devgad Taluka, the village is known for natural beauty with a beautiful seashore.

Now, a Marathi film has been made on this Ganapati idol, suitably titled ‘Vighnaharta Maha Ganapati’. Produced by Suryakant Khavle and directed by Rajesh Chavan. The film stars Sameer Dharmadhikari, Priya Marathe, Alka Kubal Athalye, Tej Rane, Vijay Chavan, Sharad Ponkshe, Bharat Ganeshpure & Ashalata Wabgaonkar. Music by Chaitanya Adkar & cinematography by Sameer Athalye are other credits.

10th year of ‘Chaitra Chahool’ event

Sonali Kulkarni

Every year ‘Chaitra Chahool’ event is held, offering entertainment in a different way.Every year, they felicitate two prominent personalities from Marathi literature and entertainment. This year’s beneficiaries were Mr. Vijay kenkre, who was conferred with the Rangkarmi award at the hands of veteran music director Ashok Patki. The ‘Dhyas Sanmaan’ was conferred upon well known writer Madhavi Purandare; who however donated the entire amount , towards charity.

The programme began with the song ‘Jai Jai Maharashtra Majha  ..’, paying sincere tributes to late Shahir sable, who passed away recently. There was variety offered through songs ,dances and music, besides a programme ‘Karanopanishade’ based on late Baba Amte’s literature, offered by Sonali Kulkarni, Sachin Khedekar and Anjali Marathe. Spruha Joshi played the show anchor, while Vinod Pawar proposed vote of thanks. The programme was sponsored by NKGSB & LIC together.

Get ready to witness ‘Love & much more’ coming Friday

Prem at first sight , Coffee, Prarthana Behere

There cannot be an end to films based on Love Stories. Coming Friday, there are three such releases, which are based on ‘Love’. Now, ‘Love’ has been defined by many filmmakers till date, in their own way.  Prakash Kunte wants to offer his creation, linked with a cup of coffee, suitably using the title of his film ‘Coffee Aani Barach Kahi’. At the same time, creative director Santosh Mainkar has set Goa , as the backdrop for his love story, ‘Prem at First Sight’. But, Dr.Mrunalini Patil  through her film ‘Kay Raav Tumhi’ has other plans , which revolves around three senior citizens young at heart, trying to win the heart of a young girl.

Actually, all these films have different subjects.  While ‘Prem at First Sight’ will be targeting the audience from Goa as well as Maharashtra, ‘Coffee Aani Barach Kahi’ is perhaps banking on major cities of Maharashtra. However, ‘Kay Raav Tumhi’ is likely to offer comedy generated through this ‘Shaukeen’ style of love story.

‘Prem at First Sight’ has a team of youngsters including  Sumaydh Gaikwad, Shweta Pagar, Suchet Gavai, Sameeksha Desai and others, ‘Coffee Aani Barach Kahi’ has Prarthana Behere, Vaibhav Tatvawadi, Bhooshan Pradhan and Neha Mahajan in the lead.  ‘Kay Raav Tumhi’ has an interesting team of young and old, comprising  of Ravindra Mahajani, Satish Pulekar , Yatin karyekar ,glamorous Niyati Joshi, along with Pankaj Dhome and Bollywood actress Shital Singh. Now,  it will be interesting to watch , which love story attracts maximum response.

World Theatre Day, let us salute all those great personalities, who contributed to this field.

World Theatre Day

Since 1961, March 27th is being celebrated as a World Theatre Day. Every year a message, is delivered across five continents, by a prominent international theatre personality. This year, it was by Krzysztof Warlikowski from Polland.

During the olden days, in our country there existed Sanskrit theatre. Hundreds of such plays were written, during ancient times. But, when we started getting ruled by outsiders, the theatre took a backseat. However, during the freedom struggle, our very own village theatre came in handy, to deliver the messages of our freedom fighters to the masses. Marathi theatre too did its bit during this period.

Today, Marathi theatre is considered as one of topmost theatres, in the country, as it has always handled social issues strongly; without compromising on entertainment values. Personalities like, Dinanath Mangeshkar, Bal Gandarva, Prabhakar Panshikar, Dr. Shriram Lagoo, Pu La Deshpande, Vikram Gokhale, Satish Dubhashi, Nilu Phule, Ashok Saraf, Dilip Prabhavalkar, among so many others, come to our mind. And, their contribution to marathi theatre, is considered extensively high. Marathi dramas, like Sangeet Manapaman, Ekach Pyala, Ghashiram Kotwal, Ti Phularani, are a few among plenty others, which have entertained marathi theatre viewers.

Today, majority of marathi audience do support Marathi dramas in a big way, in spite of the invasion of television, rising ticket prices etc. Also majority of the artistes are using theatre, as a training ground ; before moving to television serials and films.
On World Theatre Day, let us salute all those great personalities, who contributed to this field.


‘Kay Raav Tumhi’ to release on 3rd April

Yatin Karekar, Niyati Joshi, Kay Rav Tumhi

One can fall in love at any age. In 1982, we have seen this happen with three senior citizens in popular Hindi comedy ‘Shaukeen’. Perhaps, inspired by this film, Dr.Mrunalini Patil is now ready with her Marathi film ‘Kay Raav Tumhi’, which is now all set to release on 3rd April 2015.

To play the roles of three important characters veteran actors like Ravindra Mahajani, Satish Pulekar & Yatin karyekar are coming together for the first time. When these three friends meet after many years, there is lot of fun in the process. The film also stars glamorous Niyati Joshi, along with Pankaj Dhome and Bollywood actress Shital Singh. Now, it remains to be seen, whether this ‘Shaukeen’ formula works in Marathi ? Over to 3rd April.

Biopic on the life of Gopinath Munde launched

Sangharsha Yatra,Gopinath MundeIn the recent past there has been a surge of  biopics on the lives of great political or social leaders. Movies on lives of Yashwantrao Chavan, Dr. Prakash Baba Amte, Lokmanya Tilak, etc have seen the light of the day in recent times. Then ‘Balkadu‘ was based on the philosophy of Balasaheb Thackarey. Latest to join the list is a new film ‘Sangharsha Yatra’. This film is on the life and times of late political leader Gopinath Munde. Produced by Sandeep Ghuge, Suryakant Baji, Mukund Kulkarni, and Sanjay Singh Suryavanshi under the banner Om Siddhivinayak Motion Pictures the film is  being presented by BJP Chitrapat Union.

Gopinath Munde had a humble beginning and started off as a youth leader under the guidance of Pramod Mahajan. He then  went on to become Dy-Chief Minister of the state and then a Union Cabinet Minister. He died untimely, in an accident. The film Sanghasha Yatra was launched amidst heavy political heavyweights.  Chief Minister Devendra Fadanvis launched the film with lighting of the lamp on this occasion. He also gave the  ‘clap’ to announce  the film.

While speaking on the occasion, he said,  “We see heroes in reel life but Gopinath Munde was a Real hero. His life is like a fiction with interesting events. Myself,  on behalf of my cabinet and BJP local unit promise any help required during the making of this film.”  Mr. Prakash Mehta, Raj Purohit, Raosaheb Danve Patil, Ram Shinde, all BJP political leaders were present on dais alongside Mr. Devedra Fadanvis.

Sharad Kelkar’s name was announced to play the role of Gopinath Munde. “I have been doing a lot of research, watching videos, reading, talking to people close to him,  as a preparation  for this role , as the film is a biopic,” he stated. At the fag-end of the function Tejaswini Pandit arrived, who was tight-lipped about the role she will be playing in this film. All she said was   “I am playing a vital role in the movie.”

Sangharsha Yatra is still in scripting stage and will go on floors within a month or two and the makers want to release this film by year-end.