मकरंद अनासपूरे आणि तेजस्विनी लोणारी (Tejaswini Lonari) यांनी मांडला आहे आईच्या नावाने गोंधळ!

महाराष्ट्रात लग्न समारंभाचा कार्यभाग म्हणून जवळपास सर्व समाजात कुलस्वामिनीला प्रसन्न करण्यासाठी गोंधळ घालण्याची जुनी परंपरा आहे. ही परंपरा मकरंद अनासपूरे (Makarand Anaspure) आणि तेजस्विनी लोणारी (Tejaswini Lonari) यांनी ‘छापा काटा’ (Chappa Kata) चित्रपटात लग्नाच्या शुभ प्रसंगी देवदेवतांच्या आगमनासाठी जागरण गोंधळ मांडत जपली आहे. मल्हारी मार्तंड आणि रूपसुंदरी म्हाळसा ते कारल्याच्या एकवीरा आईचा उदो उदो करणारं ‘आई तुझ्या नावानं गोंधळ मांडला’ (Aai tujhya navane gondhal mandala) गोंधळगीत ११ डिसेंबर २०२३ रोजी सर्व प्लॅटफॉर्मवर प्रदर्शित होणार असून अवघा महाराष्ट्र उत्साहाने झिंगणार असल्याचं दिसत आहे.
शशांक कोंडविलकर यांनी गीताला शब्दबद्ध केले असून गणेश सुर्वे यांनी उत्स्फूर्त संगीत दिले आहे. गौरव चाटी यांनी देवतांच्या भक्तीत सर्वांनी विलीन व्हावे असे स्वर या गीतास दिले आहेत. ‘छापा काटा’ चित्रपटाची निर्मिती श्री. सुशीलकुमार अग्रवाल यांनी केली असून पटकथा आणि दिग्दर्शन संदीप मनोहर नवरे यांनी केले आहे. येत्या १५ डिसेंबर २०२३ रोजी संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात चित्रपट प्रदर्शित होणार आहे. प्रेक्षकांना चित्रपटगृहात ‘आई तुझ्या नावानं गोंधळ मांडला’ या गोंधळगीताचा मनसोक्त आनंद लुटता येणार आहे.
Grand Premiere show of ‘Varhadi Vajantri’ in traditional style

Grand premiere show of Marathi film ‘Varhadi Vajantri (वऱ्हाडी वाजंत्री)’ was held in a traditional style to suit the title of this film. The Band troupe was present at the gate of Mumbai’s Citylight Cinema to welcome the invitees. And the artistes performed dance on the music before entering the cinema hall. Moreover, popular actor Jaywant Wadkar’s wife had come along with a special cake for this occasion, which carried the picture of ‘Varhadi Vajantri’.
‘Varhadi Vajantri’ Movie, Priya Berde, Pandharinath Kamble, Vijay Patkar, Jaywant Wadkar
Present on this happy occasion were lead artistes of this film Vijay kadam, Priya Berde, Jaywant Wadkar , Paddy Kamble, Sunil Godbole, Purnima Ahire- Kende, Ananda Karekar, Prabhakar More, Shivaji Redekar,Sheetal Kalahapure, Sakshi Paranjape, Director Vijay Patkar, Producer Kalpesh Magar, Co Producers Atul Rajaramseth Ohol, Vaibhav Parab, Girish Kolapkar,Indurao Kodle Patil, Manoj Malkar, Dinesh Mengde, Ravindra Kharat, Ram Kondilkar, Tushar Rothe, Prathamesh Rangole, Jayesh Mistry and other celebrities like Vishakha Subhedar along with Nanubhai Jaisinghani, Satish Randive, Pitambar Kale, Padmashree Kadam, Saroj Patkar, Shardul Patkar, Vidya Wadkar, Swamini Wadkar, Vijay Rane and Abhijit Kende.

Music and trailer of ‘Varhadi Vajantri’ launched in Mumbai
Music and trailer of forthcoming Marathi film ‘Varhadi Vajantri’ was launched in a unique way at Citylight Cinema hall in Mumbai recently. Music director Avinash-Vishwajeet, Shashank Powar and singer Dr. Ganesh Chandanshive came together to give live performance on the title song of this film directed Vijay Patkar. During this event all the artistes and singers also took part.
After the musical event, the trailer of this film was launched. Produced by Capt. Kalpesh Ravindra Magar under the banner of Swaraj Film Productions ‘Varhadi Vajantri’ will be released on 11th November 2022. Vaibhav Arjun Parab has written the story, screenplay and dialogues of this film which stars Makarand Anaspure, Mohan Joshi, Reema, Pandharinath Kambli, Hemangi Kavi, Vijay Kadam and others

‘Well Done Boys’ selected for REELS Int Film Fest

‘Well Done Boys’ directed by Prakash Jadhav has been selected for the ‘REELS International Film Festival to be organised by Film Foundation and Welfare Foundation, Aurangabad. This is the second year of this film festival and the selection of film has been made from 434 films. The story of this film revolves around the school students, who according to the makers are the future of our country. In this film, they have focussed their attention on the Teacher – student relationship and have tried to suggest how the life of mischievous students can be made bright with proper attention on them.
Incidentally, director Prakash Jadhav is known for handling the subjects on students and their life. The story of ‘Well Done Boys’ is written by Ashok Bafna and Kishore Thakur, whuile the dialogues are written by Ashok Mankar and Mahendra Patil. Lyrics are penned by Ashish Ningurkar and Ashok Mankar with music composed by Shriran Aras and S.P. Sen. Cinematography is by Triloki Choudary, Hitesh Belder and Prakash Karlekar with editing by Prakash Atmaram Jadhav. The film stars Mohan Joshi, Vijay Patkar, Shilpa Prabhulkar, Priy Ranjan, Vinod Jolly, Mahendra Patil, Ashish Ningurkar along with a team of child artistes. The film will be released soon.
Ashish Ningurkar as lyricist and actor in ‘Well Done Boys’

After the success of ‘Aamhi Chamakte Taare’ Sainath Chitra are all set to present their next film ‘Well Done Boys’. Shooting of this film is over and it will now be released soon on OTT platform. Enthusiastic all rounder connected with Marathi films Ashish Ningurkar who besides managing his job in Indian Postal Services, has written lyrics of this film besides performing a small role. Ashish has already performed in many films and TV serials besides writing screenplay and lyrics.
‘Well Done Boys’ is Produced, directed and edited by Prakash Aatmaram Jadhav and stars Mohan Joshi, Vijay Patkar, Shilpa Prabhulkar, Priyaranjan, Vinod Jolly and Ashish Ningurkar. The film revolves around the dedicated teachers who try to find the best out of mischievous children from their school to make them worthy in this world. Meaningful lyrics of Ashish have received music from Shrirang Aras and S.P. Sen, while singers like Pallavi Kelkar, Shyamal Savke, Geeta and J.P. Dutta have rendered their voices for the songs in this film.
‘Bibtya’ to arrive soon on Marathi big screen

‘Bibtya’ ( Leopard) has always created fear among the people and there are stories and experiences connected with this wild animal. Now, this ‘Bibatya’ will play title role in forthcoming Marathi film ‘Bibatya’, poster of which was unveiled recently on the auspicious Gudi Padwa. The poster of this film shows a lighted up town and behind it stands a Bibatya shown in dark image, on the hill looking at the township. This suggests whether the life

Produced by Swayambhu Productions and directed by Chandrashekhar Sandve, the film stars Vijay Patkar, Mahesh Kokate, Anant Jog, Pramod Pawar, Dr. Vilas Ujawane, Ashok Kulkarni, Dnyanada Kadam, Manashree Pathak, Sachin Gawali, Somnath Tadwalkar, Subod Pawar, Chaitrali Dongare & Sushant Mandle. The story of this film is written by director Sandve himself while the screenplay is written by Chandrashekhar Sandve & R. Mauje. Dialogues by Kamalesh Khandale and cinematography by Ganesh Pawar are the other credits.
Avika Entertainment to present Mr & Mrs fashion
Avika Entertainment will present their 2nd Icon Beauty Contest (Mr & Mrs fashion) this year too. The auditions for this contest will be held in Then West at The Road House between 10 am and 4 pm on 31st October 2019 followed by auditions on 6th November 2019 at CBD Belapur.

It may be recalled that last year this contest had made its presence felt with successful conduct of their event, with good response. Therefore this year there is a lot of curiosity about this event. This year the event has received support from Essa Studios, Swarup Entertainment, Sarthak Publicity, S.K. Builders & Developers, Road House and others.
Highlight of this event is that prominent people like Femina Miss India-Gujarat Miss Amardeep, Mr. Thane Akshay Patil will be present as Judges for the auditions. And for the final round on 21st November 2019 renowned actor Vijay Patkar and well known director Ravi Jadhav will be present as judges.
For registrations contact 9821108983 & 9664949725.
Marathi Play ‘Daha By Daha’ reaches Golden Jubilee mark
Family related subjects have always invited the attention of Marathi drama lovers. One such subject presented through recently launched Marathi Play ‘Daha By Daha’ produced by Sachin Narkar, Vikas Pawarand Aakash Pendharkar has also received overwhelming response from the Marathi theatre audience . In a very short time this play will perform the Golden Jubilee show, which certainly needs appreciation.

‘Daha By Daha’ presents the story of Ghadigaonkar family living a simple traditional lifestyle. But, how this family breaks this traditional comfort zone to attempt something different is the focus of this play. And it is for this reason the play has successfully marched to Golden Jubilee show shortly with the positive response from the audience.
This play stars Vijay Patkar, Prathamesh Parab, Supriya Pathare, Vidisha Mhaskar, Gaurav Malankar and Amir Tadwalkar. Sanjay Jamkhandi and Vaibhav Sanap are the writers while Aniket Patil has directed this play. Music by Ashutosh Waghmare, Light effects by Vijay Gole , production design by Sandesh Bendre, make up by Hitesh Pawar and dress design by Rashmi Sawant are the other credits.

Reacting to their success the producer and team members have said that they themselves have also taken inspiration from the Ghadigaonkar family presented through this play and are looking forward to achieve their next milestones of 100, 500 and 1000 shows.
विजय पाटकरांची मराठी रंगभूमीवर सेकंड इंनिंग !
विनोदाचे बादशहा ओळखले जाणारे विजय पाटकर रंगभूमीवरून प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीस येत आहेत. अनेक सुप्रसिद्ध हिंदी मराठी मालिका आणि चित्रपटांतील विनोदी भूमिकांचा दीर्घ प्रवास केल्यानंतर, पाटकर आपल्याला ‘दहा बाय दहा’ या विनोदी नाटकामधून मनोरंजन करताना दिसून येणार आहेत. अनिकेत पाटील दिग्दर्शित ‘दहा बाय दहा‘ या धम्माल विनोदी नाटकांत त्यांच्याबरोबर प्रथमेश परब, सुप्रिया पाठारे हे मराठीतील सुप्रसिद्ध कलाकारदेखील आपल्याला पाहायला मिळणार आहेत. तसेच विदिशा म्हसकर हा नवा चेहरादेखील या चौकडीत आपल्याला दिसून येईल.

स्वरूप रिक्रिएशन अँड मीडिया प्रा.लि. निर्मित व अष्टविनायक प्रकाशित ह्या नाटकाचा दौरा संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात होणार आहे. या नाटकाचं लेखन संजय जामखंडी आणि वैभव सानप यांनी केलं आहे. एका मध्यमवर्गीय कुटुंबाची गोष्ट घेऊन येत असलेलं हे नाटक, सामान्य माणसांना चौकटीबाहेर जाऊन विचार करण्यास प्रेरित करेल. ‘दहा बाय दहा‘ च्या घरात हसत खेळत जगणाऱ्या या कुटुंबाला एका अनपेक्षित घटनेला सामोरे जावं लागतं, त्यानंतर त्यांच्यासोबत काय होतं? त्यातून ते कसा गोंधळ घालतात? हे सारं काही अगदी विनोदी ढंगात प्रेक्षकांना पहायला मिळणार आहे.

Shooting of Marathi film ‘Mrs. Deshmukh’ begins

Marriage plays an important role in the life of an individual. At the same time, it brings two families together. It is said that ‘marriages are made in heaven’, but to make this possible, today we find marriage bureau playing an important role in arranged marriages. Till now, we have seen many Marathi films on the subjects of marriage. ‘Shubhamangal Savadhan’, ‘Mumbai Pune Mumbai’ part 1 and 2 are best examples. Now, forthcoming Marathi film ‘Mrs. Deshmukkh’ is also promising an entertaining subject on the backdrop of a marriage and related events . It throws light on the present scenario of marriages.
The first Shooting schedule of this film began at Deshmukh bungalow and Vatgaon in kasegaon off karad district in Maharashtra, to give a realistic look to this film. Produced by Ragini Kadne and Vaishali Jadhav the film is directed by Raju Jadhav. The big star cast of this film comprise of Yatin Karyekar, Vijay Patkar, Kamalesh Sawant, Bharat Ganeshpure, Nayana Apte, Madhav Abhyankar, Milind dastane, Rajashree Nikam, Viraj Dagaa & Deepali Sathe. Music by Ameya Nare & Sajan Patel and camera by Sadiq Khan are the other credits of ‘Misses Deshmukh’.