Natarang Ubha Lalakari Nabha, Swartaal Jahale Dang
- Movie: Natarang
- Singer: Bela Shende, Ajay Gogawale, Atul Gogawale
- Music: Ajay Atul
- Lyricist: Guru Thakur
- Music Label: Zee Music / Everest
- Cast: Sonalee, Atul Kulkarni, Vibhavari Deshpande, Kishore Kadam
Song: Natarang Title Song
धुमकिट धुमकिट तदानी धुमकिट,
Dhumkit Dhumkit Tadani Dhumkit,
नटनागर नट हिमनट पर्वत उभा,
Natnaagar Nat Himnat Parvat Ubha,
उत्तुंग नभा घुमतो मृदुंग,
Uttung Nabha Ghumato Mrudung,
पखवाज देत आवाज झनन झंकार,
Pakhawaaj Det Aawaz Jhanan Jhankaar,
लेउनी स्त्रीरूप भुलवी नटरंग,
Leuni Striroop Bhulavi Natrang,
रसिक होऊ दे दंग चढु दे रंग असा खेळाला,
Rasik Hou De Dhang, Chadhu De Rang Asa Khelala,
साता जन्मांची देवा पुण्याई लागू दे आज पणाला,
Saata janmachi Deva Punyai Laagu de aaj Panala,
हात जोडतो आज आम्हाला दान तुझा दे संग,
Haath Jodato, Aaj Aamhala Daan Tujha De Sang,
नटरंग उभा ललकारी नभा स्वरताल जाहले दंग – 2
Natarang Ubha Lalakari Nabha, Swartaal Jahale Dang -2
कड्क ड्कड्कड् बोलं ढोलकी हुननर ही तालाची,
Kadkad kadkad Bol Dholaki Hunanar hi Talachi,
छुमछुम छननन साथ तिला या घुंगराच्या बोलाची,
ChumChum Channanan Saath Tila Ya Ghungarachya Bolachi,
जमवून असा स्वरसाज मांडतो ईच ईनंती यावं जी,
Jamaun Asa Swaarsaaj Mandato Ich Inanati yaav ji,
किरपेचं दान द्यावं जी,
Kirpech Daan Dyava ji
हे यावं जी, किरपेचं दान द्यावं जी,
He Yaav ji, Kirtech daan dyav ji,
ईश्वरा जन्म हा दिला प्रसवली कला थोर उपकार,
Ishvara Janm ha dila prasavali kala thor upakar,
तुज चरणी लागली वरणी कशी ही करणी करू साकार,
Tuj Charani Lagali Varani Kashi hi Karani Karu Sakar,
मांडला नवा संसार आता घरदार तुझा दरबार,
Mandala Nava Sansar Aata Ghardar tujhya Darbaar,
पेटला असा अंगार कलेचा ज्वार चढवितो झिंग,
Petala Asa Angar kalecha Jwaar Chadhavato zing,
नटरंग उभा ललकारी नभा स्वरताल जाहले दंग,
Natarang Ubha Lalakari Nabha Swaartaal jahale Dang,
कड्कड्कड्कड्बोलं ढोलकी हुन्नर ही तालाची,
Kadkad kadkar bol dholaki Hunnar hi Talachi,
छुमछुम छननन साथ तिला या घुंगराच्या बोलाची,
Chumchum chanchannana saath Tila ya dhungarachya Bolachi,
जमवून असा स्वरसाज मांडतो ईच ईनंती यावं जी,
Jamaun Asa Swarsaaj Mandato Ich Inanti Yaav ji,
किरपेचं दान द्यावं जी,
Kirpecha Daan Dyavaji
हे यावं जी, किरपेचं दान द्यावं जी,
Hy Yaav ji, Kirpech Daan Dyav Ji
- Other Songs from ‘Natarang’ Movie
- 01. Apsara Aali (Lavani Song)
- 02. Wajale ki Bara (Lavani Song)
- 03. Khel Mandala (Sad Song)
- 04. Madhurechya Bajari (Gawalan)
- 05. Natarang Ubha (Title Song)
Natarang Songs, Ajay Gogawale Singer, Khel Mandala Singer, Ajay Gogawale Popular Songs, Marathi Popular Sad Songs
Khel Mandala
- Movie: Natarang
- Singer: Bela Shende, Ajay Gogawale, Atul Gogawale
- Music: Ajay Atul
- Lyricist: Guru Thakur
- Music Label: Zee Music / Everest
- Cast: Sonalee, Atul Kulkarni, Vibhavari Deshpande, Kishore Kadam
Song: Khel Mandala
तुझ्या पायरीशी कुनी सानथोर न्हाई,
Tujhya Paayarishi Kuni SaanThor Nhai,
साद सुन्या काळजाची तुझ्या कानी जाई,
Saad Sunya Kalajachi Tujhya Kaani jaai,
तरी देवा सरं ना ह्यो भोग कशापाई,
Tari Devaa Sang na hyo Bhog Kashyapaai,
हरवली वाट दिशा अंधारल्या दाही,
Haravali Waat disha andharalya daahi,
ववाळुनी उधळतो जीव मायबापा,
Vavaluni Udhalato Jiv Maaybaapa,
वनवा ह्यो उरी पेटला,
Vanava Hyo uri petalia,
खेळ मांडला, खेळ मांडला, खेळ मांडला,
Khel Mandala, Khel Mandala , Khel Mandala
सांडली गा रीतभात घेतला वसा तुझा,
Sandali Ga ritbhaat ghetala Vasa Tujha,
तूच वाट दाखीव गा खेळ मांडला,
Tuch Waat Dakhiv Ga Khel Mandala,
दावी देवा पैलपार पाठीशी तू र्हा हुबा,
Daavi Devaa Pailpar Paathishi tu Rhya Hubha
ह्यो तुझ्याच उंबर;यात खेळ मांडला,
Hyo Tujhyac Umbaryat Khel Mandala
उसवलं गणगोत सारं, आधार कुनाचा न्हाई,
Usavala Gangot Saar, Aadhar Kunacha Nhai,
भेगाळल्या भुईपरी जीणं, अंगार जिवाला जाळी,
Bhegalalya bhuipari jina Angaar Jivala Jaali,
बळ दे झुंजायाला, किरपेची ढाल दे,
Bal de Jhunjayala, Kirpechi Dhaal De,
इनविती पंचप्रान, जिव्हारात ताल दे,
Inavati Panchpraan, Jivharat Taal De,
करपलं रान देवा जळलं शिवार,
Karapala Raan Devaa Jalal Shivaar,
तरी न्हाई धीर सांडला, खेळ मांडला
Tari Nhyahi Dheer Sandala, Khel Mandala
- Other Songs from ‘Natarang’ Movie
- 01. Apsara Aali (Lavani Song)
- 02. Wajale ki Bara (Lavani Song)
- 03. Khel Mandala (Sad Song)
- 04. Madhurechya Bajari (Gawalan)
- 05. Natarang Ubha (Title Song)
Natarang Songs, Ajay Gogawale Singer, Khel Mandala Singer, Ajay Gogawale Popular Songs, Marathi Popular Sad Songs
Mathurachya Baajari, Kashi mi Jaau Mathurechya Baajari?
- Movie: Natarang
- Singer: Bela Shende, Ajay Gogawale, Atul Gogawale
- Music: Ajay Atul
- Lyricist: Guru Thakur
- Music Label: Zee Music / Everest
- Cast: Sonalee, Atul Kulkarni, Vibhavari Deshpande, Kishore Kadam
Song: Natarang Title Song
दहीदुध लोणी घागर भरुनी नेऊ कशी बाजारी,
Dahidhudh Loni, Ghagar Bharuni Neu Kashi bajari,
बावरले मी सावरले ग जाऊ कशी चोरुन बाई,
Baavarale mi saavarale ga Jau Kashi Chorun baai,
मथुरेच्या बाजारी.. कशी मी जाऊ मथुरेच्या बाजारी?
Mathurachya Baajari, Kashi mi Jaau Mathurechya Baajari?
नटखट भारी किस्नमुरारी टपला यमुनातीरी,
Natkhat Bhari Kisnamurari Tapala yamunatiri,
करतोय खोडी घागर फोडी जाऊ कशी चोरून बाई
Karatoy Khodi Ghagar Fori Jau Kashi Chorun baai,
मथुरेच्या बाजारी.. कशी मी जाऊ मथुरेच्या बाजारी?
Mathurachya Baajari, Kashi mi Jaau Mathurechya Baajari?
नकोस फोडु कान्हा माझी घागर आज रिकामी,
Nakos Fodu Kanha Majhi Ghagar Aaj Rikami,
हसेल सारी गोकुळ नगरी होईल रं बदनामी,
Hasel Saari Gokun NAgari Hoil ra badanami,
आज दिली बघ नंदकिशोरा हाती लाज तुझ्या रे,
Aaj Dili Bagh Nandkishora Haati Laaj Tujhya re,
रितीच घागर नशीबी माझ्या, शरण तुला मी आले,
Ritich Ghagar Nashibi Majhyam Sharan Tula Mi Aale,
देवा शरण तुला मी आले,
Deva Sharan Tuma mi Aale,
वाट अडवून हसतो गाली ग वेणु ऐकुन मोहित झाले,
Vaat Adavun hasato Gaali Ga Venu Aikun Mohit Jhale,
भान हरपून रमती गोपिका, श्यामरंगी न्हाऊन गेले,
Bhaan Harapun Ramati Gopika, Shamrangi Nhaun gele,
मन भुलवी असा कान्हा झुलवी असा हा नटनागर गिरीधारी,
Mann Bhulavi, Asa Kanha Jhulavi Asa ha Natnaagar Giridhari,
त्याच्या संग दंगले, रास रंगले, पिरतीची रीत न्यारी,
Tyacya Sange Dangale, Raas Rangle, Pirtichi Reet Nyari,
कशी मी जाऊ मथुरेच्या बाजारी?
Kashi mi Jaau Mathurechya Baajari?
- Other Songs from ‘Natarang’ Movie
- 01. Apsara Aali (Lavani Song)
- 02. Wajale ki Bara (Lavani Song)
- 03. Khel Mandala (Sad Song)
- 04. Madhurechya Bajari (Gawalan)
- 05. Natarang Ubha (Title Song)
Natarang Songs, Ajay Gogawale Singer, Khel Mandala Singer, Ajay Gogawale Popular Songs, Marathi Popular Sad Songs
Mala jau dya na ghari, Waale ki bara
- Movie: Natarang
- Singer: Bela Shende, Ajay Gogawale, Atul Gogawale
- Music: Ajay Atul
- Lyricist: Guru Thakur
- Music Label: Zee Music / Everest
- Cast: Sonalee, Atul Kulkarni, Vibhavari Deshpande, Kishore Kadam
Song: Ata Wajale ki bara, Mala Jau dyana Ghari
चैत पुनवेची रात आज आलिया भरात,
Chait Punavechi Raat Aaj Aaliya Bharat,
धडधड काळजात माझ्या माईना,
Dhaddhad Kalajat Majhya Maaina,
कदी कवा कुठं कसा जीव झाला येडापिसा,
Kadi Kava Kuthe Kasa Jeev Jhala Yedapisa,
त्याचा न्हाई भरवसा तोल र्हाईना,
Tyacha Nhaee Bharawasa Tol Hoinaa,
राखली की मर्जी तुमच्या जोडीनं मी आले,
Raakhali ki Marji Tumachya Jodin mi Aale,
पिरतीच्या या रंगी राया चिंब ओली मी झाले,
Piratichya Ya Rangi Raaya Chimb Oli mi jhale,
राया सोडा आता तरी काळयेळ न्हाई बरी,
Raaya Soda Aata Tari, Kaal yel Nhai bari,
पुन्हा भेटु कवातरी साजणा,
Punha BHetu Kavatari Sajanaa,
मला जाऊ द्या ना घरी, आता वाजले की बारा,
Mala Jau Dya na ghari, Ata Wajale ki Bara,
कशा पाई छळता, मागं मागं फिरता,
Kashyapaai Chalata, Maag Maag Firata,
असं काय करता, दाजी हिला भेटा की येत्या बाजारी,
Asa Kaay Karataa, Daaji Hila Bheta ki Yetya Baajari,
सहाची बि गाडी गेली नवाची बि गेली,
Sahachi Bi Gaadi Geli, Navachi bi geli,
आता बाराची गाडी निघाली,
Aata Barachi Gaadi Nighali,
हिला जाऊ द्या ना घरी, आता वाजले की बारा.
Hila Jau Dya Na ghari, Aata Wajale ki Baara.
ऐन्यावानी, रूप माझं, उभी ज्वानीच्या मी उंबर्यात,
Ainyawani Roop Majh, Ubhi Jyanichya mi umbaryat,
नादावलं, खुळंपिसं, कबुतर हे माज्या उरात,
Naadavali, khulpis, kabootar he majhya uraat,
भवताली, भय घाली, रात मोकाट ही चांदण्याची,
Bhavataali Bhay Ghali, raat mokat hi chandanyachi,
उगा घाई, कशापायी, हाये नजर उभ्या गावाची,
Uga Ghai Kashyapaayi Haaye Nazar Ubhya Gavachi,
शेत आलं राखनीला राघु झालं गोळा,
Shet Aal, Rakhanila Raghu Jhali Gola,
शीळ घाली आडुन कोनी करुन तिरपा डोळा,
ShilGhali Aadun Koni Karun Tirapa Dola,
आता कसं किती झाकू सांगा कुटवर राखू,
Aata Kas Kiti Jhaku Sanga Kuthvar Raakhu,
राया भान माझं मला र्हाईना,
Raaya Bhan Majh Mala Hoinaa,
मला जाऊ द्या ना घरी, आता वाजले की बारा.
Mala jau dya na Ghari, Ata Wajale ki Baara.
कशा पाई छळता, मागं मागं फिरता,
Kashyapaai Chalata, Maag Maag Firata,
असं काय करता, दाजी हिला भेटा की येत्या बाजारी,
Asa Kaay Karataa, Daaji Hila Bheta ki Yetya Baajari,
सहाची बि गाडी गेली नवाची बि गेली,
Sahachi Bi Gaadi Geli, Navachi bi geli,
आता बाराची गाडी निघाली,
Aata Barachi Gaadi Nighali,
हिला जाऊ द्या ना घरी, आता वाजले की बारा.
Hila Jau Dya Na ghari, Aata Wajale ki Baara.
आला पाड, झाला भार, भरली उभारी घाटाघाटात,
Aala Paad, Jhaala Bhar, Bharali Ubhari Ghataghatat,
तंग चोळी अंग जाळी टच्च डाळींब फुटं व्हटात,
Tang Choli, Ang Jali, Taccha Dalimb Fut Vhyatat,
गार वारा झोंबणारा द्वाड पदर जागी ठरंना,
Gaar Vaara Jhombanara, Dvaad Padar Jaagi Tharana,
आडोश्याच्या खोडीचं मी कसं गुपीत राखू कळंना,
Aadoshyachya Khodich, Mi Kas Gupit rakhu Kalana,
मोरावानी डौल माझा मैनेवानी तोरा,
Moravani Daul Majha Mainewani Toara,
औंदाच्या गा वर्साला मी गाठलं वय सोळा,
Aundachya Ga Varshala Mi Ghathalay Vay Sola,
जीवा लागलीया गोडी तरी कळ काढा थोडी,
Jiva Lagaliya Godi Tari Kal Kadha Thodi,
घडी आताची ही तुम्ही र्हाऊ द्या,
Ghadi Aatachi hi tumhi Rahu Dya,
मला जाऊ द्या ना घरी, आता वाजले की बारा,
Mala jau dyana Ghari , Ata Wajale ki bara.
कशा पाई छळता, मागं मागं फिरता,
Kashyapaai Chalata, Maag Maag Firata,
असं काय करता, दाजी हिला भेटा की येत्या बाजारी,
Asa Kaay Karataa, Daaji Hila Bheta ki Yetya Baajari,
सहाची बि गाडी गेली नवाची बि गेली,
Sahachi Bi Gaadi Geli, Navachi bi geli,
आता बाराची गाडी निघाली,
Aata Barachi Gaadi Nighali,
हिला जाऊ द्या ना घरी, आता वाजले की बारा.
Hila Jau Dya Na ghari, Aata Wajale ki Baara.
- Other Songs from ‘Natarang’ Movie
- 01. Apsara Aali (Lavani Song)
- 02. Wajale ki Bara (Lavani Song)
- 03. Khel Mandala (Sad Song)
- 04. Madhurechya Bajari (Gawalan)
- 05. Natarang Ubha (Title Song)
Natarang Songs, Ajay Gogawale Singer, Khel Mandala Singer, Ajay Gogawale Popular Songs, Marathi Popular Sad Songs
Natarang Movie Songs
Album Title: Natarang (2010)
Cast: Atul Kulkarni, Sonalee, Priya Berde, Kishore Kadam
Singers: Bela Shende, Ajay Gogawale, Atul Gogawale
Music: Ajay Atul
Lyrics: Guru Thakur
Rating: 4.5/5
This was the blockbuster music album of 2010, Zee Talkies’s first Marathi production ‘Natarang’ was directed by Ravi Jadhav. All track from this music album was classical hits and in top ten during release time. This Album has giving new face to the Lavani and folk music .
- Natarang Movie Songs
- 01. Apsara Aali (Lavani Song)
- 02. Wajale ki Bara (Lavani Song)
- 03. Khel Mandala (Sad Song)
- 04. Madhurechya Bajari (Gawalan)
- 05. Natarang Ubha (Title Song)
Natarang Lavani, Apsara Aali Singer, Khel Mandala Singer, Ajay Gogawale Populer Songs, Marathi Popular Lavani Songs, Wajale Ki bara Marathi Song Dance
Apsara Aali Song
- Movie: Natarang
- Singer: Bela Shende, Ajay Gogawale, Atul Gogawale
- Music: Ajay Atul
- Lyricist: Guru Thakur
- Music Label: Zee Music / Everest
- Cast: Sonalee, Atul Kulkarni, Vibhavari Deshpande, Kishore Kadam
Song: Apsara Aali lyrics
Komal Kaya ki Mohamaya, punvachandan nhali,
कोमल काया की मोहमाया, पुनवचांदनं न्हाली
Sonyat Sajale, Roopyat Bhijali, Ratnaprabhatun lyali,
सोन्यात सजले, रूप्यात भिजले, रत्नप्रभा तनू ल्याली,
Hi Natali Thatali, Jashi Umatali, Chandani Rangmahali
ही नटली थटली , जशी उमटली, चांदणी रंगमहाली,
Mi Yauwan Vijali, Pahun Thijali, Indrasabh Bhavatali.
मी यौवन बिजली, पाहून थिजली, इंद्रसभा भवताली .
अप्सरा आली इंद्रपुरीतुन खाली,
Apsara Aaali, Intrapuritun Khali,
पसरली लाली रत्नप्रभा तनु ल्याली,
Pasarali laali, Ratnaprabatanu lyali,
ती हसली गाली चांदनी रंगमहाली,
Ti Hasali Gaali Chandani Rangmahali,
अप्सरा आली पुनवचांदनं न्हाली,
Apsara Aali Punvachandani Nhali,
छबिदार सुरत देखणी, जणू हिरकणी, नार गुलजार,
Chabidaar Surat Dekhani, Janu Hirakani, Naar Guljaar,
सांगते उमर कंचुकी, बापुडी मुकी, सोसते भार,
Sangate Umar Kanchuki, Bapuri Muki , Sasate Bhaar,
शेलटी खुणावे कटि, तशी हनुवटी, नयन तलवार,
Shelati Khunave Kati, Tashi Hanuvati, Nayan Talawar,
ही रति मदभरली दाजी ठिनगी शिनगाराची
Hi Rati Madanbharali Daji Thinagi Shingaarachi
कस्तुरी दरवळली दाजी झुळुक ही वार्याची
Kasturi Daravalaji Daaji Jhuluk Hi Varyachi
ही नटली थटली जशी उमटली चांदणी रंगमहाली,
Hi Natali Thatali, jashi Umatali Chandani Rangmahali,
मी यौवन बिजली पाहुन थिजली इंद्रसभा भवताली
Mi Yauvan Bijali Pahun Thijali Indrasabha Bhavatali
अप्सरा आली इंद्रपुरीतुन खाली
Apsara Aaali, Intrapuritun Khali
पसरली लाली रत्नप्रभा तनु ल्याली
Pasarali laali, Ratnaprabatanu lyali
ती हसली गाली चांदनी रंगमहाली
Ti Hasali Gaali Chandani Rangmahali
अप्सरा आली पुनवचांदनं न्हाली
Apsara Aali Punvachandani Nhali
- Other Songs from ‘Natarang’ Movie
- 01. Apsara Aali (Lavani Song)
- 02. Wajale ki Bara (Lavani Song)
- 03. Khel Mandala (Sad Song)
- 04. Madhurechya Bajari (Gawalan)
- 05. Natarang Ubha (Title Song)
Natarang Songs, Ajay Gogawale Singer, Khel Mandala Singer, Ajay Gogawale Popular Songs, Marathi Popular Sad Songs
Release Year: 2010
Genres: Drama

Censor: U/A
Duration: 120 mins
Producer: Zee Talkies
Exe-Producer: Meghana Jadhav, Nikhil Sane, Amit Phalke
Director: Ravi Jadhav
Creative Director:
Writer: Dr. Anand Yadav
ScreenPlay: Ravi Jadhav
Dialogues: Guru Thakur
Cast & Crew
Exe-Producer: Meghana Jadhav, Nikhil Sane, Amit Phalke
Director: Ravi Jadhav
Writer: Dr. Anand Yadav
ScreenPlay: Ravi Jadhav
Dialogues: Guru Thakur
Lyrics: Guru Thakur
Music: Ajay-Atul
Singers: Ajay Gogawale, Bela Shende
Cinematography: Mahesh Limaye
Editor: Jayant Jathar
Cast: Atul Kulkarni, Sonali Kulkarni, Kishor Kadam, Vibhavari Deshpande, Kishor Choughule, Sunil Deo, Priya Berde, Malind Shinde, Rajesh Bhosale, Siddharth Zadbuke
News / Article / Interviews
Movie Still(s)
‘Natarang’- A Classic Tale !
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Rating: 4/5
Presenter: Zee Talkies Production: Zee Talkies, Athaansh Communications Director: Ravi Jadhav Story: Dr. Anand Yadav Screenplay: Ravi Jadhav Dialogues, Lyrics: Guru Thakur Music: Ajay – Atul Cast: Atul Kulkarni, Sonali Kulkarni, Kishor Kadam, Vibhavari Deshpande, Kishor Choughule… Movie Review by: Sandeep Hatangadi |
Debutant ad-filmmaker Ravi Jadhav’s ‘Natarang’ is a film that has raised the bar for quality Marathi films. The film adapted for screen from Dr. Anand Yadav’s classic novel, is a bench mark in Marathi films made on rural backdrop.
The story of ‘Nararang’ is about Guna Kagalkar (Atul Kulkarni) a village wrestler with bulging muscles who is a farm worker by profession and lives happily with his wife(Vibhavari Deshpande) and children along with his old father (Yakoob Sayeed).
It’s difficult for Guna to make two ends meet, especially because of his passion for ‘Tamasha’ a Maharashtrian dance form with ‘Lavnis’ (seductive songs).
Guna’s ultimate dream is to play a king’s role in ‘Tamasha’and so he gathers a team of unemployed friends in the village and starts his own ‘Tamasha’ troupe and a veteran ‘Tamasha’ artiste (Kishor Kadam) helps them find the ‘dancer’(Sonalee) for their troupe. But, soon Guna is in a soup to find a ‘Nachya’ or the so called clown, who brings on the laughter in the ‘Tamasha’.
Finally, the manly muscular Guna has to play ‘Nachya’ himself, much to his chagrin; but he does so for the sake of his troupe and gets a complete makeover by becoming thin and shaving his moustache off. Guna’s troupe becomes the talk of the town but he has to lose his wife and children for his ‘Tamasha’. Interspersed in this narrative is local politics besides the competition between various ‘Tamasha’ troupes, gay artistes, etc.
But the film grabs your attention right from start to end because of Atul Kulkarni’s powerful performance, especially the scenes where he has to pose girlie in a wrestler’s body. The rest of the cast is also impressive , especially Vibhavari Deshpande, Kishor Kadam, Sandesh Jadhav, Milind Shinde, Priya Berde, etc . Sonalee looks good and dances well. Amruta Khanvilkar’s cameo is also impressive.
The music by Ajay-Atul is already a hit with the masses especially the ‘Apsara’ song and other folk numbers with good lyrics by Guru Thakur. The dialogues by Guru Thakur are well-written. The cinematography by Mahesh Limaye is slick with lots of night scenes and back lighting with soft focus lens capturing the village landscapes beautifully.
Zee Talkies deserve kudos to back a project like ‘Natarang’ and actor Atul Kulkarni who in true Robert De Niro style, had to build a strong physique by extensive workout and diet and then losing it all for the role. The film is a must-see for Atul’s performance and Ravi Jadhav’s good debut (his flashback style is very impressive).
‘Natarang’ is a film that comes once in a while. See it ASAP!
‘Zee Talkies’ ‘Natarang’ to be screened at MAMI.
It is a great news for ‘Zee Talkies’, as their most awaited film ‘Natarang’ will be screened at this year’s MAMI- International Film Festival. The 11th edition of the Mumbai Film Festival (MFF)begins today with 200 films from 56 countries, who have found their entry in this international film festival. This year five Marathi films will be screened at MAMI, and ‘Natarang’ is one of them.
‘Natarang’ is the story of GUNA, a farm worker from backward community, who is an amateur wrestler who dreams of playing the King in the traditional Marathi folk art- Tamasha. Atul Kulkarni -the national award winning actor, is portraying Guna in ‘Natarang’. This film is directed by debutant director Ravi Jadhav and music of this film is composed by Ajay- Atul, the top most musician duo from Marathi film industry.
‘I am too eager to do variety of roles in films’- Vibhavari Deshpande
Few years ago she was seen just one of those smart young girls in in the city of Pune pursuing her job as a professional writer after completing her Mass Communication. Now, we see her playing a typical old fashioned Village woman of 60s or a traditional Maharashtrian woman of early 20th century. It does give a feeling whether another Smita Patil is born. For an artist of her caliber it is the character that’s most important. Watching her perform in ‘Harichandrachi factory’and ‘Natarang’ in prominent roles, no one could believe that she was just one of those mod college girls moving with modern outfits in Smita Talwalkar’s film ‘Saat Chya Aat Gharaat’, which was released just few years ago.
Toady, Vibhavari Deshpande has certainly made her mark into Marathi films with the help of her solid theatre background. In an interview to MMW, Vibhavari talks about herself and her experiences in this field.
Vibhavari deshpande
Q. What prompted you enter this creative field of acting ?
Since my childhood, while I was studying in Garware High School, Pune, I used to watch Marathi plays. When I joined Fergusson College for my BA course, I started performing on stage. I attended a workshop of Pt. Satyadev Dube and also attended a theatre workshop at NSD , Delhi. There was also lot to learn at Lalit kala Kendra. Later, when I joined GRIP Theatre movement, which is an Indo -German group, I developed myself to write script and also act. After completing my Mass Communication, I was working with Mr. Shrirang Godbole’s Magic Eye, as a professional writer. However, my interest in plays continued. I got my first break into films through ‘Shwaas’ with a small role. Later I played one of the seven students in Smita Talwalkar’s film ‘Saat Chya Aat Gharaat’. Also performed a cameo role in
Amol Palekar’s film and worked in Dr. Jabber Patel’s documentary. That’s how it all began few years ago. In between, I had taken a break for domestic commitments; but now, I am back with films.
Q. Whether it was playing a woman in the era of early 20th century or a typical poor village woman of 1960’s time; how did you prepare yourself mentally ?
It’s all psychological process of believing what you are at that particular moment. For people who are already into acting field, especially having done stage; it becomes much easier. If you are asking my own experience, I paid more attention on body language of these characters. While playing Ms. Phalke in Harischandrachi factory, the director Mr. Paresh Mokashi had already given us clear hints through the scripts; as to how that character is supposed to behave besides the dialogues. It clearly explained that women those days though dressed up according to the tradition, were forward in their thinking process and smart enough to take their own decisions. You must have noticed this lady, saying a flat ‘No’ to playing that much required woman character in that film, when no one was available. It was not because, she was scared, but she knew that she had some other responsibilities to shoulder at that crucial time In ‘Natarang’ I worked more on situation, and accordingly decided to emote strongly , wherever required. Watch that scene, where this lady drives away her husband who returns to take her back. In short, if the script is well written describing the character, performing that role becomes easier.
Q. While Nandu Madhav performed on stage, you appreciated his performance as a teenager. Did you ever think that one day you would play his heroine ?
Not at all. Actually, I knew him before I was signed to play. For me, Nandu was an elderly person, whom I respected a lot. When I was told about my selection to play opposite him, I was trilled.
Q. After watching you in the get up of 9 yard Sarees, Marathi film lovers are keen to watch you in a different style . Are you prepared to take on such challenges ? If so, what kind of roles, you prefer to play ?
Yes, of course! I am too eager to do a different role with a different look; hopefully soon. But, that does not mean that I am going to say. No to the kind of roles I have played before. It all depends on the importance of the character in that film.
Q. Do you think that Marathi films have really come off age ? In that case, what will be the form of Marathi films in next two-three year’s time
Yes , it is welcome change. All these film makers of recent times have really worked hard to offer good presentations. Especially, those directors with theatre background have done extremely well. As far as the new audience is concerned, especially the middle and upper middle class have started visiting the nearby theatres. Now, even the multiplex owners who were reluctant to release Marathi films, are asking for the prints. It only hurts me, when I see those pirated DVD’s of Marathi films purchased by our own people. Why can’t they help stop this piracy? Unless our own people come together and prevent this piracy, nothing is going to work. I have seen in South India, whether it is Chennai or Bangalore, it is the joint effort of common people which has prevented the piracy of their regional films. No one dares to sell the pirated DVD’s of their regional films. If we have to witness prosperity of our Marathi cinema in next 2-3 years time, this piracy is to be stopped completely with moral policing.
Q. If not shooting or performing in Dramas/ serials; how busy is Vibhavari otherwise ?
If not shooting, I get busy with my writing work. At present I am already writing dialogues for popular Marathi serial ‘Agnihotra’ as one of the three members of the script team. Even otherwise, during my free time I am associated with my GRIP Theatre movement, writing scripts for their forthcoming projects.
Q What future plans ? Will you also be doing TV serials ?
I will certainly continue with film projects, be it in the capacity of a writer or an actress. But, I have decided not to act in serials. I had few offers and I said no to them. I just don’t want to mix up that area with my film projects. As far as my association with stage is concerned, I don’t mind working on stage. Soon, I will be associated with one such project with GRIP.