New Marathi channel ‘Zee Yuva’ to entertain young audience

More than 50 % of the audience in Maharashtra comprise of youngsters. But, there are not many programmes of their interest. Keeping this in mind, Zee Group will be introducing a new channel ‘Zee Yuva’ to meet the requirements of young audience. The new channel has promised all new subjects, which have not been dealt so far on Marathi television.
Mr. Bavesh Janavlekar Business head of Zee Yuva & Zee Talkies is very excited to offer something new to today’s young generation. He has expressed his confidence in the audience, who have so far appreciated the programmes on their group channels like Zee Marathi, Zee talkies & Zee Studios. With the competition already faced from rival channels like Star Pravah, Colors & others, now Zee Marathi is also expected to receive competition from their own group channel, which is exclusively for youngsters.