सोनी मराठीच्या ‘सेलिब्रिटी मॉम्स’चा हटके स्टाईल ने मदर्स डे
आंतरराष्ट्रीय मातृदिन किंवा मदर्स डे ! आजची तरुणाई या निमित्ताने आईशी कनेक्ट होत हा सण साजरा करताना दिसते..

या निमित्ता ने सोनी मराठी ने ऋचा बर्वे, सीमा घोगले, गौतमी देशपांडे, मुग्धा गोडबोले, शीतल क्षीरसागर, आदिती शारंगधर, उज्वला जोग, पूर्णिमा अहिरे, विमल म्हात्रे, प्रज्ञा जावळे, राणी गुणाजी, रसिका धामणकर आणि मयुरी वाघ या सर्व आया आणि लेकीं च्या जोडीला मुंबईतील ‘एनरिच अकॅडमी’ या स्पामध्ये ट्रिटमेंटचे खास गिफ्ट दिले. या सर्वांनी सौंदर्याची निगा आणि काळजी घेणाऱ्या खास ट्रिटमेंट्स घेऊन रिलॅक्स केले.
या संधीचा फायदा घेत , या सर्व सेलिब्रिटी आई आणि मुलींनी , एकमेकांसोबत भरपूर वेळ देत , एकमेकांना अजून जाणून घेण्याचा प्रयत्न केला … कुणी नवा हेअरकट केला, तर कोणी हेअरवॉश केले, तर कुणी नखांवर सुंदरशी नेल आर्ट काढली. लेकिंनीही आपल्या मम्मासारखे ग्लॅमरस होऊन मिरवले. हा सुंदर मिलाफ घडवून आणल्याबद्दल सर्व सेलिब्रिटी मॉम्सनी सोनी मराठीचे विशेष आभार मानले आहेत.
On the sets of ‘Mother’s Day- Ek Diwas Aaicha’
On the sets of ‘Mother’s Day- Ek Diwas Aaicha’
We have heard many stories on Mother and child relationship. Over the years, in a country like India there is a tradition to treat mother like a God, since she gives birth to a child. There is a say in Marathi, “One may rule the Universe, but in absence of a mother, that person is vagabond.” Inspired by the story of Bollywood and south film director – Raju Subramaniam (Zakhme Di’ and ‘kanyadan’ fame) Producer Hemant Dabhade decided to make a Marathi film suitably titled ‘Mother’s Day- Ek Diwas Aaicha’.
Shooting of this film was in progress at Future Studio, Goregaon, when director Raju Subramaniam picturised some important emotion filled scenes on Tuesday 5th July 2011. The new lead pair Analesh Desai and Avantika Salian took part in the full day shooting alongwith supporting artistes Yatin Karyekar , Illa Bhate and others. Arun Nalawde is also part of this film playing the father of Avantika, while Yatin Karyekar plays the father of Analesh in the film.
“This is a story of a boy who is adopted by a couple from Malaysia from an Orphanage in India. When the boy grows up, he comes in search of his biological mother and
even takes his posting in India. He meets Avantika in his office and with the help of her father he seeks legal help to meet his real mother and questions her as to why she deserted him. I liked this theme and felt that I should make a Marathi film on this subject. It is for the first time that a Marathi film will be shot in Malaysia and we are going there for our final schedule,” said Producer Hemant Dabhade.
Director Raju Subramaniam was excited about this film which is based on his own story and being his debut into Marathi, he was trying to be a perfectionist while taking every shot. “I have been born and brought up in Mumbai and it is my Janmabhoomi as well as Karmabhoomi. I have done films in Hindi , Tamil and Telugu; but now I am interested in making films in other Indian languages. After this Marathi film, I am doing a Gujarathi film. Having been associated with theatre personalities like Jaidev Hattangadi and others, I believed in only one religion and one language i.e film making. I want to make such films that I should be remembered even after I leave this world,” he said.