17th SKD Film festival to present 11 best Marathi films

Sanskruti Kala Darpan Gaurav Rajani, which is in its 17th year, have announced the list of their final 11 films, which will compete with each other at their Film Festival scheduled on 18th and 19th April 2017 at Ravindra Natya Mandir, Prabhadevi. This 17th SKD Film festival will open with National award winning Marathi film ‘Dashakriya‘ followed by films like ‘Ghuma‘, ‘Kaasav‘, ‘Naatee‘, ‘Khel‘, ‘Machivarla Budha‘, ‘Ventilator‘, ‘Half Ticket‘ & ‘Vazandar‘.
All the above mentioned films will be screened with special ticket rates of Rs. 50/- for the film lovers. During the screening of these films, the artistes of these films will also be present, which will give an opportunity to the audience to meet them personally. Rest of the three films also selected, namely, ‘Guru‘, ‘Poshter Girl‘ & ‘Kiran Kulkarni V/s Kiran Kulkarni‘, will not be screened for technical reasons. The 11 films shortlisted, have been selected from 47 films. Mr. Chandrashekhar Sandve and Ms. Archana Nevrekar the heads of SKD have already announced a prize of Rs. 1.5 lakh to the winner in this category.
‘Dashakriya’, ‘Kasav’ & ‘Ventilator’ bag National awards

Marathi film ‘Kasav‘ produced by Sumitra Bhave, Sunil Sukthankar and Mohan Agashe has won Golden Lotus National award for best film at 64th National awards declared on Friday, while Priyanka Chopra‘s first Marathi film ‘Ventilator‘ as a Producer has bagged three national awards. In the regional film category awards, film ‘Dashakriya‘ was declared the best Marathi film. The director of the film ‘Ventilator‘ Mr. Rajesh Mapuskar has won the award for Best direction, Rameshwar Bhagat won the award for best editing, while Alok De won the Best Sound design award, bringing a big smile on the face of their celebrity producer. The technical team in the presence of director Rajesh Mapuskar celebrated this happy occasion, by cutting the Victory cake late in the evening.
It may be recalled that this film had many well known artistes from Marathi film, television and Drama field to bring humour into this emotion filled film on a thought provoking subject. Highlight of the film was return of Ashutosh Gowarikar as an actor in ‘Ventilator‘ film, playing an important role. Well Known Bollywood artiste Boman Irani was seen in a special appearance , while Priyanka Chopra was also seen in a guest appearance. The film had received good response from Marathi film lovers and now these three National awards are sure to raise the morale of the entire team.
पंधराव्या पुणे आंतरराष्ट्रीय चित्रपट महोत्सवात प्रियंका चोप्राची फिल्म ‘व्हेंटिलेटर’ला मिळाला ‘सर्वोत्कृष्ठ पटकथा’चा पुरस्कार!

प्रियांका चोप्राच्या पर्पल पेबल पिक्चर्स ह्या निर्मिती संस्थेची पहिली मराठी फिल्म ‘व्हेंटिलेटर‘ गेल्या वर्षी नोव्हेंबरमध्ये रिलीज झाली होती. डॉ.मधु चोप्रा निर्मित ह्या चित्रपटाला यंदाच्या पंधराव्या पुणे आंतरराष्ट्रीय चित्रपट महोत्सवात (PIFF) सर्वोत्कृष्ट पटकथेचा पुरस्कार मिळाला आहे.
‘व्हेंटिलेटर‘ सिनेमाचे दिग्दर्शक राजेश मापुस्कर ह्यांनीच ह्या सिनेमाच्या पटकथेवरही काम केलं होतं. ह्या कौटुंबिक मनोरंजक चित्रपटात मराठी सिने आणि नाट्यसृष्टीतल्या अनेक मान्यवरांनी काम केलं आहे. आशुतोष गोवारीकर आणि बमन इराणी ह्यांच्याही सिनेमात मुख्य भुमिका आहेत.
चित्रपटाच्या निर्मात्या मधू चोप्रा म्हणतात, ” ‘व्हेंटिलेटर‘ सिनेमाशी निगडीत प्रत्येकाचा हा सन्मान आहे. ह्या सिनेमाचा विषय माझ्या हृदयाला भिडला. सिनेमाचा विषय प्रियंका, राजेश आणि आम्हां सगंळ्यानाच खुप भावला होता. ह्या चित्रपटाची निवड न्युयॉर्क चित्रपट महोत्सवासाठीही झालीय.”
राजेश मापुस्कर ह्या पुरस्काराविषयी प्रतिक्रिय़ा देताना म्हणाले, “पुणे आंतरराष्ट्रीय चित्रपट महोत्सवात मिळालेल्या सर्वोत्कृष्ठ पटकथेचा हा पुरस्कार माझा पहिला पुरस्कार आहे. मला अतिशय अभिमान वाटतो, की आमच्या पटकथेला हा पुरस्कार मिळाला. माझ्या लेखनाचं कौतुक झाल्याचा हा अभिमान आहे. ‘व्हेंटिलेटर ‘चित्रपटाची टिम आणि पर्पल पेबल पिक्चर्सचा हा सन्मान आहे.”
Ya Re Ya
Song: Ya Re Ya
Movie: Ventilator
Director: Rajesh Mapuskar
Singer: Rohan Pradhan
Music: Rohan Rohan
Lyrics: Manoj Yadav & Shantaram Mapuskar
Song Lyrics
या रे या सारे या गजाननाला आळवूया या.. (२)
Ya Re Ya Saare Ya Ganjananala Aalvaluya Ya…
नाम प्रभूचे गाऊया गणपती बाप्पा मोरया मंगलमूर्ती मोरया .. (२)
Naam Prabhuche Gauya Ganpati Bappa Morya Mangalmurti Morya…
गुणगान तुझे ओठांवर राहू दे
Gungaan Tujhe Onthanvar Rahu De
चरणीतुझ्या हे जीवन वाहू दे रे
Charnitujhya He Jeevan Vahu De Re
नाथांचा नाथ तू मायेची हाक तू
Nathancha Nath Tu Mayechi Hak Tu
भक्तीचा नाद तू माउली तुझी दया
Bhakticha Naad Tu Mauli Tuji Daya
या रे या सारे या गजाननाला आळवूया या.. (२)
Ya Re Ya Saare Ya Ganjananala Aalvaluya Ya…
नाम प्रभूचे गाऊया गणपती बाप्पा मोरया मंगलमूर्ती मोरया.. (२)
Naam Prabhuche Gauya Ganpati Bappa Morya Mangalmurti Morya…
उपकार तुझे सुखदायक सुखकर्ता
Upkar Tuje Sukhdayak Sukhkarta
आधार तुझा तू कारण तू कर्ता
Aadhar Tuja Tu Karan Tu Karta
तू माता तूच पिता
Tu Mata Tuch Pita
तू बंधू तूच सखा
Tu Bandhu Tuch Sakha
आम्हावरी राहू दे माउली तुझी दया
Aamhavari Rahu De Mauli Tujhi Daya
या रे या सारे या गजाननाला आळवूया या.. (२)
Ya Re Ya Saare Ya Ganjananala Aalvaluya Ya…
नाम प्रभूचे गाऊया गणपती बाप्पा मोरया मंगलमूर्ती मोरया.. (२)
Naam Prabhuche Gauya Ganpati Bappa Morya Mangalmurti Morya…
या रे या सारे या गणपती बाप्पा मोरया गजाननाला आळवूया या मंगलमूर्ती मोरया
Ya Re Ya Saare Ya Ganpati Bappa Morya Ganjananala Aalvaluya Ya Mangalmurti Morya.
नाम प्रभूचे गाऊया गणपती बाप्पा मोरया
Naam Prabhuche Gauya Ganpati Bappa Morya
गणपती बाप्पा मोरया मंगलमूर्ती मोरया
Ganpati Bappa Morya Mangalmurti Morya.
Baba Song With Lyrics
Song: Baba
Movie: Ventilator
Director: Rajesh Mapuskar
Singer: Priyanka Chopra
Music: Rohan Rohan
Lyrics: Manoj Yadav
Song Lyrics
बाबा मला कळलेच नाही
Baba Mala Kalech Nahi
तुझ्या मनी वेदना
Tuhjya Mani Vedana
कशी मी राहू बोल कुठे जाऊ
Kashi Me Rahu Bolu Kuthe Jau
मला काही समजेना
Mala Kahi Samhjena
साध हि घालते लाडकी तुला
Sad Hi Ghalte Ladki Tula
जगण्या तू दिला माझ्या जिवा अर्थ खरा
Jagnya Tu Dila Majhya Jiva Arth Khara
बाबा थांब ना रे तू बाबा जाऊ नको दूर बाबा
Baba Thamb Na Re Tu Baba Jau Nako Dur Baba
बाबा थांब ना रे तू बाबा….
Baba Thamb Na Re Tu…..
दैव होता तू देव होता तू
Daiv Hota Tu Dev Hota Tu
खेळण्यातला माझा खेळ होता तू
Khelanyatla Maza Khel Hota Tu
शहाणी होते मी वेडा होता तू
Shahani Hote Me Veda Hota Tu
माझ्यासाठी कारे सारा खर्च केला तू
Majhyasathi Kare Sara Kharch Kela Tu
आज तू फेडू दे पांग हे मला
Aaj Tu Fedu De Pang He Mala
जगण्या रे मला अजूनही तूच हवा
Jagnya Re Mala Ajunahi Tuch Hava
बाबा थांब ना रे तू बाबा जाऊ नको दूर बाबा
Baba Thamb Na Re Tu Baba Jau Nako Dur Baba
बाबा थांब ना रे तू बाबा …..
Baba Thamb Na Re…..
पाय हे भाजले अश्रूंच्या उन्हात
Pay He Bhajale Ashrunchya Unhat
हाक दे हात दे श्वास दे पुन्हा
Hak De Hath De Shwaas De Punha
बाबा बोलना बोलना बोलना बोलना
Baba Bolna Bolna Bolna Bolna
बाबा थांब ना रे तू बाबा जाऊ नको दूर बाबा
Baba Thamb Na Re Tu Baba Jau Nako Dur Baba
बाबा थांब ना रे तू बाबा
Baba Thamb Na Re Baba
Viju Khote celebrates 75th birthday

Veteran Hindi and Marathi film actor Viju Khote celebrated his 75th birthday with his family members. Born on 17th December 1941, Viju Khote has worked as character actor in more than 300 films in his acting career, which began with a Marathi film ‘Ya Malak’ in 1964. Since then, he has been performing character roles non stop for the past 52 years.
Younger brother of popular veteran actress Shubha Khote and son of stage actor Nandu Khote, Viju Khote became popular after the release of super hit film ‘Sholay’ in which he played Kalia, the close associate of villain Gabbar played Amjad Khan. Recently, we saw him in the Marathi film ‘Ventilator’. With his helpful nature Viju Khote has many admirers. He was also chief guest of Marathi Movie World award function last year. Wishing him a very happy birthday.
‘Ventilator’ earns 11 Crore in 11 days

‘Ventilator‘ is the only Marathi film, which was not affected by demonetization of higher denomination currency notes. In fact, the film made earnings of 11 Crore in 11 days, which is to be highly appreciated. But, the makers should thank the audience, who used online booking, net banking and plastic money to book their tickets for this film. This clearly indicated that Marathi film lovers had the will to watch this film during this period of crisis and the alternate methods showed them the way.
The good response received from the audience has certainly increased the confidence of the makers of ‘Ventilator‘ film and the happiest person is producer Dr.Madhu Chopra. Reacting to this good news director Rajesh Mapuskar said that he was overwhelmed by the audience response. Mr. Nikhil Sane of Zee Studios also welcomed the alternative methods used by audience to book their tickets in the current scenario.
‘Ventilator‘ which was released on 4th November 2016, is presently being shown through 4165 shows daily through 257 cinema houses. Till date the director of the film and the artistes have personally paid visit to cinema houses in Thane, Nashik, Dombivali, Pune and Alibaug and interacted with enthusiastic audience.
‘Ventilator’ is a tribute to all Dads in the world
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Rating: ★★★½
Genres: Family Drama Censor: U Duration: 130 min. Studio/presenter: Zee Studios, Purple Pebble Pictures, Magij Pictures Producer(s): Priyanka Chopra, Dr. Madhu Chopra Director: Rajesh Mapuskar Music: Rohan Rohan Writer: Rajesh Mapuskar Cinematographer (DOP): Savita Singh Cast: Ashutosh Gowariker, Jitendra Joshi, Sulbha Arya, Sukanya Kulkarni-Mone, Satish Aalekar, Swati Chitnis, Usha Nadkarni, Rahul Solapurkar Movie Review by: Ulhas Shirke |
Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has turned a Producer of Marathi films, with her debut production ‘Ventilator‘. She might have selected the subject of the film, perhaps to pay tribute to her father. ‘Ventilator‘ which is also a debut Marathi film for Bollywood writer and director Rajesh Mapuskar , who has directed this film, besides writing its script.
The film revolves around Kamerkar family, scattered at different places, but all the members make it a point to visit their native place to celebrate Ganapati festival every year.

However, this year, little before the arrival of Ganapati fest, the doyen of the family Gajju kaka is admitted to the hospital after suffering brain stroke. As he goes into Coma, his son Prasanna (Jitendra Joshi) takes a decision to keep him on Ventilator in ICU, to enable him to impress his Political leader( Shashank Shende) , being his right hand in all the party work during Ganapati fest. He however, admits him in the best hospital using his political influence. His mother( Sulbha Arya) and sister (Sukanya Mone) turn by turn keep a watch outside the ICU, hoping for the old man’s recovery.
As the news about Gajju kaka’s health condition spreads to the relatives in Mumbai and village, they start pouring in the hospital. There are also some of his old colleagues from the chawl, where he lived earlier. But, the most important person who finds time to visit his uncle is Raja Kamerkar alias RK( Ashutosh Gowarikar) as he is indebted to him, for having supported him, when he first arrived in Mumbai. RK has turned to be a Bollywood film director and therefore his visit to hospital becomes a special event. Like Prasanna, RK too has differences with his father( Satish Alekar) on certain issues and the film’s story focuses on this emotional cord, while presenting some humorous happenings, even in that situation.
As a writer-director Rajesh Mapuskar has cleverly handled the film till the interval, with many humor filled scenes and making the screenplay interesting with the introduction of about 100+ characters , most of whom are relatives of Kamerkar family. And therefore, in the post interval session, we find a huge gathering of people in the hospital’s waiting room , as if it is a gathering of people for a family function. And, in this crowd, you don’t notice any other relatives of patients, as if Gajju kaka is the only patient admitted there.
Due to well written dialogues and perfect timing of comedy maintained by the big group of experienced talented artistes, the film moves to the thought provoking climax, raising the curiosity of the audience. The inclusion of artistes like Usha Nadkarni, Deepak Shirke, Achyut Potdar , Viju Khote, Abhijit Chavan, Nikhil Ratnaparakhi, Bhushan Telang, Rahul Solapurkar, Namrata Awate, Nilesh Divekar and many others has enabled the director to show the attitude of every individual, even at such a situation. Producer Priyanka Chopra has two scenes in this film, as she plays her own self, uttering few words in Marathi. In the role of a Surgeon Boman Irani has tried to generate humour very naturally . Though it is a good team work, Jitendra Joshi, Ashutosh Gowarikar & Satish Alekar invite all the attention with their superb performances. Music doesn’t have much scope in this film, but the song played in background is impressive. The female version of the song has now been dubbed in the voice of Priyanka Chopra, which may help in film’s promotion on television and social networking sites. Savita Singh’s cinematography has perfectly captured the close up expressions of all these versatile artistes.
All in all, ‘Ventilator‘ is a family drama which offers humour mixed with emotions. In short, the film has paid tribute to all Dads in the world, indicating how strong is the relationship between a father and a son.

Baba Song
Movie: Ventilator
Director: Rajesh Mapuskar.
Music: Rohan Rohan
Singer: Priyanka Chopra
Lyrics: Manoj Yadav
Rajkumar Hirani attends premiere of ‘Ventilator’ at MAMI festival

The Jio MAMI Film festival which is at present going on in Mumbai, is showcasing some of the best films from different countries like Poland, Argentina, USA, Austria, Philipines, Germany, China, Bulgaria,Denmark, Russia, Japan, Nepal, Canada and other countries besides India. The festival is held under the aegis of the Mumbai Academy of Moving (MAMI) and is a platform that is shorthand for excellence in cinema. The goal is to cultivate and stir up passion for films. The 18th edition of the festival will go on till 27th October, 2016.
In Marathi talkies section, there are films like ‘Rajwade & Sons‘, ‘Vakratunda Mahakaya‘,’Bioscope‘ and others being shown. Yesterday, evening forthcoming Marathi film ‘Ventilator‘ produced by Priyanka Chopra and directed by Rajesh Mapuskar was premiered, in presence of dignitaries and special guest popular Bollywood film director Rajkumar Hirani. And, according to makers of this film, he really enjoyed watching this film . ‘Ventilator‘ is all set to release on 4th November 2016, all over Maharashtra.