आनंदी जोशी हिचा सुमधूर आवाजात ‘श्री सुक्तम’
भक्तांचा यंदाचा नवरात्रोत्सव होणार आहे अधिकच चैतन्यमय दुर्गा देवी व नवरात्रोत्सव स्त्री शक्तीचा एक जागरच मानला जातो. देवीची आराधना करण्यासाठी मंत्रांचे उच्चारण केले असता पावित्र्याची आणि मांगल्याची अनुभूती होते. मंत्रोच्चाराने मन प्रसन्न होते. ‘सुमन एन्टरटेन्मेंट आणि मिडिया प्रा. लि’, प्रस्तुत ‘श्री सुक्तम’ हा मंगलमय मंत्र व्हीडीयो रूपात भक्तांच्या भेटीला आला आहे. विविध मालिकांमधून घराघरात पोहोचलेली अभिनेत्री उमा पेंढारकर ‘श्री सुक्तम’ हा मंत्र म्हणत देवीची उपासना करताना दिसत आहे.

भारतीय पुराणात मंत्र परंपरा हजारो वर्षांपूर्वीची आहे. ‘श्री सुक्तम’ या मंत्राला चिनार-महेश यांनी संगीत दिले असून आनंदी जोशी हिचा सुमधूर आवाज लाभला आहे. मंत्रांचे उच्चारण केल्याने तयार होणाऱ्या ध्वनी लहरींमुळे आजूबाजूला सकारात्मक ऊर्जा निर्माण होते. लवकरच सगळीकडे देवीचे आगमन होणार असून तिच्या आगमनाने चैतन्यमय झालेले वातावरण ‘श्री सुक्तम’ च्या मंत्रोच्चाराने अधिकच उत्साहवर्धक होणार आहे.
Marathi actress Anuja Sathe steals the show in Hindi Web Series
Last week we had written about a big group of Marathi artistes inviting all the attention in a mega Hindi serial. Now, we have taken notice of one more Marathi actress who had made it big in Hindi Web series. Actually, Hindi web series have given ample scope to many talented Marathi artistes, but to bag a lead and title role is something creditable.

Prominent among the Marathi artistes bagging title role in Hindi web series is Anuja Sathe Gokhale. Anuja plays title role in ‘Ek Thi Begam’. She was already there in Season 1 of this web series, but now, in Season 2 she has much wider scope, playing an angry young woman who is in search of the Don responsible for her husband’s murder. In Season 2 you will see her handling a gun, for which she has taken proper training to present her character more realistically.

This is not the first time, Actress Anuja Sathe has been offered the lead role. Earlier she played the lead character of Dhara Solanki the main protagonist in Hindi serial ‘Tamanna’ , besides playing prominent role of Radhabai in ‘Peshwa bajirao’ serial and ‘Khoob Ladi Mardaani – Jhansi Ki Rani’, where she played a negative role of Jankibai. Incidentally, Anuja also played important characters in popular Hindi films like ‘Bajirao Mastani’, ‘Blackmail’ & ‘Parmanu – the story of Pokhran’. Anuja is married to popular Marathi actor Saurabh Gokhale
‘Bhetali Tu Punha 2′ announced with new director Jayant Pawar

On 28th July ‘Bhetali Tu Punha’ completed four years of its release. On this occasion, the producers of this film Girish Parab, Aakash Pendharkar, Sachin Narkar and Vikas Pawar have announced on social media the sequel of this film ‘Bhetali Tu Punha 2′ with new director Jayant Pawar. Actor Vaibhav Tatwavadi and actress Pooja Sawant will be seen together once again in this sequel.

As a director Jayant Pawar had directed many TV serials but in films he will be making his debut as a director through this film. The previous film was known for excellent performances by the lead pair and supporting artistes besides good music and best technical presentation. Now, the Marathi film lovers will be keen to know the progress of the love story of this couple . But, they will have to wait for some time, till the release date is announced.