कोरोनायोध्द्या डॉक्टरांमधल्या ‘दैवी’रूपाला तेजस्विनी पंडितने दिला ट्रिब्यूट

अभिनेत्री तेजस्विनी पंडितचे नवरात्री स्पेशल फोटोशूट तिच्या चाहत्यांमध्ये आणि सिनेसृष्टीमध्ये चर्चेचा विषय असतो. २०१७ पासून तेजस्विनी पंडित दरवर्षी एका नव्याविषयासह नवरात्रीचे फोटोशूट करत असते. दरवर्षी वैविध्यपूर्ण कल्पनांव्दारे नवरात्रीच्या नऊ दिवसांमध्ये तेजस्विनी आपले फोटोशूट घेऊन येते. यात कधी स्त्रीशक्तीला सलाम असतो, तर कधी अदिशक्तीला आदरांजली असते तर कधी सद्यस्थितीवर केलेले भाष्य असते.
यंदा तेजस्विनी आपल्या फोटोशूटमधून कोरोनायोध्द्यांना सलाम करत आहे.नवरात्रीच्या पहिल्या दिवशी डॉक्टर बनून पीपीई किट घातलेली रूग्णांना जीवनदान देणारी देवी तेजस्विनीने साकारलेली आहे. आपल्या ह्या फोटोशूटविषयी तेजस्विनी पंडित म्हणते, “ रूग्णांचे प्राण वाचवणं ही विज्ञानाने डॉक्टरांना दिलेली ‘दैवी’ देणगी आहे. कोणत्याही संकटकाळी आपण देवाचा धावा करतो. आणि पहा ना. कोरोनाच्या संकटात डॉक्टर्स आणि आरोग्यसेवेशी निगडीत कर्मचारी कसे देवासारखे धावून आले. आपली वैयक्तिक सुखदु:ख विसरून अहोरात्र रूग्णसेवा करणा-या डॉक्टरांमधल्या दैवी कर्माला ह्या फोटोव्दारे वाहिलेली ही आदरांजली आहे.”
Tejaswini Pandit’s Navaratri avatar received good response on social media

Navaratri is over, but the 9 photos of Tejaswini Pandit shot on the occasion of Navaratri are still receiving good response on social media. This was the third year that Tejaswini had posed with these nine avtaars on nine days of Navaratri and therefore it has set a trend.

Speaking about this photo shoot, Tejaswini said, “When I shot for the first time two years ago, I had no idea that I would set a trend. But, thought of doing something different to go with the festival. Now, this was the third year, when as a citizen I thought of displaying some social issues through these photo shoots. And I received a very good response from well wishers and friends, instead of inviting criticism.”

She further added, “Just dressing up a particular colour saree for that day, was a common thing, so I tried to present something different. But, it wasn’t that easy. Each photo took three hours for make up and accordingly I had to spend 27 hours in just preoarations.”
Fakt Marathi channel to offer ‘Anadi Nirgun’ Movie Festival during Navaratri
We are all aware that the nine day Navratri festival is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm in different parts of the country. Fakt Marathi channel will also is celebrating Navratri by playing nine devotional movies of Goddesses for the home viewers, with a movie festival titled ‘Anadi Nirgun’. The movie festival which is commencing from 29th September will end on 7th September. All these nine movies shall be broadcasted at 08:30 time band.

The Movie Festival consists of films like ‘Aai Tulja Bhawani’ (29/09/2019), ‘Kalubai Pavali Navasala’ (30/09/2019), ‘Jai Mohata Devi’ (01/10/2019), ‘May Mauli Manudevi’ (02/10/2019), ‘Mahima Annapurna Devicha’ (03/10/2019), ‘Aai Ekvirecha Udo Udo’ (04/10/2019), ‘Jogwa Ambabaicha’ (05/10/2019), ‘Kulaswamini Tuljabhawani’ (06/10/2019) and ‘Ma Shakambharicha Mahima’ (07/10/2019). According to the channel press release, All of these movies have significant stars from Marathi industry. Also each film has a strong message underlined depicting the prowess of each goddess and women power.
“‘Pride of language…Heritage of culture’ is the tagline of Fakt Marathi. Accordingly, it is catering across all segments of the society, dedicated to all entertainment needs of viewers with best programs and movies. Now the channel has broadened its horizons with the start of fresh and original content programming through ‘Dhoomdhadaka’ and ‘Sindhu’. ‘Another couple of projects are in the pipeline and there’s an interesting programming roadmap ahead” states Shyam Malekar, the Business Head of Fakt Marathi Apart from the film festival.