कोरोनायोध्द्या डॉक्टरांमधल्या ‘दैवी’रूपाला तेजस्विनी पंडितने दिला ट्रिब्यूट

अभिनेत्री तेजस्विनी पंडितचे नवरात्री स्पेशल फोटोशूट तिच्या चाहत्यांमध्ये आणि सिनेसृष्टीमध्ये चर्चेचा विषय असतो. २०१७ पासून तेजस्विनी पंडित दरवर्षी एका नव्याविषयासह नवरात्रीचे फोटोशूट करत असते. दरवर्षी वैविध्यपूर्ण कल्पनांव्दारे नवरात्रीच्या नऊ दिवसांमध्ये तेजस्विनी आपले फोटोशूट घेऊन येते. यात कधी स्त्रीशक्तीला सलाम असतो, तर कधी अदिशक्तीला आदरांजली असते तर कधी सद्यस्थितीवर केलेले भाष्य असते.
यंदा तेजस्विनी आपल्या फोटोशूटमधून कोरोनायोध्द्यांना सलाम करत आहे.नवरात्रीच्या पहिल्या दिवशी डॉक्टर बनून पीपीई किट घातलेली रूग्णांना जीवनदान देणारी देवी तेजस्विनीने साकारलेली आहे. आपल्या ह्या फोटोशूटविषयी तेजस्विनी पंडित म्हणते, “ रूग्णांचे प्राण वाचवणं ही विज्ञानाने डॉक्टरांना दिलेली ‘दैवी’ देणगी आहे. कोणत्याही संकटकाळी आपण देवाचा धावा करतो. आणि पहा ना. कोरोनाच्या संकटात डॉक्टर्स आणि आरोग्यसेवेशी निगडीत कर्मचारी कसे देवासारखे धावून आले. आपली वैयक्तिक सुखदु:ख विसरून अहोरात्र रूग्णसेवा करणा-या डॉक्टरांमधल्या दैवी कर्माला ह्या फोटोव्दारे वाहिलेली ही आदरांजली आहे.”
Shooting of Films and TV serial to begin soon, with conditions
We are all aware that the shootings of Films, television serials and web series had come to a complete halt ever since the lock-down was imposed in Maharashtra, due to spread of corona virus. But now, there is good news to all the film makers and TV serial producers.

The Cultural department of Government of Maharashtra has taken a decision to grant permission for shootings soon, subject to conditions laid down by Government , which specifically refer to guidelines issued by them recently.
The concerned producers will have to make application for the same. Many Marathi film makers and artistes have expressed their happiness over this decision and have welcomed it.
Aditi Dravid turns Corona warrior to help people
Marathi Actress Aditi Dravid, who played a negative role in Marathi TV serial ‘Majhya Navryachi Bayko’, has played a very positive role in real life. Aditi turned a Corona warrior through her own social group ‘Fly High’. With the help of her other colleagues from this group, namely Mandar Balkawade and music director Piyush Kulkarni she has been very active during this ongoing lockdown period.

For the past two years Aditi has been active with her ‘Fly High’ social group with her social work. Recently through her group Aditi had taken lead to distribute food packets and tea to Police on duty and also arranging essential goods and medicines to deserving people. Recently, her group distributed 1000 food packets to all those needy people. She will continue to help such people during the extended lockdown period.

Marathi artistes offer a video on the occasion of State’s Diamond Jubilee Year
Due to the spread of coronavirus, the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of Maharashtra State’s formation day could not be celebrated on 1st May, 2020. But, our Marathi artistes came up with an idea by observing the lockdown rule of ‘stay at home’. They have presented a video suitably titled ‘Vaibhav Maharashtracha’ on this occasion.

The most important thing is that these artistes shot the video at their respective homes taking the help of out latest technology. Aakash Pendharkar and Hemant Dhome with the help of social media platform ‘Helo’ have produced this video which is based on the song ‘Baghtos Kay Mujara Kar’ from Hemant Dhome’s film. This new song has been written by Kshitij Patwardhan, while music is provided by Amitraj.
Singers Hrshavardhan Wavare & Kasturi Wavare have rendered this song in their voices, while this song is pictured on popular Marathi artistes Sonali Kulkarni, Hemant Dhome, Aniket Vishasrao, Sumeet Raghavan, Shashank Ketkar, Rasika Dhabadgaonkar, Sanjay Jadhav, Prarthana Behere, Amitraj, Abhinay Berde, Anuja Sathe Gokhale, Saurabh Gokhale, Chaitrali Gupte, Lokesh Gupte, Siddharth Menon, Kirti Pendharkar, Suyash Tilak, Sayali Sanjeev & Prajakta Mali. This video has received good response on social media.