Nikhil Chavan is also in love with ‘Darling’

Nikhil Chavan
Nikhil Chavan

Last time we had covered the news on Prathamesh Parab returning to Marathi films with his new film ‘Darling’. But now, we understand that Nikhil Chavan is also in love with ‘Darling’, the title role played by Ritika Shrotri. It may be recalled that like Prathamesh, Nikhil  is also a versatile all round actor and is likely to make his presence felt through this important film directed by Sameer Asha Patil.

Darling Movie Poster

Darling Movie Poster

 With this trio of youngsters, it is expected that they will  add to the overall excitement in the film. Besides the fact that the leading star pair of Prathamesh Parab and Ritika Shrotri will be seen in the film ‘Darling’ , excitement is also mounting as to what kind of a role is Nikhil exactly playing in this film,  which is scheduled to release all over Maharashtra next year i.e. on January  7, 2021.