Marathi films begin new year with 2 simultaneous releases

After taking a long break, during the last fortnight of 2016, Marathi films will now begin their new year with two simultaneous releases on coming Friday. One failed to understand, why none of the Marathi films preferred to release films during last two weeks, when most of the Marathi dramas did good business during this period. Even Hindi film like ‘Dangal’ earned record collections during the fag end of the year 2016. In fact, no releases from Marathi did help the record earnings of ‘Dangal’.
The last ten days of 2016 were holidays for schools and colleges, which was the right time for the Marathi films, to grab this opportunity. But, none of the filmmakers dared to release their films during this period. And now, we will find many of them lined up for release, by competing with each other. Films like ‘Karaar‘, ‘Fugay‘, ‘Baghtos Kaay Mujara Kar’ and many more are in the queue.
Isn’t that strange ? The two films opening the account for 2017 on 6th January are, ‘Jhala Bobhata’ directed by Anup Jagadale and ‘Tee Sadhya Kaay Karte’ directed by Satish Rajwade. So, it remains to be seen, which film would score maximum.