कणकवलीच्या सद्गुरू भालचंद्र महाराजांची गाथा रुपेरी पडदयावर
ज्यांनी आपल्या जीवनात आयुष्यभर तपसाधनेत मग्न राहून तपचर्या केली आणि भक्तांची दुःखे निवारण केले असे सद्गुरू भालचंद्र महाराज ही देवत्व प्राप्त केलेली महान अनुभूती. त्यांच्या कृपेची प्रचिती आजही असंख्य भाविकांना येते. योगियांचे योगी, असंख्य भाविकांचे श्रद्धास्थान असलेल्या परमहंस भालचंद्र महाराज यांचा जीवनप्रवास आता मराठी रुपेरी पडद्यावर येणार आहे. कणकवली मध्ये नुकत्याच भालचंद्र महाराज यांच्या १२१ व्या जयंतीनिमित्त, निर्माते हरेश शशिकांत आईर आणि सौ.अमृता हरेश आईर यांनी ‘कणकाधीश (Kanakadhish)’ या मराठी चित्रपटाची घोषणा करत चित्रपटाच्या पोस्टरचे अनावरण केले.

योगतपस्वी, कणकाधिपती परमहंस भालचंद्र महाराजांची महती, अध्यात्मिक सामर्थ्याची प्रचीती, महाराजांच्या जीवनचरित्रातील अनुभवांचे भावस्पर्शी सादरीकरण प्रत्येकाला महाराजांच्या सान्निध्याची नक्कीच अनुभूती देईल, असा विश्वास मृद्रा व्हिज्युअल प्रोडक्शन्सचे संस्थापक आणि ‘कणकाधीश’ चित्रपटाचे निर्माते हरेश शशिकांत आईर यांनी व्यक्त केला.
मृद्रा व्हिज्युअल प्रोडक्शन्सची प्रस्तुती असलेल्या ‘कणकाधीश (Kanakadhish)’ चित्रपटाचे लेखन प्रल्हाद कुडतरकर यांचे तर दिग्दर्शन विविध कोरगांवकर करणार आहेत. छायाचित्रण कौशल गोस्वामी, संगीत दिग्दर्शन साई-पीयुष यांचे आहे. कलादिग्दर्शन महेश कुडाळकर यांचे आहे. सहनिर्माते मिलिंद शिंगटे आहेत. या चित्रपटासाठी छत्रपती स्टुडिओ यांचे विशेष सहकार्य लाभले आहे.
‘Punashchha Hari Om’ presents a sensible and timely subject very realistically
We are all aware how the corona pandemic affected the lives of people all over the country. At the same time, we are also aware how the lockdown imposed by the government made many people jobless. Last year a Marathi film ‘Punashcha Hari Om (पुन:श्च हरिओम)’ was released with a worldwide premiere, few months ago on Zee Yuva channel. Produced by Bhavesh Janavlekar, Rohit Mhatre,Sachin Yadav and others, this film which is now available for viewing on Zee 5 app. The film clearly shows how a middle class Marathi family from a village in Konkan suffers due to this lockdown and subsequent storm that devastated their village. But, what is important is that the family fights back to overcome this natural calamity, which inspires the viewers.

Directed by debutant Vividh Korgaonkar this film is set on the backdrop of a village in Konkan and revolves around a middle class Maharashtrian family comprising of young couple Ravi Parkar ( Vitthal Kale), Deepali Parkar ( Spruha Joshi) , their little daughter( Kashvi Sawant) and older parents Baba ( Sanjay Kulkarni) and Aai ( Neeta Shende). Ravi owns a small electrical shop while Deepali works in a Saree shop as a saleswoman. Their little daughter studies in a primary school in the village and is a bright student. Ravi struggles initially in his new business, as he has to repay the loan instalment of his shop. But, the family is happy with what they earn for their living.
The real trouble starts when Corona virus spreads in the village and lockdown is imposed. Ravi has to sit at home and Deepali also loses her job. The family faces crisis, as the financer demands the monthly instalments. He also takes away Ravi’s motorcycle. Ravi tries to find odd jobs and even attempts door to door sales of electric bulbs. At this stage their little daughter suggests something to her mother and both of them attempt something interesting to help the family. Initially, the father is opposed to this idea. But, soon joins them to set an example that there is always a way out to counter the crisis.

Director Vividh has presented a simple story written by Malti Joshi; but it is sensible and timely, to inspire the viewers. The screenplay offers some interesting and realistic happenings involving few more characters like Ravi’s close friend and well wisher Harish, the money lender and his associate, a salesman and finally an owner of a masala manufacturing company . Very cleverly, he has avoided showing extra characters on the screen, though their names are mentioned in dialogues. Also proper locations have been identified to meet the requirements of lockdown norms.
In the lead role, Spruha Joshi finds plenty of scope to display her talent through her emotions, which are cleverly captured by cinematographer Kaushal Goswami. She finds very good support from other artistes namely her co star Vitthal Kale , Kashvi Sawant, Devendra Gaikwad, Prathamesh Bhatkar, Sanjay Kulkarni, Neeta Shende and others. All of them have given memorable performances. ‘Punaschha Hari Om (पुन श्च हरिओम)’ is a well presented film, which keeps you engaged from beginning till the end.
Last but not the least Anurag Godbole & Chinmay Hulyalkar have provided suitable music with good sound recording from Nilesh Nikam. Certainly a worth watch film. Thanks to debutant director Vividh Koregaonkar. He has made his presence felt through this film.