‘श्रीमंताघरची सून’ मालिकेत दिसणार सुप्रिया पाठारे

सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवरील ‘श्रीमंताघरची सून’ या मालिकेचे चित्रीकरणही राज्याबाहेर सुरू झाले असून मालिकेचे नवीन भाग प्रेक्षकांचा भेटीला आले आहेत. ‘श्रीमंताघरची मुलगी’, अनन्या जेव्हा मध्यमवर्गीय कर्णिक कुटुंबात सून होऊन आल्यावर काय घडते, हे या मालिकेतून प्रेक्षकांना दिसते आहे.
या मालिकेत देविकाची भूमिका आता अभिनेत्री सुप्रिया पाठारे साकारणार आहेत. मराठी कलाविश्वात सुप्रिया पाठारे हे नाव प्रसिद्ध असून त्यांनी आत्तापर्यंत विविध भूमिका साकारल्या आहेत. सुप्रियांच्या ह्या नवीन भूमिकेबद्दल नक्कीच प्रेक्षकांना उत्सुकता असणार आहे. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर. ‘श्रीमंताघरची सून’ हि मालिका सोम.-शनि., रात्री ८ वा. प्रदर्शित होत असून तिच्या ह्या मालिकेतील भूमिकेला प्रेक्षकांचा कसा प्रतिसाद मिळतो ते लवकरच कळेल.
Yashoman, Dnyanada Ramtirthkar together in a new music video

Both Yashoman Apte and Dnyanada Ramtirthkar are popular TV stars through their respective serials. But, they have come together for the first time in a music video of Saptasur Music which was released recently on their youtube channel. The music video has interesting wordings “Nako Rusava Nako Durava, Satat Vate Tu Ithe Javali Rahaa..’”penned and composed by Charvak Madhuri. The song is rendered by Aditya Neela.
The Music arrangement and programming of this video is by Dhruv Mule and Shantanu Sapkal. Cinematography is by Anirudh Bandivadekar, while the director and choreographer is Krutik Majhir. The video is produced by Sainath Rajadhyaksha. The makers of this video are confident that this new pair will attract more viewers like the success attained by their past music videos .
Yashoman Apte

Biography / Profile:
Born : 30 November
Birthplace : Mumbai
Occupation : Actor
Yashoman Apte is student of primary education in Parle Tilak Vidyalaya which is in Vile, Parle, Mumbai. Yashoman Apte Completed his education from M.L. Dahanukar College of Commerce. In Phulpakharu serial he is playing lead role of Manas Rege opposite Vaidahi starring Hruta Durgule, and this serial is a big break for his acting career. His debute film was 35% kathavar pass.
- Movie(s)
- 35% Katthavar Pass (2016)
- Serial(s)
- Phulpakharu (Zee Yuva)
- Play(s)
- Zopla
Stay tuned to know more about Yashoman Apte
Yashoman Apte From 35% Kathavar Pass Film, Yashoman Apte Actor, Yashoman Apte Marathi Film, Yashoman Apte Film, Yashoman Apte Movies, Yashoman Apte, Yashoman Apte Biography, Yashoman Apte Movies, Yashoman Apte Photos, Yashoman Apte Pictures, Yashoman Apte, Yashoman Apte Height, Yashoman Apte Wiki, Yashoman Apte Wallpaper, Yashoman Apte Father Name, Yashoman Apte Mother Name, Yashoman Apte Biography, Yashoman Apte Profile, Yashoman Apte Facebook, Yashoman Apte Photos, Yashoman Apte Education, Yashoman Apte Girlfriend, Yashoman Apte Family, Yashoman Apte Date Of Birth(DOB), Yashoman Apte Serial Phulpakharu, Yashoman Apte Known as Manas