‘जय मल्हार’ मध्ये रंगणार समुद्र मंथनाची भव्य दिव्य गाथा

झी मराठीवरील ‘जय मल्हार‘ या मालिकेमधून, महादेवानेकेलेले समुद्रमंथनाची भव्य दिव्य गाथा प्रेक्षेकांना पाहायला मिळणार आहे. अमृत प्राशन करण्याच्या सुर-असुरांच्या लढ्यात समुद्रातून बाहेर आलेल्या हलाहलाने पृथ्वीचा विनाश होऊ नये म्हणून महादेवाने ते विष प्राशन केल्याची गाथा आपल्या सर्वांनाच माहिती आहे. हीच गाथा एका भव्य दिव्य स्वरूपात ५ मे (गुरुवार) रोजी झी मराठीवरील ‘जय मल्हार’ या मालिकेमधून पुन्हा बघायला मिळणार आहे.
दुर्वास ऋषींनी दिलेल्या शापामुळे या सृष्टीतून लक्ष्मीमाता समुद्रात लुप्त होतात आणि त्यांना परत मिळवण्यासाठी समुद्रमंथनाचा मार्ग पुढे येतो. यासाठी श्री विष्णू कुर्मावतार घेतात. या मंथनासाठी मेरू पर्वताचा रवी म्हणून तर वासुकीचा दोरी म्हणून वापर करण्यात येतो. या समुद्रमंथनातून बाहेरयेणारी रत्ने, ते मिळवण्यासाठी देव आणि दैत्यात होणारी लढाई यादरम्यान बाहेर येणारं हलाहल या सर्व गोष्टींचा प्रवास अतिशय रंजक पद्धतीने ह्या भागात आपणास पाहायला मिळणार आहे. हा विशेष भाग येत्या ५ मे (गुरुवार) पासून सायंकाळी ७ वा. झी मराठीवर दाखवला जाणार आहे
‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’ – Mahesh Kothare’s new offering on Colors Channel

After achieving success through his Super hit mythological serial ‘Jai Malhar’ on Zee Marathi, Producer director Mahesh Kothare is now all set to offer his next mythological serial ‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’, which will be telecast this time on Colors Marathi channel. This will be much bigger project, cost wise, than the previous serial, as the set cost of this serial has touched around 1.75 Crore. Even otherwise, while offering a serial based on mythology, there is lot of cost on art design, costumes and special effects and the well known film maker, has accepted all these challenges. Having gained a lot of experience through ‘Jai Malhar’, this time, we expect something big from him.
‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’ will be telecast from Tuesday 24th November 2015 at 8.30 pm from Monday to Saturday. Since, this serial is based on mythology ,with more emphasis on Mother –son relationship, it will be interesting to see the events involving Parvati and Ganesha. With women and children likely to shift to this serial, Zee Marathi’s ‘Majhe Pati Soubhagyavati’ will face a tough competition, at prime time 8.30 pm.
Actually, this serial witnesses overacting from Vaibhav Mangle, especially in his original male appearance, in all those scenes of excessive drinking in the company of friends and later abusing others. Even otherwise, Vaibhav Mangle taking his hair dresser for granted, to use her house, for his change over, that too in absence of her husband, looks odd and unconvincing.
Incidentally, Colors have also started an entertaining reality show for housewives, ‘Aamchya Gharaat Suunbai Joraat’, anchored by Harish Dudhade (‘Majhe Mann Tujhe Jhale’ fame).With new team games for housewives, the show is likely to compete with Aadesh Bhauji’s ‘Home Minister’ on Zee Marathi. After dismal show in the initial episodes, their comedy show ‘Aali Lahar kela kahar’ seem to have shown some improvisation, taking up the local issues of Mumbaikars and especially Marathi people, through the skits in the recent episodes. But, in ‘Asa Sasar Surekh Bai’, they need to include some interesting happenings, rather than stretching on the problems faced by Yash’s uncle and his family. But, the saving grace of this serial is Mrunal Dusanis, whose presence on the screen, makes the viewers happy.
It is better not to talk much about ‘Star Pravah’ serials. It is high time, they replace their old serials, with outdated subjects with new offerings. Now, they are also facing competition from who have also started showing serials on social issues with better subjects, that too at prime time. And, we have already covered them last time.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network

“Mhalsa has brought some change within myself” – Surabhi Hande
Surabhi Hande, ‘Mhalsa’ of the popular serial ‘Jay Malhar’ has done her schooling from Jalgaon, joined M.J College and did her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from L.A.D. College, Nagpur. When she was in the 1st year, she participated in a play ‘Swami’ and did stage shows all over India. She was also an artist in All India Radio’s Marathi Sugam Sangeet Programme. Her father Sanjay Hande is an Asst Music Director in Akashwani and mother Anjali Hande is a professor, HOD of music
Surabhi began her acting career at the age of 16-17. She first acted in a Hindi film ‘Standby’ and then went on to act in the Marathi serial ‘Ambat Goad’ (Star Pravah), in a negative role.
Marathi Movie World spoke to this talented actress about her ongoing mythological serial ‘Jai Malhar’. The excerpts from the interview are as below:
Q: When did you actually begin your acting career ?
A: I did my first performance on stage when I was in the 1st year of my bachelors degree. I took part in Rajya Natak competition, played role in Vivekananda’s play ‘Swami’ and did stage shows all over India . Also worked in All India Radio as an artist in ‘Marathi Sugam Sangeet programme’
Q: Have you also done any Hindi film?
A: Yes, I have started my acting career from Hindi Film ‘Standby’, directed by Sanjay Surkar and was introduced by my father’s friend Mr. Prakash Choubey, when I was in college. I played the role of Adinath Kothare’s sister and daughter of Sachin Khedekar. I also did a Marathi serial ‘Ambat Goad’ on Star Pravah, in which I played a negative role.
Q: In ‘Jai Malhar’, you are playing the main character of Mhalsa; are you enjoying the attention? What do you want to say about this role , How do you feel in this role?
A: Yes, I consider myself lucky that I was selected to perform Mhalsa’s role in this serial. When I came to know, the auditions were going on for Jai Malhar, I went for it and when I received a call and was told about my selection for this role; I just couldn’t say ‘no’ for this offer. It was a golden opportunity which came my way. Jay Malhar is a mythological serial and my character of Mhalsa has given me an opportunity to play something different. I am learning and enjoying a lot while doing this character. Different look, different attitude, even I am feeling some change within myself; I have changed a lot.
Q: Besides this ongoing Serial, are there any other projects in pipeline?
A: No, currently I want to concentrate on this serial only, as it has a very hectic schedule for me.
Q: Tell us about your experience while shooting?
A.: It is a great experience. There is a lot to learn from all those around. The most important thing I learned, is about ‘timing’. All the artists guide and understand each other. I am quickly learning the technique of delivering the dialogues, as well as body language for this role as this is a mythological story. I am really enjoying every moment of this serial with all artists and my co-artist Mr. Nage .
Q: After performing in lead role , will you be taking up character or other roles on small screen ? Are you choosy about the roles?
A : I haven’t decided anything about it so far. Actually, I want to do different types of roles. The story should have a lot of strength. I would love to do ‘bindhast’ type, thrilling character or political personality or even uncommon character like one in Hindi film ‘Paa’ or Rani Mukharji’s ‘Mardani’. Personally, I would prefer variety of roles. I did negative role in the serial ‘Ambat Goad’, but in future , I won’t be interested in doing negative or comedy roles.
Q: Where are you more comfortable? On stage, TV or big screen?
A: I am comfortable while performing in all the three mediums. I have a passion for working in films; but I also enjoy working on stage.
Q: Any particular Director or production house, you would like to work with in future?
A: No, I am ready to work with everyone, not particular about anybody so far.
Q What is your hobby ?
A: Singing , I like to participate in singing programmes too.
Q .Who is your ideal?
A: In Marathi, Mukta Barve, Mrunal Kulkarni, Aishwarya Narkar and In Hindi Madhuri Dixit and Kajol.
“मला फिटनेसची आवड आहे” – देवदत्त नागे
‘जय मल्हार’ ह्या मालिकेतील मुख्य भूमिका साकारणारा, पिळदार शरीरयष्टी, भारदस्त आवाज आणि तितकाच दमदार अभिनय करणारा अभिनेता म्हणजे देवदत्त नागे. मुळचा अलिबाग, पेण चा. लहानपणापासूनच अभिनय आणि जिमची आवड असलेल्या देवदत्तने आपल्या करिअरच्या सुरवातीच्या काळात ‘फॅशन शोज’ मध्ये मोडेलिंग ने सुरवात केली. खरतर आपले पदवी शिक्षण पूर्ण करून जवळ पास १०-१२ वर्ष त्याने एका मोठ्या संस्थेत मोठ्या पदावर नोकरी केली. पण अभिनय, मोडेलिंगचे स्टेज त्याला सतत खुणावत होते आणि एक दिवस राजीनामा देऊन तो पूर्णवेळ ह्या क्षेत्राकडे वळला. ‘बाजीराव मस्तानी’, ‘कालाय तस्मै नमः’, ‘देवयानी’ , ‘लागी तुझसे लगन’, ‘वीर शिवाजी’, ‘महादेव’ अश्या विविध मालीकांबरोबर ‘पॉवर, ‘वन्स अपॉन अ टाइम’ आणि ‘संघर्ष’ ह्या चित्रपटांतून त्याने आपल्या अभिनयाची छाप पाडली.
सध्या गाजत असलेल्या ‘जय मल्हार’ ह्या मालिकेतील त्याच्या प्रमुख भूमिकेबद्दल आणि अभिनयाच्या प्रवासाबद्दल, मराठीमुव्हीवर्ड डॉट कॉमने त्याच्याशी मारलेल्या गप्पा.
तुझी अभिनयाची सुरुवात कशी झाली?
खरतर मी केमस्ट्री ग्रॅजुयेट आहे. सुरवातीला मी ‘फॅशन शोज’ मध्ये सहभागी व्हायचो, माझे गुरु ‘प्रसाद पंडित’ ह्यांनी मला एक दिवस सांगितले कि, फक्त ‘फॅशन शोज’ पर्यंत मर्यादित राहु नकोस, अभिनयाकडे वळ. ‘हिमालयाची सावली’ ह्या व्यावसायिक नाटकाद्वारे मी रंगभूमीवर पदार्पण केले. त्या नंतर ‘मृत्युंजय’ ह्या मराठी मालिकेतून मला छोट्या पडद्यावर काम करायची संधी मिळाली.
फिटनेस कसा सांभाळतोस?
फिटनेस च्या बाबतीत मला अस वाटत की, ते संस्कार – वातावरण घरातच असाव लागत. मी एक-पाऊण तास नियमित व्यायाम आवडीने करतो. चांगली शरीरयष्टी हे परमेश्वराने दिलेली एक देण आहे. त्याची काळजी आपण घेतलीच पाहिजे. वेळेवर जेवण, पुरेसा आराम आणि व्यायामाची वेळ मी पाळतो. रात्री मला कितीही उशीर झाला तरी मी वर्क आउट करायला विसरत नाही.
अभिनयाव्यतिरिक काय आवडते?
अभिनयाबरोबर मी विविध छंद जोपासलेत. मला बॉडी बिल्डिंग/फिटनेस ची आवड आहे. मी गिटार उत्कृष्ट वाजवतो. मला स्केचिंग करायला आवडते शिवाय ट्रेकिंगला जायला खूप आवडत.
तू अलीकडे ‘संघर्ष’ ह्या चित्रपटात दिसलास. मोठ्या पडद्यावरचा अनुभव कसा होता, अजून कुठल्या चित्रपटात आम्हाला दिसणार आहेस ?
खरतर अनेक सिनेमांसाठी मला बोलावले जातंय पण, सध्यातरी मी जय मल्हार मध्ये पूर्णपणे व्यस्त आहे. मराठी चित्रपटात काम करण्याचा अनुभव खुप छान होता. अतिशय लॅविश आणि हिंदी किंवा इंग्रजी सिनेमाच्या तोडीचा चित्रपट बनवण्याचा प्रयत्न ‘संघर्ष’च्या माध्यमातून केला गेला. विशेष करून त्यातील अॅक्शन सिक्वेन्सस आम्ही खूप मेहेनत घेऊन शूट केलेत.
पौराणिक, ऐतिहासिक भूमिका करायला जास्त आवडते का?
अगदीच तसं काहीनाही, मला प्रत्येक प्रकारची, विविध पैलू असलेल्या भूमिका साकारायला आवडेल. माझ्या शरीरयष्टीमुळे आत्तापर्यंत पौराणिक आणि ऐतिहासिकच भूमिका जास्त मिळाल्यात आणि प्रेक्षकांना त्या आवडल्या देखील.
‘जय मल्हार’ मधील मल्हारी मार्तंड / खंडोरायाची भूमिका साकारण्याचा अनुभव.
मी ‘झी मराठी’ आणि महेश कोठारेजी ह्याचे धन्यवाद मानेन कि, त्यांनी मला हि संधी दिली. ह्या भूमिकेसाठी मी वय्यक्तिक खूप मेहनत घेतली, मल्हारी मार्तंड / खंडेराय ह्यांच्यावर आधारित काही पुस्तके वाचून, भूमिका निट समजून घेतली. कारण, संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्राचे दैवत असलेले -खंडोरायाची भूमिका साकारून, सर्व प्रेक्षेकांचा विश्वासास पात्र उतरण्याची खूप मोठी जबाबदारी माझ्यावर होती. हि भूमिका साकारतांना स्वतःला चांगले अनुभव आलेत.
‘जय मल्हार’ सारख्या मोठ्या मालिकेतून मुख्य भूमिका साकारल्यावर आता सिनेमा ,मालिकांची निवड काटेकोरपणे करणार का ? आता कॅरेक्टर रोल करणार कि नाही?
असे काही ठरवले नाहीये आणि एखादा कॅरेक्टर रोल केल्याचा एक फायदा असा होतो कि, तुम्हाला वेगवेगळ्या भूमिका साकारायला मिळतात. त्यामुळे आव्हानात्मक काही असले तर नक्कीच करायला आवडेल.
‘अभिनय’ क्षेत्रात येऊ पाहणाऱ्या नवीन मुलांना काय सांगशील ?
मेहनत करा ,क्षणिक यशाची अपेक्षा ठेऊ नका. जे काम मिळेल ते प्रामाणिकपणे करा. आपल्या इंडस्ट्रीमध्ये स्पून फीडिंग हा प्रकार नाही. इथ तुम्हाला स्वतःला सिद्ध कराव लागत. तुमच्या कामाचा तुम्हाला विश्वास हवा
Zee Marathi & Mahesh Kothare getting ready with ‘Jai Malhar’
‘Jai Malhar’ the biggest saga and first mythological soap is coming soon on Zee Marathi. The show explores the life of Maharashtra’s most famous family deity, Khandoba. According to the maker Mr. Mahesh Kothare, it will be a grand, mythological drama which will be set in that time. Khandoba is worshipped as Martanda Bhairava, a form of Shiva, mainly in the Deccan plateau of India, especially in the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka. He is also the patron deity of warrior, farming, herding as well as some Brahmin castes, the hunters and gatherers of the hills and forests.
Khandoba is mostly known for his battle with demons Malla & Mani. But, this serial will be exploring the lesser known side of his life. Among his many wives, there were 2, who were his favorites- Mhalsa & Banai. While Khandoba’s first wife Mhalsa was from the high caste merchant community, his second wife Banai was a Dhangar (shepherd caste). Mhalsa had a regular ritualistic marriage with Khandoba; while, for Banai, it was a love marriage. Mhalsa, known to be fulfilling Parvati’s promise to Shiva, had taken the mohini avtaar;while Banai who was beautiful & attractive, who didn’t even know how to cook. Because of their possessiveness towards Khandoba, both Mhalsa & Banai never got along with each other & Khandoba used to be at receiving end, during their quarrels. ‘Jai Malhar’ will be a mega show on Marathi television; which would depict a love story of Khandoba and his two wives; is all set to release on 18th May 2014.