Marathi film ‘The Disciple’ wins award at Venice International Film Fest
We are all aware that for the few years our Marathi films have been inviting all the attention at different international film festivals, winning awards in different categories. Now, the latest news is that Director Chaitanya Tamhane‘s new film ‘The Disciple’ has won best screenplay award at the Venice International Film festival . This is for the first time that a Marathi film has won such a prestigious award at this international film festival.

It may be recalled that the Venice International Film festival is the oldest international film festival in the history of Cinema, being hosted since 1932. For the past 20 years non of the Indian films were selected for this festival and therefore the selection of ‘The Disciple’ was a big news for India. So, it was not only getting the honour of nomination, but this film has won two awards in ‘International Critics Award’ and ‘Best Screenplay award’.
Chaitanya Tamhane had earlier made a film ‘Court’, which had also received high appreciation. This film ‘The Disciple’ is based on Indian classical music and classical singer Aditya Modak plays the lead role in this film. Speaking about this achievement, Director Chaitanya Tamhane said that he had worked very hard during the making of this film this award has brought a lot of satisfaction.