‘ Well Done Baby’- A Couple in search of a purpose in their relationship
Produced by Anand Pandit, Pushkar Jog and Mohaan Nadar and directed by Priyanka Tanwar, the latest Marathi film ‘Well Done Baby’ has been released on Amazon Prime last Friday. The film presents the story of a young Indian couple based in London. Both, Aditya (Pushkar Jog) a Counsellor & Meera (Amrta Khanvilkar)who is doing her PhD in Chemistry are in search of a purpose in their relationship. Things worsen and they are almost on the verge of divorce, after arrival of Meera’s mother (Vandana Gupte) in their life. . However, the news about Meera becoming pregnant holds Aditya and Meera together, despite few differences. How they deal with this issue, during this crucial period, is what ‘Well Done Baby’ is all about.
Written by Marmabandha Gavhane this film is very well presented by director Priyanka Tanwar who has made her debut as a director in Marathi. Shot in U.K. the film has captured interesting happenings in the life of this couple while interacting with Meera’s mother, the Marriage Counsellor ( Sanjay Jadhav) ,Fitness trainer, Parenting workshop Organiser ,Gynaecologist and few others. The scenes with Marriage counsellors and at the Indian style parenting workshop in London are well presented. The film focuses more on generating humour out of every important scene, no matter how serious the situation and therefore the would be working parents may connect well with these scenes in this 99 minute long screenplay. Music by Rohan Rohan adds some support at required places.

What holds you with this film are the superb performances by Pushkar, Amruta and Vandana Gupte, which are very natural. They have received good support from other character artistes. Cinematographers Satonio Terzio and Mohsion Khan Pathan have done a good job capturing the emotions of these artistes very well in close up scenes , besides capturing the beauty of London during some outdoor shoots. Salil Amrute’s sound design is good and costume design by Sunetra Mane needs a special mention. Certainly a timely released neat and clean film for Marathi film lovers on OTT platform, instead of watching those rough language web series .