Now, ‘Aapla Talkies’ also joins to offer Marathi movies 24X7

We already have few TV channels like Zee Talkies & Maiboli , offering Marathi Movies round the clock. But now, there is addition of one more channel, to offer old classic and latest Marathi movies, 24×7 on Marathi television. At present, this channel is available on few service providers. But, it is expected to expand its network soon. Earlier, the name of this channel was different, but now, we understand that , they have finalized it as ‘Aapla Talkies’.
By the way, Zee Talkies will telecast world premiere of Marathi film ‘Carry On Maratha’ which was released just four months ago. And, that is a big news. But, Colors Marathi channel is also presenting TV World Premiere of another hit film ‘Balkadu’ coming Sunday i.e.13th December 2015 at 12 noon and 7 pm. Incidentally, ‘Balkadu’ was also released early this year. So, henceforth one thing is clear that the home viewers will get to see new Marathi films, within 4 to 10 months from their release date. However, home viewers are more keen to see some award winning films, instead of commercial films. Best example was that of ‘Zing Chik Zing’ which was recently shown on Maiboli channel.
Now days, there is lot of importance given to marriage ceremonies in TV serials. We have seen this happen in many TV serials in the recent past. Now, ‘Nanda Saukhyabhare’ on Zee Marathi, is getting ready to show the marriage of Neel and Swanandi , in a two hour long episode on coming Sunday. There is another marriage of Ishaan & Gauri also on the cards, in another TV serial ‘Tumcha Aamcha Same Asata’ non Star Pravah. And, how can we forget the most awaited marriage between Yash and Jui in ‘Asa Saasar Surekh Bai’ on Colors Marathi ? One thing is sure that both these marriages are sure to take place, as per the traditional practice followed by our serial makers. Now, how long they will take, depends upon the patience of the viewers.
The two Marathi serials, i.e. ‘Runji’ on Star Pravah and ‘Kamla’ on Colors channel, which started off well, are now tasting the patience of the viewers, with such events taking place , which are not at all convincing. Instead of watching such serials, it is better to watch some new subjects on social issues, presented by Doordarshan Sahyadri channel.
Zee Marathi are getting ready to introduce another love story, through their forthcoming serial ‘Pasant Aahe Mulgi’. However, which serial it will replace, is not known yet. Actually, it’s high time ‘Honar Suun Mi Hya Gharchi’ says Good Bye, after the delivery of Janhavi. But, we will have to wait and see, whether this will happen.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network