‘Highway’ Journey postponed due to technical reasons
The most awaited Marathi film ‘Highway- Ek Selfie Aarpar’ has postponed its journey. According to producer Vinay Ganu, writer Girish Kulkarni & director Umesh Kulkarni the release of this film has been postponed for technical reason and the fresh date most probably next month, will be announced by them soon. But, according to reliable sources, the makers felt that the time was just not right for their film’s release.
Bollywood movie ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ released last Friday has done very good business during the first three days . And having occupied maximum screens across Maharashtra, it is expected to continue at the same screens. Moreover Marathi film ‘Bioscope’ has also done a better business during first three days. If that’s not enough, three Marathi films are also releasing on 24th, followed by three more on 31st July. Thereafter two more films ‘Nilkanth Master’ and ‘Double Seat’, have already announced their release dates. So, we are not at all surprised with this decision taken by makers of ‘Highway’. In fact, it is a wise decision.
‘Gurukul’ promises quality music
New Marathi film ‘Gurukul’, presented by Anil Kabra and directed by Rommel Rodrigues, is getting ready for release on 7th August 2015. Recently, the music of this film was released at the hands of well known RPI leader Ramdas Athavale in presence of dignitaries like Singer Udit Narayan, Raja Hasan, Actor Ravi Kishan, Sanjay Leela Bhansali production’s CEO, Sandeep Singh. On this occasion the director, presenter, lead actors of this film Nagesh Bhosale, Vidyadhar Joshi, actor Swapnil Joshi(Jr.), Pradip Kunwar, Prashant Mohite, Sonali Shewale, Rinna Liman, ‘U’ vaa Fame actress Neha Khan were also present.
To make this event entertaining, Preeti Sadaphule did an item number, on the lavani sung by veteran singer Asha Bhosle, for this film. Speaking on the occasion, RPI leader Ramdas Athawale stated, that if ‘Gurukul’ film does not find theatres, his party can help them. According to the makers, this film will help to build bonding between teacher and students .
The other songs from this film are sung by legendary singer Suresh wadkar, Sachin Pilgaonkar & Neha Rajpal. The Music of this film has been composed by SanjayRaj Gaurinandan and lyrics are by Prashant Ingole, Rajesh Bamugade & Madhukar Arkade.
Goa Film Festival concludes with premiere of ‘Nilkanth Master’
The three day Goa Marathi film Festival which is in its 8th edition, began on 17th July, with the screening of the film ‘Dr. Prakash Baba Amte’. On the first day evening there was special screening of forthcoming film ‘Highway – Ek Selfie Aarpar’. On the second day, there were premieres of forthcoming Marathi film ‘Panhala’ and also Hollywood’s first Marathi film ‘Paratu’ directed by award winning director Nitin Adsul. The festival concluded today, with the premiere of another forthcoming Marathi film ‘Nilkanth Master’ directed by Gajendra Ahire.
This year, 18 Marathi films including films like ‘Khwada’ ,’Sandook’, ‘Siddhant’, ‘Welcome Zindagi’ were showcased at three different venues Kala Academy, Inox Multiplex & Maquinez Palace. The festival received very good response from the audience. Veteran actors, Ramesh Deo and Seema Deo were conferred with the special ‘Kritagyata Puraskar’ for their exemplary contribution to the World of Cinema.

Star cast of ‘Bioscope’ at the premiere show in Thane
Dilip Prabhavalkar speaks his mind about his past characters
Renowned Marathi actor Dilip Prabhavalkar was recently invited at a function organised by Kitab Khana, a South Mumbai based biggest book store. Addressing a small gathering of special invitees, the versatile actor clad in a simple trouser and shirt, was frank enough while speaking his mind about some of his past characters portrayed by him in Marathi dramas, serials and Films.
“Even after so many decades I, sometimes, am still referred to as ‘Chimanrao’ and this is irritating at times. But, one of my favourite characters is a witch (Chetkin), I played in a children’s play ‘Albatya Galbatya.” confessed Dilip Prabhavalkar. He stressed the importance of voice modulation and make-up, get-up etc . which in his opinion, helped him to bring a lot of characters alive. “I am not a trained actor from NSD or elsewhere and frankly, I never intended to be an actor.” he said.
“Again, a character which is close to my heart is from ‘Chaukat Raja’. Actually, I was to play Smita’s (Talwalkar) husband and Paresh Rawal was to portray that mentally retarded character. Just two days before the start of the shoot, Smita called me and informed that Pareshji is out of the project. And she forced me to play this retarded person’s role. I was scared of the fate of the role and film, as I did not have enough time to prepare for this role. After talking to my doctor friends, referring medical journals, little help from my director, Sanjay Surkar, I finally sailed through. And it was a proud feeling, when I was judged the Best Actor for this role at Maharashtra State Awards.” he concluded.
रोमॅंटिक आणि थ्रिलरचे कॉम्बिनेशन असलेला ‘शॉर्टकट’
विज्ञानाची होणारी जलद गतीची प्रगती आपल्याला उपयुक्त जरी ठरत असली तरी दुसऱ्या बाजूला ह्या प्रगतीचा गैरवापरदेखील जगात मोठ्या प्रमाणात होत आहे. झटपट श्रीमंत होण्याच्या हव्यासापोटी हल्लीची युवापिढी पैसा, प्रसिद्ध मिळवण्यासाठी ‘शॉर्टकट’ चा मार्ग अवलंबायला जराही मागे पुढे पाहात नाही, पण हाच ‘शॉर्टकट‘ कधीतरी वेगळं वळण घेउन आपल्याला घातक ठरू शकतो याचा जराही विचार या तरुण मंडळीना नसतो.
दिवसेंदिवस सायबर क्राइमसारख्या गुन्ह्यांमध्ये मोठ्या प्रमाणात कमालीची वाढ होत आहे.
‘सायबर क्राइम’ सारखा अत्यंत ज्वलंत विषय ‘शॉर्टकट’ दिसतो पण नसतो, या आगामी सिनेमातून मांडण्यात आला आहे. एम के मोशन पिक्चर्स चे मुकेश चौधरी आणि चित्रकार फिल्म्सचे बी. आर. देढीया यांची निर्मिती असलेल्या ‘शॉर्टकट’ सिनेमाचे दिग्दर्शन हरीश राऊत यांनी केले असून त्यांचा हा पहिलाच मराठी सिनेमा आहे.
राजेश शृंगारपुरे, वैभव तत्ववादी आणि अभिनेत्री संस्कृती बालगुडे ह्यांच्या मुख्य भूमिका आहेत. सिनेमाची कथा हरीश राऊत यांची असून पटकथा हरीश राऊत, विनय नारायणे आणि राजेश बाळापुरे यांची आहे, तर संवाद विनय नारायणे यांचे आहेत.शकील खान यांनी सिनेमॅटोग्राफर म्हणून काम पाहिले असून या सिनेमात रॉक संगीतासोबतच रोमॅंटिक संगीताची मेजवानी आपल्याला मिळणार आहे.
रोमॅंटिक आणि थ्रिलरचे कॉम्बिनेशन असलेला ‘शॉर्टकट‘ हा सिनेमा ७ ऑगस्टपासून संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात प्रदर्शित होत आहे.

‘दोन स्पेशल’ – बाजारू पत्रकारितेवर घणाणती टीका
हल्लीच प्रदर्शित झालेल्या ‘नागरिक’ या चित्रपटात आजची पत्रकारिता कुठल्या थरापर्यंत जाउ शकते आणि त्यामध्ये एका कर्तव्यनिष्ठ पत्रकाराची काय अवस्था होते, हे पाहिले. पण खूप वर्षांपूर्वी लेखक ह.मो. मराठे यांनी त्यांच्या ‘न्यूज स्टोरी’ या कथेत त्याचे प्रात्यक्षिक दाखविले होते.
संतोष काणेकर आणि जितेंद्र जोशी निर्मित आणि क्षितीज पटवर्धन लिखित व दिग्दर्शित नवीन मराठी नाटक ‘दोन स्पेशल’ याच कथेवर आधारित आहे. पंचवीस वर्षापूर्वीची पुणे शहरातील पत्रकारिता, नाट्यरूपात त्यांनी प्रेक्षकांसमोर प्रभावीपणे उभी केली आहे. एका वर्तमानपत्राच्या कर्तव्यनिष्ठ उपसंपादकाच्या आयुष्यात एका रात्रीत घडणाऱ्या दोन घटनांवर हे नाटक आधारित आहे. त्यातून, लेखकाने रात्रपाळीला असणाऱ्या मिलिंद भागवत( जितेंद्र जोशी) या उप संपादकावर, एका विशेष अपघाताच्या बातमीत एका बड्या बांधकाम कंपनीचे व कंपनीच्या मालकाचे नाव छापून न येण्याकरिता, वर्तमानपत्राच्या विश्वस्तांकडून आणि राजकारण्यांकडून येत असलेला दबाव दाखवून दिला आहे. मात्र, नायक खंबीरपणे आपल्या तत्वांना जपून, या अपघातात मृत्युमुखी पडलेल्या तिघांना न्याय मिळवून देण्यासाठी, कोसळलेल्या इमारतीच्या खराब बांधकामाबाबत पुरावे गोळा करण्यासाठी प्रयत्न करतो.
एवढेच नव्हे तर, मिलिंदची पूर्वीची प्रेयसी स्वाती( गिरीजा ओक ), जी आठ वर्षांपूर्वी त्याच ऑफिसात काम करत होती, तिचे त्याच रात्री तिथे अचानक येणे आणि तिचा त्या व्यावसायिकाशी सध्या असलेला संबंध, हे सर्व चांगल्या रीतीने जुळवून आणले आहे. त्याच रात्री, मिलिंदकडे आदर्श पत्रकार म्हणून पाहणारा आणि पत्रकारितेचा अभ्यास पूर्ण करून, त्याच्या वर्तमानपत्रात नोकरी साठी आलेला तरुण (रोहित हळदीकर ) याचा वापर मिलिंद कसा करून घेतो, हा प्रसंगही चांगला खुलविला आहे. एकंदरीत, रात्री ९ ते १२.१५ या वेळामध्ये एका वर्तमानपत्राच्या कचेरीत काय घडले, याचे हुबेहूब चित्र या नाटकात उभे केले आहे. नाटक जरी सव्वा तीन तासांपेक्षा कमी वेळेचे असले तरी, काहीप्रसंग घड्याळाच्या काट्यासोबतच पुढे सरकतात आणि त्या भयाण रात्रीची जाणीव करून देतात.
नाटकाचा पूर्वार्ध थोडा रखडला आहे, पण उत्तरार्धात मात्र नाटकाने चांगलाच जोर पकडला आहे. आपले वडील हॉस्पिटलमध्ये असून सुद्धा, रात्री ड्युटीवर येऊन, आपले कर्तव्य पार पाडणारा हाडाचा पत्रकार जितेंद्र जोशी याने उत्तमरीत्या साकारला आहे. त्याला उत्तम साथ लाभली आहे ती गिरीजा ओक गोडबोले हिची. द्विधा मनस्थितीत सापडलेल्या, एका स्त्रीची व्यक्तिरेखा तिने उत्कृष्टरीत्या साकारली आहे. लेखक दिग्दर्शक क्षितीज पटवर्धन यांनी नेपथ्यकार प्रदीप मुळे याच्या सहाय्याने २५ वर्षांपूर्वीचे वर्तमानपत्राचे ऑफिस हुबेहूब उभे केले आहे. त्यात टेलीप्रिंटर चा वापर, त्याचा होणारा आवाज, जुन्या प्रकारच्या टेलिफोनचा वापर आणि अनमोल भावे याच्या सहाय्याने केलेले ध्वनी संयोजन विशेष आहे. नाटकाचा क्लायम्याक्स ही उत्तमरीत्या सादर केला आहे.
नाटकामधील एक प्रसंग मात्र खटकतो. तो म्हणजे, रात्रपाळीला आलेल्या कर्तव्यानिष्ठ मिलिंदचे, वर्तमानपत्राची पहिली कोपी निघण्याआधी, ड्युटीवर असताना, आपल्या पूर्व प्रेयसी सोबत बाहेर होटेलमध्ये जावून बेजबाबदारपणे सिगारेट व बियर पिणे व तेथे तिच्यासमोर जगातील सर्व बहिणींना उद्धेशून शिवी हासडणे. त्यापेक्षा, दोघांनी मधल्या ब्रेक मध्ये होटेल मध्ये जावून दोन स्पेशल चहा मागवणे, जास्त योग्य वाटले असते. वास्तविक, बियर आणि सिगरेट पिऊन असा अपशब्द उच्चारणे, पंचवीस वर्षांपूर्वीच्या पुण्यातील एका सुसंकृत पत्रकाराच्या तोंडी शोभत नाही. याचा प्रत्यय प्रबोधनकार ठाकरे सभागृहात प्रयोगाच्या वेळी पाठच्या रांगेत झालेल्या चूक.. चूक.. आणि कुजबूजीवरून आला . तसेही आजकालचे मराठी नाटककार( उदा. ‘मि आणि मिसेस’) , प्रेक्षकांना गृहीत धरून चालले आहेत, असे वाटते. हाच अपशब्द मराठी किंवा हिंदी चित्रपटात सेन्सोर च्या कात्रीत सापडतो, मग नाटकांच्या संवादांना सेन्सोर नाही का? खर म्हणजे, असा शब्द एवढ्या चांगल्या विषयाच्या नाटकात वापरण्याची गरजच नव्हती. पुढील प्रयोगात हा शब्दप्रयोग आवर्जून टाळावा. त्यामुळे नाटकाचा दर्जाही उंचावेल.
नाटकातील याच प्रसंगानंतर घडणाऱ्या सीन मध्ये दिग्दर्शकाने जरूर लक्ष्य घालावे. मिलिंद आणि स्वाती हॉटेलात जातात तेंव्हा स्वाती च्या हातात पर्स असते. पण बाहेर आल्यावर जेंव्हा मिलिंद स्वातीला रिक्षा मिळेपर्यंत त्याच्या कचेरीखाली रिक्षा मिळेपर्यंत थांबतो, तेंव्हा ती त्याचे ज्याकेट परत करते आणि रिक्षात बसून घरी जाते. मात्र त्यावेळेस तिच्याकडे पर्स नसते. उलट ती परत येते, तेंव्हा घराची चावी विसरल्याचे सांगते.
असो, हे दोन प्रसंग सोडले तर, नाटकाचे धारदार संवाद विषयाला धरून आहेत आणि सादरीकरणही अति उत्तम झाले आहे. सर्व नाट्यरसिकांनी आणि खास करून सर्व पत्रकारांनी आवर्जून पाहावे असे हे नाटक.

Housewives are keen to welcome Mrunal Dusanis on Colors
Last time, we had mentioned about actress Mrunal Dusanis making her comeback, through new Marathi serial ‘Assa Saasar Surekh Bai’. The promo of this serial itself, which is being shown on Colors channel, has generated lot of interest among the housewives in Maharashtra. Reports reaching us, from different places of Maharashtra, indicate that Mrunal is the topic of discussion among various groups of housewives, be it at the Kitty parties or at Mahila Mandal programmes.
Even otherwise, housewives did appreciate watching Mrunal play those docile and weepy characters, through her previous serials ‘Majhiya Priyala Preet kalena’ and ‘Tu Tithe Mee’. And, the first look of her upcoming serial, also shows her, as an adjustive nature housewife, in a joint family.
It may be recalled, two years ago, when ‘Tu Tithe Mee’ was being aired, the serial had received maximum popularity, only because of the presence of charming Mrunal Dusanis. And now, with her return on small screen, it is not surprising that she becomes the topic of discussion, among the housewives.
The countdown for this serial has already begun and it remains to be seen, how Mrunal’s chemistry with Marathi film’s angry young man Santosh Juvekar, will be welcomed. But, one thing is certain that the 8 to 8.30 pm slot on Colors channel is sure to be booked by housewives, from 27th July onwards.
Now, talking about popular entertaining programme ‘Chala Hawa Yeu Dya’’ on Zee Marathi, two things need to be pointed out. The regular comedy players are repeating the mockery of famous Hindi serial CID characters, for more than required, thus taking away the interest from this show. Can they not think of something different ? Also, the programme host Nilesh Sable, does not leave a single opportunity, to tell the viewers that before becoming a professional actor, he was a doctor. On Tuesday 14th July, while entertaining the guests from forthcoming Marathi film ‘Bioscope’, he had this chance once again. While recalling his first meeting with director Girish Mohite, he once again narrated a story, how after becoming a Doctor, he was trying to find a role in his film.
We would like to mention here that in our Marathi entertainment industry, we do have many Doctors, Engineers and even foreign returned MBA’s . But, they never blow their trumpet, about their past profession. And, to mention about other Doctors turning actors, they generally avoid talking about their previous profession, unless and until, they are questioned about it. The best examples are Dr. Shreeram Lagoo, Dr. Mohan Agashe, Dr Amol Kolhe and few others.
Marathi actresses to face the challenge of ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’
For the past few weeks, we have been watching mass releases of Marathi films and the same will continue , during the last week of July. But, coming Friday, we will notice only one Marathi film, ‘Bioscope‘, which is a collection of four different stories. All the four stories are directed by four different reputed directors from Marathi film industry. One of them, i.e. ‘Mitra’ directed by Ravi Jadhav, which is part of ‘Bioscope’ has already won the national award recently, for the best short film.
‘Bioscope‘ also presents some of the best talent from Marathi film industry. And, they comprise of Neena Kulkarni, Suhas Palshikar ( Dil E Nadaan) , Smita Tambe, Mangesh Kadam( Bail), Veena Jamkar, Mrunmayee Deshpande, Sandeep Khare( Mitraa) ,Ek Hota Kaau( Kushal Badrike, Spruha Joshi) and many others, who have performed under the able direction of Gajendra Ahire, Girish Mohite, Ravi Jadhav & Viju Mane respectively.
There is one good decision taken by all these dynamic filmmakers. They didn’t back out, only because a Salman Khan film was being released on the same day. And, this is to be highly appreciated. The release of this Marathi film, coming Friday, will only indicate the confidence the Marathi film makers have, about the positive response for their film. According to our sources, the makers of ‘Bioscope‘ had already booked 150 screens in advance, all over Maharashtra and the number is expected to go up.
Seven Marathi films to be released in a gap of eight days
If Marathi films are making a progress, with good scripts and quality presentation, it does not mean that the film makers should release their films simultaneously, in such a large number. During the last week of July 2015, we are going to notice about 7 Marathi films, lined up for release in two groups . In short, during the period of just 8 days i.e. 24th July till 31st July, seven Marathi films will be released.
On 24th July will see the release of ‘Panhala’, ‘Carry on Maratha’, ‘Manatlya Unhat’ & ‘Vaajalach Pahije – Game Ki Shinma’, while on 31st July ,three more Marathi films, namely, ‘Olakh My Identity’, ‘Deool Band’, & ‘Janiva’ are getting ready to release. The makers of ‘Dhinchak Enterprise’ have however taken a wise decision to postpone their film’s release from 31st July to 21st August 2015, as per reliable sources.
Recently, when we met actor-producer-director Nagesh Bhosale, he expressed his concern over such mass releases. Incidentally, Nagesh Bhosle’s own film ‘Panhala’ is also lined up for release, in this competition. “How can you divide the Marathi audience? This issue, certainly needs attention and I only hope that there is some amicable solution, to avoid competition among Marathi films. It is a big loss to film makers and even audience is getting confused, as to which film to watch. Don’t really think, the common man will be able to watch three or four films a week.” he said, while expressing his frank opinion.