‘Well Done Boys’ selected for REELS Int Film Fest

‘Well Done Boys’ directed by Prakash Jadhav has been selected for the ‘REELS International Film Festival to be organised by Film Foundation and Welfare Foundation, Aurangabad. This is the second year of this film festival and the selection of film has been made from 434 films. The story of this film revolves around the school students, who according to the makers are the future of our country. In this film, they have focussed their attention on the Teacher – student relationship and have tried to suggest how the life of mischievous students can be made bright with proper attention on them.
Incidentally, director Prakash Jadhav is known for handling the subjects on students and their life. The story of ‘Well Done Boys’ is written by Ashok Bafna and Kishore Thakur, whuile the dialogues are written by Ashok Mankar and Mahendra Patil. Lyrics are penned by Ashish Ningurkar and Ashok Mankar with music composed by Shriran Aras and S.P. Sen. Cinematography is by Triloki Choudary, Hitesh Belder and Prakash Karlekar with editing by Prakash Atmaram Jadhav. The film stars Mohan Joshi, Vijay Patkar, Shilpa Prabhulkar, Priy Ranjan, Vinod Jolly, Mahendra Patil, Ashish Ningurkar along with a team of child artistes. The film will be released soon.