१७ व्या थर्ड आय आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवाचे आयोजन

१७ वा थर्ड आय आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सव हा भारतातील एकमेव आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सव आहे. शुक्रवार दिनांक १४ डिसेंबर ला सिटीलाईट सिनेमा मुंबई येथे अनेक मान्यवरांच्या उपस्थिती मध्ये १७ व्या थर्ड आय आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवाचे भव्य उदघाटन झाले. या उदघाटनाला प्रमुख पाहुण्या म्हणून मराठी चित्रपट अभिनेत्री आणि दिग्दर्शिका मृणाल कुलकर्णी, आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवाचे अध्यक्ष श्री. किरण शांताराम, आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवाचे डायरेक्टर श्री.सुधीर नांदगावकर, प्रभात चे सचिव श्री संतोष पाठारे , दिग्दर्शक सुनील सुखथनकर आणि फेडरेशन ऑफ फिल्म सोसायटी इंडियाचे उपाध्यक्ष श्री. प्रेमेंद्र मुझुमदार ही मंडळी उपस्थित होती. ‘वेलकम होम‘ या मराठी चित्रपटाने महोत्सवाचे उद्घाटन झाले. डॉ. सुमित्रा भावे आणि सुनील सुखथनकर या चित्रपटाचे दिग्दर्शक असून त्यात मृणाल कुलकर्णी, सुमित राघवन, सुबोध भावे यांच्या प्रमुख भूमिका आहेत.
राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार विजेता सिनेमा ‘कासव‘ आणि ‘वेलकम होम‘ चित्रपटाचे दिग्दर्शक सुनील सुखथनकर यांनी सांगितले की, ” २००४ मध्ये आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवात दाखवलेल्या ‘देवराई‘ चित्रपटासाठी अतुल कुलकर्णी यांना मिळालेला अवॉर्ड हा आमच्यासाठी आजही खास आहे . एक दिग्दर्शक म्हणून मला दडपण आले आहे आणि आशा करतो तुम्हा चित्रपट प्रेमींना आमचा चित्रपट आवडेल . ”
१७ व्या थर्ड आय आशियाई चित्रपट महोत्सवात मुंबईकर येथे प्रेक्षकांना आंतरराष्ट्रीय चित्रपट महोत्सवात दाद मिळालेले चित्रपट व लघुपटांचा आस्वाद घेता येणार आहे. अर्जुन दत्ता या बंगाली दिग्दर्शकाचा ‘अव्यकतो‘ हा चित्रपट व शेखर बापू रानखांबेचा ‘पॅम्पलेट‘ हा तीस मिनिटांचा लघुपट आशियाई महोत्सवात प्रदर्शित होणार आहेत.
मोबाईलच्या आसक्ती मुळे संपर्क तुटलेल्या नायक (नंदू माधव) आपल्याला ‘द ड्रेनेज‘ मध्ये आपल्याला पाहता येईल. ‘परसेप्टिव्ह‘ मधून आदिनाथ कोठारे ने धार्मिक सोहळ्यांकडे पाहण्याचा आगळा वेगळा दृष्टिकोन चित्रित केला आहे.
Third Eye Asian Film Festival concludes with launch of two books

The Third Eye Asian Film Festival concluded recently in presence of dignitaries from Marathi film industry and other special invitees. Popular actress and Jt. Director of Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal Ms. Varsha Usgaonkar expressed satisfaction about the conduct of this film festival, which has offered an opportunity to many film makers to display their finest creations. She appealed to all the talented film makers to consider as a platform to display their skills. Also present on the occasion were, Mr. Kiran Shantaram President of Third Eye Film Festival, Mmr. Sudhir Nandgaonkar Director of the festival, Mr. Sanjeev Palande, Director of P. L. Deshpande Academy.
During this concluding ceremony of the festival, two books were launched. First one was D. B. Samant’s book ‘Chanderi Smrutichitre’ and the second was an e –book edition of ‘Shantarama’ written by Late V.Shantaram and edited by Madhura Jasraj. Both these books have been published by Chitrapati V.Shantaram Pratishthan. This year the audience had an opportunity to witness wonderful short films section, in which Iran’s ‘Birthday Night’ won the best film award.
Third Eye Asian Film festival begins in Mumbai

The 15th Third Eye Asian Film festival was opened on Thursday 15th December, with the opening ceremony at the hands of Mr. Ram Naik, Governor of U.P. On this inaugural day, well known film maker Govind Nihalani was felicitated with the prestigious Film Culture Award, which was presented to him by chief guest Mr. Ram Naik. Speaking on this occasion, Mr. Govind Nihalani stressed the need of producing films connected with Indian soil. ” We should be proud of our own culture and see to it that our films go worldwide,” he said.
Chief guest Mr. Ram Naik praised the hard work put in by Mr. Sudheer Nandgaonkar for organizing this festival every year. Present on this occasion were Mr. Kiran Shantaram, president of the organizing committee, Jury member of short film section Ramesh Talwar and others. This seven day festival will be held upto 22nd December, when films from countries like Iran, Nepal, Bangladesh, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon will be screened. There is a separate section for Marathi films in this festival, besides competition for short films.
Separate section for Marathi films in Third Eye Asian Film Fest

The 15th Third Eye Asian Film Festival which is scheduled between 15th and 22nd December 2016 in Mumbai, will have separate section for Marathi films, to enable Marathi film lovers to watch some good Marathi films. In the main section there will be films from different countries like Iran, Nepal, Japan, Bangladesh, Korea, Vietnam and Lebanon besides India. There will also be competition for short films in this festival.
Five films will be shown daily during this festival and the festival will be inaugurated by Governor of Uttar Pradesh Mr. Ram Naik at the Mini Theatre of Ravindra Natya Mandir. On this occasion, noted Film maker Mr. Govind Nihalani will be conferred with the Lifetime Achievement award, while the Satyajit Ray Memorial award will be presented to Mr. Satish Jakatdar of Aashay Film Club, Pune.
The Online registration for this festival has already begun and the application form can be downloaded from the official website of the hosts www.affmumbai.org. The delegate registration will begin on 10th December onwards at Ravindra Natya mandir, Mumbai between 1 pm and 7 pm.
Dr. Mohan Agashe felicitated at Third Eye Asian Film Fest

We are all aware that the 14th Third eye Asian Film Festival is in progress. On Tuesday evening the Asian Film Foundation & P.L. Deshpande Maharashtra Kala Academy jointly felicitated veteran actor Dr.Mohan Agashe , for his performance in the film ‘Astu’. It may be recalled that Dr. Agashe had recently won the Filmfare award, for his performance in the same film. Even otherwise, ‘Astu’ had won many popular awards in the recent past.
Speaking on the occasion Dr. Agashe said that those who studied the language of cinema in depth, are able to understand language of this media very well. On this occasion Mr. Dilip Bapat from Baburao Painter Film Society, Kolhapur was also conferred upon an award in memory of late Satyajit Ray. Mr. Bapat was overwhelmed with this gesture from the hosts. He announced that he was dedicating his award to his wife and close associates.
Third Eye Film Festival between 24th and 31st December 2015
Maharashtra Cultural Minister Mr. Vinod Tawde will inaugurate the 14th Third Eye Asian Film Festival at 7 pm on 24th December 2015, at Ravindra Natya Mandir, Prabhadevi, Mumbai. This festival will go on for a week between 24th and 31st December 2015,.
On the inaugural day, in presence of the Hon. Minister, well known film maker Shyam Benegal will felicitate renowned actress Waheeda Rehman. This year, during the festival, well known film maker Satyajit Ray will be remembered, on completion of 60 years of his film ‘Pather Panchali’ .
Veteran Marathi actor Mr. Mohan Agashe will also receive the honours, for his performance in the film ‘Astu’. Along with him , Mr. Dilip Bapat, an activist from Baburao Painter Film Society, Kolhapur , will be felicitated by Satyajit Ray Memorial award . Registration for this week long film festival begins from 14th December 2015, at Ravindra Natya Mandir , between 2 pm and 8 pm.
Third Eye Film Festival opens with ‘Harischandrachi Factory’
The 8th Third Eye Asian Film festival was inaugurated on Friday 4th December 2009 at 8 pm, when the Chief Guest Ms. Vijaya Mehta lighted the lamp and declared the festival open. In her short speech the former theatre personality and director narrated the excitement during their good old days, to watch foreign films at such festivals, whenever held in Mumbai. She was more keen on watching the opening film ‘Harishchandrachi factory’ which was to be screened after the inaugural function.
Also present on the occasion were Mr. Kiran Shantaram, Chairman of the Asian film Festival, Mr. Sudhir Nandgaonkar, Creative Director of the Third Eye Asian Festival, Mr. K.J. Verma, Regional Manager of State Bank of India( The sponsors) and Mr. Paresh Mokashi, Director of the film ‘Harischandrachi Factory’. During the ceremony, the organizers welcomed all the Jury members coming from different countries like Poland, Iran, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Japan. Mr. Nandgaonkar briefed the delegates about various categories under which the films were classified. The Festival will also screen short films from different countries. The Third Eye festival will focus on Egypt, as there will be seven films from this country. Films will be screened at Plaza Cinema, Chavan Centre and Rangswar till 10th of December 2009. Registration of delegates is in full swing and the schedule is available on their site also