“Marathi film ‘Kaanbhatt (कानभट)’ will inspire children” – Aparana S Hosing

Marathi Film 'Kaanbhatt' movie still, poster
Marathi Film ‘Kaanbhatt’ movie still, poster

Nowadays, a particular theme considered in the film has widened its outlook. The film maker just doesn’t want to offer only entertainment to the viewers, but much beyond that. They want a theme in the film to make the viewers react with excitement, “Yes, this is it!’. This is worth watching film with family, The children should just not be entertained in those nearing 3 hours of film, but also be inspired by the film. Actually, Cinema has a huge impact on people and especially children. They try to imitate what is portrayed in the reel life in our real life.

According to the makers of Marathi film ‘Kaanbhatt (कानभट )’, this is the kind of film that can be viewed by everyone, regardless of the age. The film beautifully captures the life of a young boy ‘Prabhat’, who follows his dream and desire, but destiny has some other plans for him, for which he goes on a different path. The story depicts the relationship between Ved and Science. The film has portrayed a beautiful lesson to everyone that every child is different and have different needs in this world.

Marathi Movie 'Kaanbhatt movie stills
Marathi Movie ‘Kaanbhatt movie stills

On the Other side, recently we saw a trailer of a Marathi film, which itself indicated a low-quality art. The trailer showed absolutely incorrect scenes and dialogues about the women and children. There were many objectionable obscene scenes with children, in this trailer. And, after watching the trailer, people all over the country including Maharashtra are expressed intense rage. No wonder, after receiving complaints, this trailer was removed from social media. Better, not to talk about some of the Marathi Web films, which are using very bad and rough language.

Commenting on this issue, Producer and Director of ‘Kaanbhatt’ - Aparana S Hosing Says, “Marathi cinema is known for its content-based films. This industry has received appreciation when trying different, Wrong or right is debatable but a lot depends on trade and those who control the trade. ‘Kaanbhat (कानभट)’ movie was Highly appreciated by family audience and at international film festival, but not so warm acceptance by so called sitting on top of hierarchy in trade. It’s not just about director, a lot depends on the commercial aspect of the film and we have to see through that also”.

We need more films like ‘Kaanbhatt’ to educate our Child.