Marathi film ‘Y’ has created a lot of curiosity

Ever since its official announcement, forthcoming Marathi film ‘Y’ has created a lot of curiosity among film lovers about its unique title. Now, actress Mukta Barve has posted her own photo carrying the big printed letter ‘Y’ on social media. Subsequently, Swapnil Joshi, Neena Kulkarni and Prajakta Mali were also seen displaying the letter ‘Y’ on their posts on social media. All these artistes have shown their support for ‘Y’ and have asked the viewers, whether they also support ‘Y’?
Actor Omkar Govardhan
Now, with the curiosity about this film rising day by day, it is not yet clear whether all these artistes are part of this film or there are others involved with this film. According to Ajit Wadikar director of this film, “There is a lot of struggle behind this letter ‘Y’ and we have made an effort to place it before the audience , who are supporting us a lot.” Actress Mukta Barve says, “ You will come to know the meaning of ‘Y’ through this film. This is not simply a letter, but the fight of a woman to live this life.”