नशीबवान चित्रपटामधील ‘ब्लडी फुल जिया रे’ हे गाणं नुकतेच रिलीज झाले

सुप्रसिद्ध मराठी कलाकार भाऊ कदम यांचा आगामी चित्रपट नशीबवान हा प्रदर्शनासाठी सज्ज झाला आहे. लॅन्डमार्क फिल्म्सच्या विधि कासलीवाल हा सिनेमा प्रस्तुत करत आहे. फ्लाईंग गॉड फिल्म्स निर्मित, गिरी मीडिया फॅक्टरी यांच्या सहयोगाने, आणि अमोल वसंत गोळे यांचे दिग्दर्शन असलेल्या या चित्रपटामधील ‘ब्लडी फुल जिया रे‘ हे गाणं नुकतेच रिलीज झाले. उडत्या चालीचं असणार हे गाणं आनंद शिंदे यांनी स्वरबद्ध केले असून सोहम पाठक यांनी या गाण्याला संगीत दिले तर शिवकुमार ढाले यांनी हे गाणं लिहिले आहे. या गाण्याचे नृत्यदिग्दर्शन विठ्ठल पाटील यांनी केले आहे.
गाणं दिसताना जितके रंजक, ऐकताना जितके मजेदार वाटत आहे तितकीच मेहनत गाणं चित्रित करताना झाली. कारण या गाण्याचे चित्रीकरण हे एका खऱ्याखुऱ्या डान्स बार मध्ये करण्यात आले, सोबतच या गाण्यामध्ये आनंद शिंदे याची एक खास झलक सुद्धा आपल्याला पाहायला मिळणार आहे.
उदय प्रकाश लिखित ‘दिल्ली की दीवार‘ या कथेवर आधारीत असलेला ‘नशीबवान‘ हा सिनेमा नवीन वर्षाच्या सुरुवातीला म्हणजेच ११ जानेवारी २०१९ रोजी प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीस येणार आहे. या सिनेमाचे अमित नरेश पाटील, विनोद मनोहर गायकवाड आणि महेंद्र गंगाधर पाटील हे निर्माते असून, प्रशांत विजय मयेकर आणि अभिषेक अशोक रेणुसे यांनी या सिनेमाच्या सहनिर्मात्याची धुरा सांभाळली आहे.

Soham, Aditya and Nikhil open their innings in Film Music
“There is no substitute for hard work.” Till the beginning of this year the trio comprising of young Soham Pathak and his two friends from Thane Aditya and Nikhil were performing at various shows all over Maharashtra. Youngsters had appreciated their talent and the popularity of their music is evident from their fan followers on social networking sites.
Soham, Aditya, Nikhil
In the forthcoming Marathi film ‘Shyamche Vadil’ the team comprising of Soham-Aditya and Nikhil are making their debut as music directors. Fortunately for them, music has been the heart of this film, which is based on the emotion filled story in the life of a Rock star. There is ample scope for Pure Rock in Marathi for them. When Marathi Movie World spoke to these three talented music directors, they were very delighted with the response they had received during the release of their music CD. “Our music in this film is for all age groups.” they announced.
Soham, who has himself rendered his voice for Chinmay Udgirkar in this film, said that his voice very well matched with the young hero; but was more thrilled for having got an opportunity to compose music on the voice of renowned veteran singer Hariharan. “We had sent a CD with composition in my voice to him, for approval and when he came to the studio for the first time; he asked, whose voice it was? And also appreciated the composition and sample voice. It was a compliment to me and my team.” says Soham.
In this film, the beautiful song that is rendered by Hariharan is ‘Saare Punha Aathave’. penned by Mandar Cholkar, who also happens to be a common friend of the trio. There are other songs like ‘Udya udya’, ‘Purush Mee’ and ‘Sakal sakal’’, which are expected to invite attention of music lovers. And, they will also decide the future of Soham-Aditya and Nikhil’s team work. Soham Pathak, now just 19, who also writes songs, besides singing and providing music; is all set to play long innings to in this field of entertainment .
“Fortunately for us, we have got a breakthrough this film at the most appropriate time, when Marathi films are going worldwide. We are holding our feet on the ground and will never get carried away with the success in years to come.” they concluded. Listening to their music gives a clear indication that they are here to stay, like some of the renowned music directors.
Marathi Movie World wishes them all the best for their rising career in music.