Sameer Patil announces his next film on the occasion of Ashok Saraf’s birthday

After making successful films like ‘Poshter Boyz‘ and ‘Poshter Girl‘, director Sameer Patil has now disclosed his next film ‘Shentimental‘ in a sentimental manner, on the occasion of his lead actor Ashok Saraf‘s birthday on 4th June 2017. Through the first poster of his forthcoming film which shows Ashok Saraf in the uniform of a Police Hawaldar, he took the opportunity to wish his lead actor a very happy birthday, in a unique way.
The uniform of a Police Hawaldar is very special for versatile actor Ashok Saraf, as he had begun his film career in the role of a hawaldar through Dada Kondke‘s film ‘Pandu Hawaldar‘ way back in 1975. Now, after 42 years Ashok Saraf is playing Asst Police Sub Inspector, with promotion for that character. Known for his perfect timing for comedy, for the past four decades, it will be interesting to find him in this role through this film, which will be released on 28th July 2017.