‘Makeup’ and ‘Mhorkya’ to release this Friday
‘Sairat’ fame young actress Rinku Rajguru’s next film ‘Makeup’ and National award winning children’s film ‘Mhorkya’ will be the Friday attraction for coming week. While ‘Makeup’ success will depend upon the popularity of Rinku and the type of character played by her, ‘Mhorkya’ will depend on sensible audience looking for something ‘Out of the box’ from Marathi film industry.

Both the films are debut films of respective directors Amar Deokar who makes his debut as writer director through ‘Mhorkya’, is also debut film of producer and artistes of this film. The film’s artistes Raman Deokar and Yashraj Karhade have also won national awards for acting , besides their film winning best children’s film National award. ‘Makeup’ which has Chinmay Udgirkar in the lead opposite Rinku, is directed by debutant Ganesh Pandit.
Now, it remains to be seen which film will attract the attention of audience at theatre windows?
Neha Kakkar makes her debut as singer in Marathi through ‘Makeup’
Popular singer Neha kakkar has made her debut as a singer in Marathi through forthcoming Marathi film ‘Makeup’ which is due for release on 7th February 2020. Her latest song released in Marathi along with Swapnil Bandodkar is “Kase Nirale He karaar Premache” is actually a Marathi version of Neha kakkar’s popular hit Hindi song “Mile Ho Tum Humko”. Generally, we have been listening to Hindi version of Popular Marathi songs, but now a Marathi version of popular Hindi song will be heard by Marathi music lovers.

Speaking about her experience about this song, Neha kakkar says, “The original song ‘Mile Ho Tum Humko’ is very close to me. My brother Tony Kakkar has produced this song and it received overwhelming response from my fans. Perhaps, for this reason, the Marathi version of this song has been presented through this Marathi film ‘Makeup’. I am very happy that in both the versions my voice is there. Initially, I was having little difficulty in singing this song in Marathi, but lyricist Mangesh Kangne and my director helped me a lot. Till now, I have seen only one Marathi film and that is ‘Sairat‘. Incidentally, this film stars Rinku Rajguru, on whom this song has been pictured.”
Besides Rinku Rajguru and Chinmay Udgirkar in the lead roles, the film also stars Pratiksha Lonkar, Milind Safai, Rajan Tamhane, Sumukhi Pendse, Swati Bovlekar and Tejpal Wagh.
रिंकू राजगुरु बघतीये लग्नासाठी मुले
गणेश पंडित दिग्दर्शित ‘मेकअप’ चित्रपटाचा ट्रेलरमध्ये एकीकडे लग्नासाठी मुले बघत, त्यांचा नकार पचवणारी रिंकू राजगुरू अर्थात पूर्वी दुसरीकडे मात्र बिनधास्त, स्वच्छंदी आयुष्य जगताना दिसतेय. त्यामुळे यातील खरी पूर्वी कोण, ‘मेकअप’वाली पूर्वी कोण आणि मुळात पूर्वीचा हा मेकअप कशासाठी आहे, हे जरा प्रेक्षकांना विचार करायला लावणारे आहे.

प्रेक्षकांसाठी मनोरंजनाचे पॅकेज असणाऱ्या या चित्रपटात प्रतीक्षा लोणकर, मिलिंद सफई, राजन ताम्हाणे, सुमुखी पेंडसे, स्वाती बोवलेकर, तेजपाल वाघ आदी चेहरेही झळकणार असून ट्रेलर पाहता हा चित्रपट फूल टू धमाल दिसत आहे मात्र यात काही ट्विस्टही दिसत आहेत. हे ट्विस्ट नेमके कोणते आणि स्वप्नातल्या राजकुमाराची आतुरतेने वाट पाहणाऱ्या पूर्वीच्या आयुष्यात तिचा ‘हॉट’ राजकुमार येणार का, हे चित्रपट आल्यावरच कळेल. या चित्रपटाच्या निमित्ताने रिंकू राजगुरू आणि चिन्मय उदगीरकर यांची फ्रेश जोडी प्रेक्षकांना पाहायला मिळणार आहे. चिन्मय या सिनेमात पहिल्यांदाच डॉक्टरच्या भूमिकेतून प्रेक्षकांसमोर येत आहे. हा चित्रपट लवकरच प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला येणार आहे.