Siddharth Jadhav back in action in spite of injury

IPL Cricket is about to begin and so is the Cricket tournament of Marathi Entertainment industry. Siddharth Jadhav who is leading one of the teams in this Cricket tournament, was seen practising hard for this tournament. Unfortunately his left hand thumb got injured during the practice match and had four stitches. But, the enthusiastic cricketer received treatment for the same and is now seen back in action. Such is the craze of Cricket observed in Siddharth. For him, ‘The show must go on’.
Besides acting, Siddharth is very passionate about the game of Cricket. He has already expressed his love for this game on his social media page in the past. Recalling his craze for Cricket , he narrates his experience when for the first time he saw the live match with Sachin batting in that match. So, the energy comes from Sachin, whom we recently saw playing for India Seniors in the World Masters Cricket League. We hope that he recovers soon to watch him score many boundaries and sixers while leading his team to victory.
‘मराठी बॉक्स क्रिकेट लीग’ च्या दुसऱ्या पर्वाची घोषणा
गेल्या वर्षी महराष्ट्र कलानिधीचे संस्थापक श्री. नितेश राणे आणि सचिव श्री. सुशांत शेलार यांनी एकत्र येत ‘मराठी बॉक्स क्रिकेट लीग’ ची स्थापना केली आणि त्याचं पहिलं पर्व यशस्वीकरून दाखवलं. ‘मराठी बॉक्स क्रिकेट लीग’ च्या दुसऱ्या पर्वाची घोषणा नुकतीच एका पत्रकार परिषदेत नितेश राणे, श्रेयस तळपदे , सुशांत शेलार ह्यांच्या उपस्थितीत करण्यात आली.
गेल्यावर्षी ८ गटांमध्ये हे सामने रंगले होते. यंदा ‘धडाकेबाज नवी मुंबई’ व ‘अजिंक्यतारा सातारा’ अशा दोन नव्या संघाच्या सहभागाची घोषणा करण्यात आली. ह्या प्रसंगी अभिनेता श्रेयस तळपदे यांनी दोन नव्या संघाच्या शिलेदारांचे स्वागत करत दुसरं पर्व आपणही एन्जॉय करणार असल्याचं सांगितलं.
सहभागी संघ:
1) शिलेदार ठाणे
2) कोहिनूर नागपूर
3) डॅशिंग मुंबई
4) रत्नागिरी टायगर्स
5) शूर कोल्हापूर
6) मस्त पुणे
7) क्लासिक नाशिक
8) फटाका औरंगाबाद
9) धडाकेबाज नवी मुंबई
10) अजिंक्यतारा सातारा
‘मराठी बॉक्स क्रिकेट लीग’चे दुसरं पर्व ८ मे ते १० मे दरम्यान पाचगणी येथे रंगणार आहे.
Marathi Box Cricket League to be played at Lavasa
Maharashtra Kalanidhi have organised Marathi Box Cricket league (MBCL) at Lavasa on 28th and 29th May 2014. Announcement about this tournament was made in Mumbai, recently. There will be eight teams participating in this event with the names like ‘Mast Pune’, ‘Dashing Mumbai’, ‘Phataka Aurangabad’, ‘Shiledar Thane’, ‘Shoor Kolhapur’ , ‘Classic Nashik’, ‘Kohinoor Nagpur’ & ‘Ratnagiri Tigers’. And, those who own these teams are : Ms. Poonam Shende, Amey Khopkar, Pankaj Jain, Uttung Thakur, Amar Patil, Ankit Magre, Pankaj Bhoir & Sushant Shelar respectively.
According to the organisers, every team will have a female artiste and there will be Marathi celebrity participants like Mahesh Manjrekar, Medha Manjrekar, Chandrakant Kulkarni, Neha Pendse, Sanjay Jadhav, Subodh Bhave, Kranti Redkar, Manva Naik, Amruta Khanvilkar, Siddharth Jadhav, Poorva Pawar, Ajit Parab, Shashank ketkar, Vishal Inamdar and others.