अंतरा आणि अंतराची ‘हमसफर’ आता संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात प्रसिध्द

कलर्स मराठीवरील ‘जीव माझा गुंतला (Jiv Majha Guntala)’ मालिका सध्या रंजक वळणावर येऊन पोहचली आहे. अंतरा (Yogita Chavan) मोठ्या संकटात अडकली असून या सगळ्यामध्ये तिला मल्हारची (Saurabh Choughule) साथ मिळणार आहे. लग्नानंतर अंतराशी भांडणार, तिच्यावर तितकासा विश्वास नसणार मल्हार आता अंतराच्या बाजूने लढताना प्रेक्षकांना बघायला मिळणार आहे. या प्रवासात मल्हारला मिळाली आहे नवी “हमसफर”. अंतरा आणि अंतराची हमसफर आता संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात प्रसिध्द आहेच. पण आता मल्हारदेखील हमसफर चालवताना मालिकेमध्ये दिसणार आहे. त्याच सीनचे शूटिंग सुरू असताना काढलेले काही फोटोज.

आता मल्हारने हमसफरची मदत का घेतली? नक्की काय झालं ? हे मालिकेमध्ये बघायला मिळणार आहे. अंतराला चित्राकाकीने ड्रग्सच्या केस मध्ये अडकवले खरे पण, यानिमित्ताने कुठेतरी अंतरा आणि मल्हारच्या नात्याला नवे वळण तर मिळणार नाही ना ? असा प्रश्न आपल्या सगळ्यांच्याच मनामध्ये येऊन गेला असणार. काही दिवसांपूर्वी समोर आलेल्या प्रोमोमध्ये मल्हारने अंतराला शब्द दिला जेव्हा बाजू सत्याची असते तेव्हा शंकेला जागा नसते, तुला निर्दोष सोडवणे आता माझी जबाबदारी असे म्हणताना तो दिसला. बघूया मल्हार अंतराला दिलेला शब्द कसा पाळणार.
जीव माझा गुंतला मालिकेत अंतराला मिळणार “हमसफर” ची साथ !
कलर्स मराठीवरील जीव माझा गुंतला मालिकेमध्ये अंतरा आणि ‘हमसफर’चं नातं खूप खास आहे. शितोळे परिवाराला पैशांची कमतरता भासू नये, आई वडिलांना कुठलाही तरस होऊ नये म्हणून अंतरा रिक्षा पुन्हा एकदा चालविण्याचा निर्णय घेणार आहे. लग्न झाल्यावर आपल्या माहेरी हातभार लावावा, त्यांना कुठल्याही प्रकारचा त्रास होऊ नये असे प्रत्येक मुलीला वाटतं असते आणि तशीच इच्छा आपल्या अंतराची देखील आहे. पण आता तिचा हा निर्णय कुठलं नवं संकट तिच्या पुढे घेऊन येणार? खानविलकर कुटुंबाची साथ अंतराला मिळेल का ? ती कसा यातून कसा मार्ग काढणार ? चित्रा यामध्ये कुठली नवी खेळी खेळून जाणार ? हे बघणे उत्सुकतेचे असणार आहे.

अंतरा रिक्षा चालविण्याचा जेव्हा निर्णय घेते तेव्हा ती सुवासिनी यांना सांगण्याचा प्रयत्न देखील करते आणि ती तसं सांगते देखील. पण, तसं करून सुध्दा त्या दोघींमध्ये गैरसमज का होतो ? सुवासिनी आणि अंतरा मध्ये गैरसमज दिवसेंदिवस वाढत चालले आहेत. मल्हारने देखील अंतराला अजून बायको म्हणून स्वीकारले नाहीये. अंतरा कुठेतरी सगळं सांभाळून घेण्याचा प्रयत्न करते आहे. आणि त्या सगळ्यामध्ये आता हे नवं संकट तिच्यासमोर उभे ठाकणार आहे. अंतराच्या या निर्णयाचा मल्हार आणि अंतराच्या नात्यावर काय परिणाम होईल ? जाणून घेण्यासाठी बघत रहा जीव माझा गुंतला दररोज रात्री ८.३० वा. आपल्या लाडक्या कलर्स मराठीवर.

Shiva – Ek Yuva Yoddha ( शिवा – एक युवा योद्धा )
Release Year: 2019 (15 February)
- Genres: Drama
- Rating: na
- Censor: UA
- Duration: 118 min
- Studio/presenter: SGS Films
- Producer(s): Dr. Sanjay More, VD Shankaran, Ganesh Darakh
- Executive Producer: SGS Films
- Director: Vijay Shinde
- Writer: Dr. Sanjay More
- ScreenPlay: Navnath Pawar
- Dialogues: Navnath Pawar
- Official Facebook Page I Twitter
Cast & Crew
- Producer(s): Dr. Sanjay More, VD Shankaran, Ganesh Darakh
- Executive Producer: SGS Films
- Co-producer: na
- Director: Vijay Shinde
- Assistant Director: na
- Writer: Dr. Sanjay More
- ScreenPlay: Navnath Pawar
- Dialogues: Navnath Pawar
- Lyrics: Babasaheb Saudagar
- Music: Aditya Bedekar
- Playback Singer: Kailash Kher, Swapnil Bandodkar, Sagar Phadke, Rupali Moghe, Krishna Bongane
- Cinematographer (DOP): Sanjiv Kumar Hilli
- Editor: Rahul Kumar
- Starcast: Siddhant More, Yogita Chavan, Tanvi Hegde, Meera Joshi, Milind Gunaji, Yogesh Meher, Sunil Godbole, Prakash Dhotre, Shobhana Dandge, Jeet More, Babasaheb Saudagar, Kamraj
- Art Director: na
- Costumes: Kailash Brahamankar
- Makeup: Abhay Mohite Patil
- Sound : na
- Background Score: na
- Choreographer: Mangesh Vainty, Mangesh Paul
- DI, VFX: Rahul Kumar
- D.I. Colourist: Prakash Joseph
- Promos: na
- Music Label: na
- Publicity Designs: na
- P.R.O.: na
- Distributor : na
Synopsis :
News / Article / Interview
‘Shiva – Ek Yuva Yoddha’ music and trailer launched
Poster of ‘Shiva – Ek Yuva Yodhha’ launched at the hands of Journalists
Movie Still(s)
‘Gavthi’ shows the success formula for rural development

Director: Anand (Anddy)
Writer: Nayan Rathod, Rohit Sawant
Cinematographer (DOP): Ajeeth
Editor: Sanjay S Ingle
Rating: ***1/2
Review By: Ulhas Shirke
If you think what one person can do to bring that required change in his village, the key for the same is the conviction and vision of that person. A farmer’s son need not be a farmer, but at the same time, he should not shift to the city, just to do odd jobs, to avoid the family tradition. Latest released Marathi film produced by Siva Kumar R and directed by Anddy Anand shows the success formula for village development through an interesting story, which should inspire every youth of the present generation.‘Gavthi’ is actually the story of Gajanan( Shrikant Patil) , son of a hard-working farmer Shankar ( Kishore Kadam) who wants to educate his son, so that like him he need not be dependent on seasonal rains and loan from the Government or moneylender to save his land. As per his father’s wish Gajanan who is studious completes his education and also acquires a diploma in Computer engineering with merit. At the same time, he also falls in love with his classmate Gauri , who happens to be the only daughter of Babanrao ( Nagesh Bhosale) the rich moneylender from the village. When Babanrao comes to know about the love affair of his daughter with Shankar’s son, he plays a game to send Gajanan to Mumbai for a job, assignment, much against his wish.
On reaching Mumbai, Gajanan realizes that he has been cheated. But, a kind-hearted fast food vendor Mutthuswamy ( Kushal Badrike) comes to his rescue by not only providing him shelter but also a job of an Office Boy in an IT company, through one of his regular customers. And, this changes his life. How he rises to the executive post and convinces his Boss to adopt his own village for rural development, to get tax exemption for his company, is an interesting story. All is well in the concluding part.

The first part of the film presents a typical love story taking place in a village which comes to an end with the separation of Gajanan and Gauri. Even the post-interval happenings indicate the same old story of a village boy coming in search of a job in the dream city of Mumbai and getting cheated. But, soon we find the film taking a new turn to show how one person can change his own village, with the help of his proper planning. In short, the concluding part of this film is more inspiring with a timely message for every educated youth, especially coming from the rural background. The film has also shown through one important scene, how our Marathi people holding high position don’t help their own people coming from rural Maharashtra to find jobs, only because they are not fluent in English.
Director Anddy has cleverly shown the strong bonding between Gajanan and his parents and at the same time he has presented the love story of Gajanan and Gauri. He has also added humor to this film with the inclusion of few characters like Kushal Badrike, Kishore Chougule and others. But, it is Kushal Badrike in the character of Mutthuswamy invites all the attention in the post interval session. One can compare his performance with Bollywood legends like Late comedian Mehmood and also Jhony Lever. So much has been the capacity of this actor , when it comes to presenting good comedy. Another actor Kishore kadam has performed extremely well. He finds good support from Vandana Waknis, who has played his wife in this film & Nagesh Bhosale who has played a negative character.
Talking about the young lead pair, both Shrikant and Yogita have done well on their debut, but Yogita is more impressive, because of her expressive face and perfect dialogue delivery. Music of this film is good, but cinematographer Ajeeth captures all attention through his good work. Technically, it is a good film. Only drawback of this film is its length which is two and half hours. A long time has been spent on classroom and school campus happenings, which we have seen in many Marathi films based on teenage love in the past. Even the two friends of Gajanan shown schoolboys are not very convincing, though they have given good performances. However, looking at the sincerity of the filmmaker to send across a strong message with the help of good humor, makes this film a worth watch.
Tiger Shroff dances to the tunes of ‘Gavthi’ music

Last time it was the turn of Remo D’souza, when he danced to the tune of the first song of forthcoming Marathi film ‘Gavthi‘, which was launched last month. And, this time it was Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff , who danced to the tune of 2nd song of ‘Gavthi‘ film, which was launched in Mumbai recently. Incidentally, Tiger Shroff’s film ‘Baghi-2‘ is also releasing along with ‘Gavthi’ on 30th march 2018. But, the young Bollywood actor showed a fine gesture by attending this event and taking part in the promotion of this Marathi film ‘Gavthi‘ which is directed by his ‘Flying Jat‘ choreographer Anandkumar alias Andy .
Actually this event was to release the trailer of the film besides launch of 2nd song titled ‘Bhannat‘. Besides Tiger Shroff, popular choreographer Bosco Martis was also present as special guest on this occasion. The lead pair of the film Shrikant Patil and Yogita Chavan were well dressed up for the occasion along with other artistes Sandeep Gaikwad and Gaurav Shinde. Also present were music director Ashwin Bhandare & Shreyas in the company of presenters of the film Kasam Ali, Samir Dixit and Hrishikesh Bhirangi.
Gavthi ( गावठी )
Genres: Drama
Rating: ★★★1/2
Censor: U
Duration: 130 min.
Studio/presenter: na
Producer(s): Sivakumar Ramachandran
Executive Producer: na
Director: Anand (Anddy)
Writer: Nayan Rathod, Rohit Sawant
ScreenPlay: Anand (Anddy)
Dialogues: Nayan Rathod, Rohit Sawant
Official Facebook Page I Twitter
Cast & Crew
Executive Producer: na
Director: Anand (Anddy)
Assistant Director: na
Writer: Nayan Rathod, Rohit Sawant
ScreenPlay: Anand (Anddy)
Dialogues: Nayan Rathod, Rohit Sawant
Lyrics: Ashwin Bhandare, Sreyashh
Music: Ashwin Bhandare
Playback Singer: na
Cinematographer (DOP): Ajeeth
Editor: Sanjay S Ingle
Starcast: Shrikant Patil, Yogita Chavan, Kishore Kadam, Nagesh Bhosale, Kushal Badrike, Kishore Chougule, Vandana Waknis, Pankaj Vishnu, Sandeep Gaikwad
Costumes: Kailash Brahmankar
Makeup: na
Sound : Sunil Agarwal
Background Score: Ashwin Bhandare
Choreographer: Anand (Anddy)
DI, VFX: Ashok Chaudhari
D.I. Colourist: na
Promos: na
Music Label: na
Publicity Designs: Nilesh Kunjir
P.R.O.: na
Distributor : na
‘Gavthi’ : na
News / Article / Interview
Sangli Cop quits his job to play lead role in Marathi film
Remo D’Souza launches song of Marathi film ‘Gavthi’
Movie Still(s)