‘हरीओम’ टीमतर्फे कोरोनायोद्धांना, गरजुंना मदत

अवघ्या जगावर कोरोनाचे सावट असून आज प्रत्येक जण आपापल्या परीने कोरोनायोद्धांना, गरजुंना मदत करत आहेत. अशीच कौतुकास्पद कामगिरी पोलादपूर तालुक्याचे सुपुत्र आणि लवकरच प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला येणाऱ्या ‘हरिओम’ चित्रपटाचे निर्माता, अभिनेता हरिओम घाडगे आणि त्यांच्या टीमने केली. बिरवाडी एमआयडीसी येथील कोविड सेंटरसाठी, सरकारी आरोग्य केंद्र, रायगड पाचाड आरोग्य केंद्र आणि वरंडोली ग्रामस्थांना स्टीमरचे विनामूल्य वाटप केले. तसेच आजूबाजूच्या आदिवासी पाड्यातील गरजुंना अन्नधान्यांचे वाटप केले.
Amitabh Bachchan offers help to ABMCM workers

We are all aware that the corona Pandemic is not yet over. Though some relaxations have been made in the lock down, by allowing the film industry to begin work partially, the fear of corona virus has kept many daily wage workers still away from their work. Looking at this grave situation, many film personalities have come forward to offer help to these daily wage workers . The Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal( ABMCM) has received help from such well wishers for onward distribution to all those daily wage workers registered with the Mahamandal.

Only few days ago we saw Vikram Gokhale offering his land in donation to Chitrapat Mahamandal so that it could be of some help these workers in the form of shelter. Now his ‘AB aani CD’ Marathi film co star Mr. Amitabh Bachchan has come forward by offering coupons of Rs. 1500/- each to 500 daily wage workers registered with Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal , so that they can buy groceries from Big Bazar. This is a very fine gesture from the Superstar , who has always come forward with help for social cause.
Shooting of Films and TV serial to begin soon, with conditions
We are all aware that the shootings of Films, television serials and web series had come to a complete halt ever since the lock-down was imposed in Maharashtra, due to spread of corona virus. But now, there is good news to all the film makers and TV serial producers.

The Cultural department of Government of Maharashtra has taken a decision to grant permission for shootings soon, subject to conditions laid down by Government , which specifically refer to guidelines issued by them recently.
The concerned producers will have to make application for the same. Many Marathi film makers and artistes have expressed their happiness over this decision and have welcomed it.
Vikram Gokhale donates his land worth Rs. 2.5 Crore for a cause
Known for his social commitment , Veteran actor Vikram Gokhale has always been in the lead when it as time to offer help for a cause. Earlier his father Chandrakant Gokhale used to regularly offer his helping hand from his earnings by donating to Army welfare fund. Now, Vikram Gokhale has carried forward this family tradition . He has always offered his help from time to time for social cause.

This time during lockdown period, when he heard about the pathetic condition of workers associated with Marathi film industry, he has announced donation of land worth Rs. 2.5 Crore owned by him at Nane village off Paud, to Akhil Bharatiya Chitrapat Mahamandal. He feels that should offer shelter on this land to retired aged and homeless workers living a lonely life. The Mahamandal has taken a decision to set up an ashram on this land, under the guidance of Vikram Gokhale.
Swarang Marathi find a platform for ‘Kisse Bahaddar’
During the ongoing Lock down period, the shootings of films and TV serials have come to a complete halt. Even the cinema and drama theatres are closed. TV channels are running repeat programmes . So, people are looking for a change and have switched over to social media to find entertainment.

Swarang Marathi a private channel has found a new idea . For their new programme ‘Kisse Bahaddar’ they have found a platform on Youtube and social media. This programme has been produced by Viplava Entertainment and Pallette Motion Pictures and present the humour filled happenings which take place behind the curtain during stage shows.
In the first episode veteran actress Vandana Gupte narrated some of her humour filled experiences. There are many more artistes like Sanjay Mone, Sharad Ponkshe, Vijay Kadam, Mangesh Kadam, Leena Bhagwat, Sharvani Pillay, Avinash Narkar, Bhargavi Chirmule, Shruja Prabhudesai, Rutuja Bagwe, , Shashank Ketkar, who will be part of this entertaining programme, which is anchored by Sachin Suresh. Shushrut Bhagwat has designed this concept besides directing it. This programme has been released on you tune and social media with effect from 25th May onward.
‘Parinati’ will be the first Marathi film to release on OTT platform
Due to spread of Corona virus and ongoing Lockdown Marathi film industry has also come to a complete halt for the past two months. As a result of this, there have been no releases of films due to closure of cinema halls. And one doesn’t know how long it will take for the theatre business to start . Due to this problem, Some of our Bollywood film makers have already opted for OTT platform to release their films, instead of waiting for the theatres to reopen.

Producer Paraag Mehta, who is also renowned casting director of Bollywood films, therefore feels that regional films will also have to depend on OTT platform, as an alternative to get their films released. “Somebody had to take the lead and I have done so, by taking this decision to release this Marathi film ‘Parinati’ through OTT platform . And we have been receiving positive response . Very soon we will announce the date of release.” he said.
This film stars Amruta Subhash, Sonalee Kulkarni and Akshar Kothari in the lead roles and is directed by debutante Akshay Balsaraf.
Now, Madhuri Dixit also comes forward to help Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal
After Riteish and Genelia, now it is the turn of Madhuri Dixit to offer her helping hand to Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal during this lockdown due to corona virus crisis. The Mahamandal had already appealed to all those daily wage workers to register their names with them, so as to enable them to send the Financial help and Grocery kit through their volunteers to different places in Maharashtra.

So far, 6000 such workers have registered their names and till now the Chitrapat Mahamandal has been able to help 2500 workers. The President of Marathi Chitrapat Mahamandal Mr. Meghraj Bhosale had earlier appealed to all the celebrities and Bollywood personalities to help these workers who are without work for the past two months. And it is understood that Madhuri Dixit has offered a sizeable timely help. She has also appealed to others to do so, to help the Chitrapat Mahamandal meet this crisis.
Aditi Dravid turns Corona warrior to help people
Marathi Actress Aditi Dravid, who played a negative role in Marathi TV serial ‘Majhya Navryachi Bayko’, has played a very positive role in real life. Aditi turned a Corona warrior through her own social group ‘Fly High’. With the help of her other colleagues from this group, namely Mandar Balkawade and music director Piyush Kulkarni she has been very active during this ongoing lockdown period.

For the past two years Aditi has been active with her ‘Fly High’ social group with her social work. Recently through her group Aditi had taken lead to distribute food packets and tea to Police on duty and also arranging essential goods and medicines to deserving people. Recently, her group distributed 1000 food packets to all those needy people. She will continue to help such people during the extended lockdown period.

अभिनेत्री अदिती येवले सोशल मीडियाच्या माध्यमातून सादतीये संवाद
सध्या लॉकडाऊन मुळे चित्रपट व्यवसाय ठप्प आहे. चित्रपट, मालिकांचे चित्रीकरण देखील थांबले आहे, अनेक हिंदी, मराठी कलाकार सोशल मीडियाच्या माध्यमातून रसिकांच्या संपर्कात राहताना आपल्याला दिसतायेत. कुणी योगा करतानाचे आपले फोटो शेअर करताना दिसतायेत तर कुणी आपल्या जुन्या आठवणींना उजाळा देत आपले जुने फोटो शेअर करताना दिसतायेत.

‘रुंजी’, ‘एक नंबर’, ‘कुलस्वामिनी’ अश्या अनेक मालिकांमधून घराघरात पोहोचलेली अभिनेत्री अदिती येवले देखील सोशल मीडियाच्या माध्यमातून चाहत्यांशी संवाद सादतीये, विविध पदार्थांच्या रेसिपी ती तिच्या सोशल मीडिया अकाउंटच्या माध्यमातून चाहत्यांना शेअर करताना दिसते. अभिनयाबरोबरच तिला विविध रेसिपी बनवायला आवडतात.
‘वेलकम जिंदगी’, ‘विकून टाक’, ‘नेबर्स’ अश्या चित्रपटांमधून देखील तिने आजवर महत्वाच्या भूमिका साकारल्या आहेत.
Actress Smita Tambe takes you down memory lane with her first photo shoot
For all film artistes, their first photo shoot is always a memorable moment. If this photo shoot is done during their childhood, it remains a lifelong memory. Now, during this lockdown period, many artistes are spending time going through their own photos to recall their past memories. One such memory was recalled by talented award winning actress Smita Tambe.

Smita Tambe found her old childhood photo during a photo shoot in a studio, which she has shared on her social networking page. Speaking about this memorable moment, Smita says, “During my childhood, my parents had specially stitched new dress for me and they wanted to have my photo shoot in that dress and that too in a Photo studio on the backdrop of a curtain with painting of Kashmir. Whenever I see this photo, I remember the love and affection showered upon me by my parents. And therefore, during this lockdown period, I only think about my loving parents.”