Dance song ‘Dhad Dhad… ‘ from the film ‘Sarja’ released
New Marathi musical love story ‘Sarja (सर्जा )’ will be releasing soon. The song ‘Jeev Tujha Jhala Majha…’ from this film has already popularized on social media. Now, the dance song ‘Dhad Dhad…’ from ‘Sarja’ has also been released. Presented by Rajvardhan Films Creation, ‘Sarja’ has been produced by Amit Jaipal Patil and co-produced by Ramesh Rangrao Lad. Dhananjay Manohar Khandale has directed this musical film .This song has been sung by music composer Harshit Abhiraj himself accompanied by Adarsh Shinde.
Speaking on this occasion, Harshit Abhiraj said , “ Director Dhananjay Khandale has written the song ‘Dhad Dhad…’ on a melodious tune. As the lyrics of the song fit the tune perfectly. Adarsh Shinde’s voice has given a different touch to this song. Singing this song with Adarsh gave a different satisfaction.” Harshit Abhiraj further added that not only Maharashtra, but the whole world will dance to the rhythm of this song.

The star cast of this film comprise of Anil Nagarkar, Rohit Chavan, Tushar Nagargoje, Aishwarya Bhalerao, Aakash Petkar, Jyoti Shetasandhi, Jagannath Ghadge, Vishnu Kedar, Prashant Pise, child actor Gauri Khandale, Kunal Gaikwad and others. Besides direction and lyrics, Dhananjay Khandale has also written the story, screenplay and dialogues of the film. DOP Rahul Motling ,editing by Subodh Narkarand art direction by Sunil Londhe are the other credits. ‘Sarja’ will be released on April 14 all over Maharashtra.
Sai Tujha Lekaru … song from ‘Timepass3′ released
Songs have always played an important role in film’s success. Having witnessed this in previous two parts, the makers of ‘Timepass 3′ have released a musical dance song (Sai Tujha Lekaru) pictured on Prathamesh Parab, Bhau Kadam and others which is dedicated to Spiritual master Sai Baba, seeking his blessings for Dagadu the lead character of this film, played by Prathamesh Parab.

The song titled ‘Sai Tujha Lekaru….’ In the voices of Amitraj and Aadarsh Shinde is written by Kshitij Patwardhan with the music by Amitraj. The dance for this song has been choreographed by Rahul Thombre and Sanjeev Hovaldar. According to the makers, like the first two parts, the songs of this Part 3 of ‘Timepass’ will also become popular. Produced by Zee Studios and Athang Communications, ‘Timepass3’ is directed by Ravi Jadhav. Hruta Durgule is playing the female lead with her character of Pallavi opposite Dagadu played by Prathamesh.
‘Hero Sarpanch’ song brings Avadhoot and Aadarsh together

During the long period of lockdown due to spread of Corona virus, many people came forward to work as corona warriors. In this service the Sarpanch and Deputy Sarpanch of many villages in Maharashtra also played an important role to fight this battle with corona. Some of the ex- Sarpanch also contributed for this cause. To pay tributes to their work during this crucial period, The Maharashtra Rajya Sarpanch Parishad have presented a song which is penned by none other than the president of this Parishad Mr. Navnath Kakade.
The song titled ‘Hero Sarpanch’ is a western style song which has the wordings ‘Aamcha Sarpanch Hero la Padlay Bhari..’ . The song praises the role of Sarpanch in this fight against corona . Recently, the leader of Opposition in Maharashtra Vidhan Parishad Mr. Praveen Darekar released this song in a ceremony in Mumbai. This song is composed by Avadhoot Gupte and for the first time Avadhoot Gupte and Aadarsh Shinde have rendered their voices together for this song. Cinematography is by Prathamesh Rangole.
डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांच्या जयंतीनिमित कलर्स मराठीवर ‘जलसा महाराष्ट्राचा’
भारतात दरवर्षी १४ एप्रिलला भारतरत्न डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांची जयंती मोठ्या उत्साहात साजरी केली जाते. याच दिनाचे औचित्य साधून कलर्स मराठीवरून ‘जलसा महाराष्ट्राचा‘ हा कार्यक्रम येत्या रविवारी १४ एप्रिलला दुपारी १२ वाजता आणि सायंकाळी ७ वाजता कलर्स मराठीवरून प्रसारित होणार आहे. वैचारिक जागर जलसा महाराष्ट्राचा या कार्यक्रमातून बघायला मिळणार आहे. या जलश्यामध्ये आनंद शिंदे, लोकशाहीर संभाजी भगत, विदर्भातील नामवंत गायक अनिरुद्ध वनकर, प्रसिद्ध गायिका वैशाली भैसने माडे, गायक प्रसेनजीत कोसंबी, कडूबाई खरात, कव्वालीचा सामना रंगवणाऱ्या सुषमा देवी, आपल्या गीतांच्या माध्यमातून महापुरुषांच्या वैचारिक क्रांतीची गोष्ट सांगणारे सचिन माळी, शीतल साठे, भीमस्पंदन बँड, धम्मरक्षक बँड, शिंदेशाहीचा आजच्या पिढीचा वारसा जपणारे डॉ. उत्कर्ष शिंदे आदी कलाकारांच्या गायनाची मेजवानी प्रेक्षकांना मिळणार आहे.

याशिवाय प्रायोगिक नाट्य चळवळीत अग्रगण्य असणाऱ्या आविष्कारच्या ‘संगीत बया दार उघड‘ चे काही प्रवेशही सादर होणार आहेत. डॉ. सुषमा देशपांडे यांचं ‘व्हय मी सावित्री‘ आता एका नव्या रुपात प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीस येत आहे. शुभांगी भुजबळ आणि शिल्पा साने या दोघींनी सादर केलेली या नव्या रूपाची झलकसुद्धा प्रेक्षकांना बघायला मिळणार आहे. ‘जलसा महाराष्ट्राचा‘ या कार्यक्रमाचं निवेदन केलं आहे संवेदनशील कवी आणि सामाजिक भान जपणाऱ्या अभिनेता जितेंद्र जोशी याने.

‘Samblang Dhamblang’ is the first Marathi song played on Swiss Radio Playlist

We all aware how some of the old Hindi songs gained popularity in a country like Russia. But, can you believe that a Marathi song released recently has been gaining popularity on Swiss radio ? And that too included in their playlist. It may be recalled that on April 15th last month, Tiyana Productions released Adarsh Shinde’s song ‘Samblang Dhamblang‘, which immediately received very good response in Maharashtra. And now, a famous radio station ‘Republic Kalkuta‘ from Switzerland have also appreciated this song.
According to Sujit Jadhav of founder and chief of Tianna Productions, this is the first song of their production. He is so happy with the good response for this Adarsh Shinde’s song from this Swiss radio channel. ” I was overwhelmed when they asked for permission to include this song in their playlist. This channel plays only selected songs from different countries and these songs are selected by their panel of music experts. ” he said.
Adarsh Shinde records Dhamaal song for new Marathi film ‘Oadh’

Known for his dhamaal songs, Adarsh Shinde has already made presence felt among music lovers of Marathi films. Coming from a prominent family of musicians, Adarsh Shinde is carrying forward his family legacy with his rising popularity. Recently, he recorded a dhamaal youth song with the wordings ‘Angaat nakhara Dolyat masti…’ for the film ‘Oadh- The Attraction‘ which has variety of music offered by Pravin Kunwar on the lyrics of Kautuk Shirodkar. The song will be picturised in this film during an important scene of a college gathering.
‘Oadh’ film is directed by Dinesh Thakur, for Sonali Entertainment House. G.S. Films Academy Productions will present this film for producer R.S. Towar. After rendering this song Adarsh Shinde thanked the producer, director and music director of this film, for offering him this wonderful song.
Sunya Sunya Song
Song: Sunya Sunya ..
Movie: Timepass 2
Singer: Adarsh Shinde, Ketaki Mategaonkar
Director: Ravi Jadhav
Music: Chinar, Mahesh
Lyrics: Mangesh Kangane
Song Lyrics
शेतीबागा माडाची गं वाडी
Shetibaga Madachi G Vadi
नवरीला घुंगराची गाडी
Navarila Ghungarachi Gadi
जशी राजा रानीची गं जोडी
Jashi Raja Ranichi G Jodi
नवरीला चांदण्याची साडी
Navarila Chandanyachi Sadi
सुन्या सुन्या मनामध्ये… सूर हलके
Sunya Sunya Manamdhye… Sur Halake
नव्या जुन्या आठवणी… भास परके
Navya Junya Aathavani… Bhas Parke
दारी सनईचे सूर… दाटे मनी हूर हूर
Dari Sanaiche Sur… Date Mani Hur Hur
चाले विरहाचा पुढे वारसा…
Chale Virahacha Pudhe Varasa…
फुलमाळा मंडपाच्या दारी
Phulamala Mandapachya Dari
झालरींना सुखाच्या किनारी
Jhalarina Sukhachya Kinari
नवी नाती ओळखीची सारी
Navi Nati Olakhichi Sari
सपनांची दुनिया गं न्यारी
Sapananchi Duniya G Nyari
भावनेची तोरणे… वेदनेच्या झालरी
Bhavanechi Torane… Vedanechya Jhalari
नाद करिती चौघडे… वाढते घुसमट उरी
Nad Kariti Chaughade… Vadhate Ghusamat Uri
ओळखीचे चेहेरे… मी अनामिक एकटी
Olakhiche Chehare… Mi Anamik Ekati
संपले सारे दुवे… अन आस ही सरली
Sampale Sare Duve… An Aas Hi Sarali
गाव माझा दूर आला आसवांचा पूर
Gav Maza Dur Aala Aasavancha Pur
प्रेम नव्याने का देई यातना…
Prem Navyane Ka Dei Yatana…
हळदीने सजली गं काया
Haladine Sajali G Kaya
सासरची मिळेल गं माया
Sasarachi Milel G Maya
वेड लावी धन्याची गं भेट
Ved Lavi Dhanyachi G Bhet
डोळ्यातल्या काजळाची तीट
Dolyatalya Kajalachi Tit
तदेव लग्नं सुदिनं तदेव ताराबलं चंद्रबलं तदेव
विद्याबलं दैवबलं तदेव लक्ष्मीपतेः तेंघ्रिऽयुगं स्मरामि
आठवांचे कुंचले… रेखिती काटेकुटे
Aathavanche Kunchale… Rekhiti Katekute
कोरडे तळहात हे… मेंदीची वर जळमटे
Korade Talahat He… Mehandichi Var Jalamate
मोकळ्या माथ्यावरी… देवळाची पायरी
Mokalya Mathyavari… Devalachi Payari
फितूर झाली दैवते…रीत ही कुठली
Fitur Jhali Daivate… Rit Hi Kuthali
दैव मानी हार आली बंधनाला धार
Daiv Mani Har Aali Bandhanala Dhar
भोवती निराशेचा उडे पाचोळा
Bhovati Nirashecha Ude Pachola
शेतीबागा माडाची गं वाडी
Shetibaga Madachi G Vadi
नवरीला घुंगराची गाडी
Navarila Ghungarachi Gadi
जशी राजा रानीची गं जोडी
Jashi Raja Ranichi G Jodi
नवरीला चांदण्याची साडी
Navarila Chandanyachi Sadi
‘Tu Hi Re’ launched with song recording
Known for presenting intense love stories through his films like ‘Duniyadari’ and ‘Pyar Wali Love Story’, cinematographer turned director Sanjay Jadhav has now launched his next film ‘Tu Hi Re’ with a recording of song, at Aajivasan studios. The romantic song was recorded in the voice of singer Aadarsh Shinde. Not much is known about the film’s story, but surely it is a romantic love story.
Starring popular stars Swapnil Joshi, Sai Tamhankar & Tejaswini Pandit in lead roles, the film’s music is composed by Amitraj and Pankaj Padgham on the lyrics of Guru Thakur. Manaswini Lata Ravindra has penned the story of this film, which is being made jointly under the banners of Karan Entertainment, Indian Film Studio and Dreaming 24/7. They have planned to release this film in September 2015.
Muhurat of ‘Shinma’ with song recording
Known for his films like ‘Yedyanchi Jatra’, ‘4 Idiots’, ‘Just Gammat’, director Milind Arun Kavde is all set to release his next Marathi film ‘1234’ soon. But, in the meanwhile, he has performed Muhurat of his new film ‘Shinma’, with recording of a song ‘Panyavarati Halla Zala….’ rendered by popular singer Aadarsh Shinde. This song has been penned by Sagar Wankhede with the music provided by Music director of this film, Rohan Pradhan and Rohan Gokhale.
Produced by Anil Joshi, the story of this film is written by Milind Kavde , besides directing this film. Like his previous comedy films, even this film stars a big team of artistes comprising of Ajinka Deo Vijay Patkar, Yatin karyekar, Ganesh Yadav, Kishori Shahane , Saurabh Gokhale, Sanskruti Balgude, Anshuman Vichare, Arun Kadam, Abhijit Chavan, Digambar Naik, Ashish Pawar, Jaywant Wadkar, Ananda karekar, Nisha Parulekar, Gurleen Chopra and others.
Cinematography by Santaneo Terezio, dialogues by Sagar Wankhede and Deepak Thube are other credits.