मकरंद अनासपूरे आणि तेजस्विनी लोणारी (Tejaswini Lonari) यांनी मांडला आहे आईच्या नावाने गोंधळ!

महाराष्ट्रात लग्न समारंभाचा कार्यभाग म्हणून जवळपास सर्व समाजात कुलस्वामिनीला प्रसन्न करण्यासाठी गोंधळ घालण्याची जुनी परंपरा आहे. ही परंपरा मकरंद अनासपूरे (Makarand Anaspure) आणि तेजस्विनी लोणारी (Tejaswini Lonari) यांनी ‘छापा काटा’ (Chappa Kata) चित्रपटात लग्नाच्या शुभ प्रसंगी देवदेवतांच्या आगमनासाठी जागरण गोंधळ मांडत जपली आहे. मल्हारी मार्तंड आणि रूपसुंदरी म्हाळसा ते कारल्याच्या एकवीरा आईचा उदो उदो करणारं ‘आई तुझ्या नावानं गोंधळ मांडला’ (Aai tujhya navane gondhal mandala) गोंधळगीत ११ डिसेंबर २०२३ रोजी सर्व प्लॅटफॉर्मवर प्रदर्शित होणार असून अवघा महाराष्ट्र उत्साहाने झिंगणार असल्याचं दिसत आहे.
शशांक कोंडविलकर यांनी गीताला शब्दबद्ध केले असून गणेश सुर्वे यांनी उत्स्फूर्त संगीत दिले आहे. गौरव चाटी यांनी देवतांच्या भक्तीत सर्वांनी विलीन व्हावे असे स्वर या गीतास दिले आहेत. ‘छापा काटा’ चित्रपटाची निर्मिती श्री. सुशीलकुमार अग्रवाल यांनी केली असून पटकथा आणि दिग्दर्शन संदीप मनोहर नवरे यांनी केले आहे. येत्या १५ डिसेंबर २०२३ रोजी संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात चित्रपट प्रदर्शित होणार आहे. प्रेक्षकांना चित्रपटगृहात ‘आई तुझ्या नावानं गोंधळ मांडला’ या गोंधळगीताचा मनसोक्त आनंद लुटता येणार आहे.
तेजस्विनी (Tejaswini Lonari) आणि प्रसादमध्ये वादाची ठिणगी !

बिग बॉस मराठीच्या घरामध्ये आज आटली बाटली फुटली हे नॉमिनेशन कार्य पार पडणार आहे. ज्यामध्ये रोहित, प्रसाद, मेघा आणि त्रिशूल घरातील उर्वरित सदस्यांना घराबाहेर जाण्याच्या प्रक्रियेसाठी नॉमिनेट करणार आहेत. रोहित शिंदे याने निखिल राजेशिर्के याला नॉमिनेट करणार असून त्याचे कारण निखिलला अमान्य असल्याचे त्याने सांगितले. रोहितने स्पष्टीकरण देखील दिले “its Not a Groupism”.

या नॉमिनेशन प्रक्रियेबाबत आज प्रसाद आणि रुचिरामध्ये चांगलीच चर्चा रंगणार आहे. आता नक्की ते काय चर्चा करणार आहेत ते कळेलच. दुसरीकडे, नॉमिनेशनच्या प्रक्रियेमुळे तेजस्विनी (Tejaswini Lonari) आणि प्रसादमध्ये खटके उडायला सुरुवात होणार आहे. तेजस्विनी प्रसादाला म्हणाली, “तू जे काय बनवणार आहेस ते positivity ने बनव, कटकट नको करुस, सांगकाम्या आहेस तू. ” आणि वाद वाढतच गेला. त्यावर अपूर्वाने देखील तिचे मत मांडले, “ह्याला हे सांगू नको, त्याला ते सांगू नको.याला काहीच सांगायचे नाही.”
बघूया पुढे काय घडलं . तेव्हा बघत राहा बिग बॉस मराठी सोम ते शुक्र रात्री १० वा. आणि शनि – रवि रात्री ९.३० वा. आपल्या लाडक्या कलर्स मराठीवर आणि कधीही VOOT वर.
अभिनेत्री तेजस्विनी लोणारीची भारतीय पारंपरिक योगाला पसंती

सद्या लोकं निरोगी राहण्यासाठी बऱ्याच गोष्टी करतात, पण अभिनेत्री तेजस्विनी लोणारी हि स्वतःची तब्येत उत्तम ठेवण्यासाठी भारतीय पारंपरिक योगा करणे जास्त पसंत करते. काही दिवसांपूर्वी दापोली मध्ये निसर्गाच्या सानिध्यात योगा करताना ती दिसली, त्यावेळीची काही छायाचित्रे.

काही वर्षांपूर्वी तेजस्विनीचा ‘बर्नी’ हा मराठी चित्रपट प्रदर्शित झाला होता, त्यातील तिच्या अभिनायचे सर्वांनीच कौतुक केले. आता आगामी चित्रपट, ती नक्की कुठल्या वेगळ्या भूमिकेत दिसणार ह्याची चाहत्यां उत्सुकता आहे

Tejaswini Lonari
Biography / Profile:
Born: 16 September
Occupation : Actress
Acting has always been her passion. In her real life too, Tejaswinini Lonari has played different roles. Tejaswinini Lonari, whom we saw in Sony TV’s Hindi serial ‘Chittod Ki Rani Padmini Ka Johur‘ in the lead role, made her debut in Marathi films through ‘Guldasta‘ opposite Makarand Anaspure and Jitendra Joshi. Tejaswini Lonari has played a beautiful young collegian role in Marathi movie ‘Bernie‘ . According to Tejaswini, the character is more important, while playing a role. Tejaswini is well aware of media strength in promotion of films. She considers media as the most important sector for a film maker and artiste.
Bernie (2016)
Chinu (2012)
Guldasta (2011)
Baap Re Baap Dokyala Taap (2008)
Doghat Tisra Ata Sagla Visra (2008)
Chittod Ki Rani Padmavati (Sony TV)
Media is a bridge between the artiste and audience – Tejaswini Lonari
Bernie ( बर्नी )

Genres: Drama
Rating: ★★
Censor: U
Duration: 124 min.
Studio/presenter: Shivleela Films
Producer(s): Shivam Lonari
Executive Producer: na
Director: Neelima Lonari
Writer: Subhash Bhende
ScreenPlay: Sachin Darekar, Amruta More
Dialogues: Sachin Darekar, Amruta More
Official Facebook Page I Twitter
Cast & Crew
Executive Producer: na
Director: Neelima Lonari
Assistant Director: na
Writer: Subhash Bhende
ScreenPlay: Sachin Darekar, Amruta More
Dialogues: Sachin Darekar, Amruta More
Lyrics: Shrirang Godbole
Music: Amitraj
Playback Singer: na
Cinematographer (DOP): Sameer Athalye
Editor: Abhijit Deshpande
Starcast: Tejaswini Lonari, Bhushan Patil, Girish Pardeshi, Rajan Tamhane, Savita Malpekar, Kiran Khoje, Sumukhi Pendse, Mousami Tondvalkar, Chaitrali Dongre, Radhika Deshpande
Costumes: Neelima Lonari
Makeup: Kundan Divekar
Sound : Manoj V. Mochemadkar
Background Score: Aditya Bedekar
Choreographer: Umesh Jadhav
DI, VFX: na
D.I. Colourist: na
Promos: na
Music Label: na
Publicity Designs: na
P.R.O.: na
Distributor : na
‘Bernie’ : The story of the film ‘Bernie’ revolves around Bernie, who at a particular situation, is required to leave her house, to fulfill the wish of her ailing father. It is her struggle in life to face the tough situation.
News / Article / Interview
Neelima Lonari’s film ‘Bernie’ to release on 17th June
Movie Still(s)

Neelima Lonari’s film ‘Bernie’ to release on 17th June

Having made films like ‘Chinu’ and ‘Saam Dam Dand Bhed’, film maker Neelima Lonari is all set to release her next Marathi film ‘Bernie‘ on 17th June, all over Maharashtra. Set on the backdrop of Goa, the film is inspired by the novel ‘Jogin’ written by Prof. Subhash Bhende . Bernie is the name of a beautiful young collegian played Tejaswini Lonari, who is the daughter of a retired army man owner of a big farmhouse and a Kind hearted Portuguese mother.
The story of this film revolves around Bernie, who at a particular situation, is required to leave her house, to fulfil the wish of her ailing father. It is her struggle in life to face the tough situation, is what the story of ‘Bernie’ is all about. Besides Tejaswini Lonari, the other important artists of this film are, Bhushan Patil, Girish Pardeshi, Rajan Tamhane, Savita Malpekar, Kiran Khoje, Sumukhi Pendse, Mousami Tondvalkar, Chaitrali Dongre, Radhika Deshpande and others. Cinematography by Sameer Athlye and music by Amitraj are other credits of the film.
Baap Re Baap Dokyala Taap
Genres: Drama, comedy
Rating: na
Censor: U
Duration: 130 min.
Studio/presenter: Dhruva Film Production House
Producers: Ganesh Chitra
Executive Producer: na
Director: Kanchan Adhikari
Writer: Kanchan Adhikari, Rajan Agarwal
ScreenPlay: Kanchan Adhikari, Arvind Jagtap
Dialogues: Arvind Jagtap, Santosh Pawar
Official Facebook Page I Twitter
Cast & Crew
Executive Producer: na
Director: Kanchan Adhikari
Assistant Director: Monika Dharankar
Writer: Kanchan Adhikari, Rajan Agarwal
ScreenPlay: Kanchan Adhikari, Arvind Jagtap
Dialogues: Arvind Jagtap, Santosh Pawar
Lyrics: Arvind Jagtap
Music: Nitin Hivarkar
Playback Singer: Shaan, Vaishali Samant, Chintamani Sohoni
Cinematographer (DOP): Suresh Suvarna
Editor: Anand Diwan
Starcast: Makrand Anaspure, Tejaswini Lonari , Siddharth Jadhav, Shweta Shinde, Mohan Joshi, Vandana Gupte, Sukrut Khandekar
Costumes: Ratan Khanna
Makeup: Ramesh Dalvi, Mahadev Dalvi
Sound : Ayub shaikh
Background Score: Nitin Hivarkar
Choreographer: Rajesh Bidwe, Dilip Mistrich
DI, VFX: na
D.I. Colourist: na
Promos: Parthasarathy Iyer
Music Label: na
Publicity Designs: na
P.R.O.: na
Distributor : Rajat Enterprises
‘Laathi’ : na
News / Article / Interview
Movie Still(s)
Media is a bridge between the artiste and audience – Tejaswini Lonari
Acting has always been her passion. In her real life too, she has played different roles. She is a naughty sister to her brother, the most obedient daughter to her parents as she is pursuing her post graduation in Business of film making & Television, besides doing her Masters in Arts from Pune University. She knows how important is education in the long run. For her, acting and education can go together.
Tejaswini Lonari, whom we saw in Sony TV’s Hindi serial ‘Chittod Ki Rani Padmini Ka Johur’ in the lead role, made her debut in Marathi films through ‘Guldasta’ opposite Makarand Anaspure and Jitendra Joshi. Her forthcoming film ‘Chinnu‘ directed by her mother Neelima Lonari, is due for release shortly. In this film, Tejaswini plays a village girl who comes to the city to get treatment for her ailing mother, but meets a stranger, who traps her in marriage. Later he sells her off to a Don. In this film Hindi TV artiste Sharad Kelkar plays her co-star, is shown as the right hand of the Don. In short, both the TV stars of Hindi are coming together in this Marathi film.
Marathi Movie World had a chit chat with this Hollywood style actress, during a function in Mumbai and found her to be the most upright young girl in Marathi film industry. According to Tejaswini, the character is more important, while playing a role. “More than offering entertainment, what challenges me is the impact I can create through my role. When people start recognizing me through my character, it will be the best compliment for me,” she feels.
Tejaswini is well aware of media strength in promotion of films. She considers media as the most important sector for a film maker and artiste. She has herself realised the importance of media, during the promotion of her latest film ‘Chinnu’. Talking about this film, she says, “A lot of awareness is to be created about the subject of this film and I am doing my best to meet people to tell them what message this film has for the society. My mother has really worked hard while making this film. Till now, we have received a good response from the people who have seen the promos of this film.”
“I would say that Media is a bridge between an artiste and the audience,” she says philosophically. “In the promotion of our film ‘Chinnu’ we are giving lot of importance to local newspapers from all places of Maharashtra.” Looking at her preparations, one feels that Tejaswini is very much concerned about the promotion of her film through all possible sources to reach out to masses. Marathi Movie World wishes her all the best for her film.