१७ व्या थर्ड आय आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवाचे आयोजन

१७ वा थर्ड आय आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सव हा भारतातील एकमेव आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सव आहे. शुक्रवार दिनांक १४ डिसेंबर ला सिटीलाईट सिनेमा मुंबई येथे अनेक मान्यवरांच्या उपस्थिती मध्ये १७ व्या थर्ड आय आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवाचे भव्य उदघाटन झाले. या उदघाटनाला प्रमुख पाहुण्या म्हणून मराठी चित्रपट अभिनेत्री आणि दिग्दर्शिका मृणाल कुलकर्णी, आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवाचे अध्यक्ष श्री. किरण शांताराम, आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवाचे डायरेक्टर श्री.सुधीर नांदगावकर, प्रभात चे सचिव श्री संतोष पाठारे , दिग्दर्शक सुनील सुखथनकर आणि फेडरेशन ऑफ फिल्म सोसायटी इंडियाचे उपाध्यक्ष श्री. प्रेमेंद्र मुझुमदार ही मंडळी उपस्थित होती. ‘वेलकम होम‘ या मराठी चित्रपटाने महोत्सवाचे उद्घाटन झाले. डॉ. सुमित्रा भावे आणि सुनील सुखथनकर या चित्रपटाचे दिग्दर्शक असून त्यात मृणाल कुलकर्णी, सुमित राघवन, सुबोध भावे यांच्या प्रमुख भूमिका आहेत.
राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार विजेता सिनेमा ‘कासव‘ आणि ‘वेलकम होम‘ चित्रपटाचे दिग्दर्शक सुनील सुखथनकर यांनी सांगितले की, ” २००४ मध्ये आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवात दाखवलेल्या ‘देवराई‘ चित्रपटासाठी अतुल कुलकर्णी यांना मिळालेला अवॉर्ड हा आमच्यासाठी आजही खास आहे . एक दिग्दर्शक म्हणून मला दडपण आले आहे आणि आशा करतो तुम्हा चित्रपट प्रेमींना आमचा चित्रपट आवडेल . ”
१७ व्या थर्ड आय आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवात मुंबईकर येथे प्रेक्षकांना आंतरराष्ट्रीय चित्रपट महोत्सवात दाद मिळालेले चित्रपट व लघुपटांचा आस्वाद घेता येणार आहे. अर्जुन दत्ता या बंगाली दिग्दर्शकाचा ‘अव्यकतो‘ हा चित्रपट व शेखर बापू रानखांबेचा ‘पॅम्पलेट‘ हा तीस मिनिटांचा लघुपट आशियाई महोत्सवात प्रदर्शित होणार आहेत.
मोबाईलच्या आसक्ती मुळे संपर्क तुटलेल्या नायक (नंदू माधव) आपल्याला ‘द ड्रेनेज‘ मध्ये आपल्याला पाहता येईल. ‘परसेप्टिव्ह‘ मधून आदिनाथ कोठारे ने धार्मिक सोहळ्यांकडे पाहण्याचा आगळा वेगळा दृष्टिकोन चित्रित केला आहे.
Third Eye Asian Film Festival concludes with launch of two books

The Third Eye Asian Film Festival concluded recently in presence of dignitaries from Marathi film industry and other special invitees. Popular actress and Jt. Director of Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal Ms. Varsha Usgaonkar expressed satisfaction about the conduct of this film festival, which has offered an opportunity to many film makers to display their finest creations. She appealed to all the talented film makers to consider as a platform to display their skills. Also present on the occasion were, Mr. Kiran Shantaram President of Third Eye Film Festival, Mmr. Sudhir Nandgaonkar Director of the festival, Mr. Sanjeev Palande, Director of P. L. Deshpande Academy.
During this concluding ceremony of the festival, two books were launched. First one was D. B. Samant’s book ‘Chanderi Smrutichitre’ and the second was an e –book edition of ‘Shantarama’ written by Late V.Shantaram and edited by Madhura Jasraj. Both these books have been published by Chitrapati V.Shantaram Pratishthan. This year the audience had an opportunity to witness wonderful short films section, in which Iran’s ‘Birthday Night’ won the best film award.
Kiran Shantaram to be feliciated on his birthday
Mr. Kiran Shantaram, son of the great film maker V. Shantaram, will be 70 today. On this occasion, Prabhat Chitra Mandla will felicitate him at the hands of Mr. Shyam Benegal. Dr. Jabbar Patel and Mr. Sachin Pilgaonkar will also be present for this ceremony, which will be held at P.L. Deshpande Kala Academy Mini Theatre.
On this occasion, a 120 minute film produced in 1990 by Kiran Shantaram and directed by Madhura Jasraj on the life of V. Shantaram will also be shown. Marathi Movie World wishes a very happy birthday to Mr. Kiran Shantaram.
V. Shataram awards presented
V. Shantaram awards presentation ceremony was held at the Rajkamal studios Mumbai on Saturday , when several awards for excellence in Marathi films were presented. This year, Veteran Make up man Pandharidada Juker, who has completed 60 years in the film industry was presented with the Lifetime achievement award. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Juker recalled his old memories stating that he was fortunate to begin his career doing make up for none other than Chitrapat Maharshi V. Shantaram.
Three films mainly ‘Jhing Chik Jhing’ , ‘Natarang’ and ‘Sukhant’ shared maximum awards in different categories. While Madhavi Juvekar bagged the best actress award for her performance in ‘Jhing Chik Jhing’, it was Atul Kulkarni, who walked away with best actor award for his memorable performance in ‘Natarng’. The two child artistes Aarti More and Chinmay Kambli received best child artiste and special appreciation awards respectively, for their performances in ‘Jhing Chik Jhing’.
While all the three awards for story , screenplay and direction went to Jhing Chick Jhing’s Nitin Nandan, those for best lyricist and music went to Guru Thakur and Ajay Atul respectively for the film ‘Natarang’. Kavita Lad Medhekar and Nagesh Bhosale were adjudged best supporting actress and actor for their performances in the films ‘Sukhant’ and ‘Goshta Chhoti Dongraevadhi’ respectively. The best film award went to ‘Sukhant’. The other awards in production, such as Photography, Sound recording, editing, art, play back singing, choreography were shared by films like Natarang, Vihir, and Canvas.
Popular actor Prasad Oak hosted the show, while some dance and skits were presented by popular artistes from Marathi film industry. Manasi Naik rocked with her western style dance on the beats of ‘Natarang’.