Category Archives: News

Star Pravah’s ‘Lakshya’ completes 700 episodes

Lakshya Marathi Serial, Suchitra Bandekar



Popular Police investigative Marathi serial ‘Lakshya’ on Star Pravah has successfully completed 700 episodes. Instead of inviting special guests for celebrating the occasion, the hosts Aadesh Bandekar and Suchitra Bandekar, the producers of this serial had it a home affair. They wanted to share the happy moment with the entire cast and crew of the serial and their family members, which was a fine gesture.

Speaking on the occasion the hosts made an announcement that soon they will bring all the artistes together and will present more interesting stories, to keep the home audience engaged. Present on the occasion were, main artistes of this serial, Ashok Samarth, Shweta Shinde, Aditi Sarangdhar, Jagannath Nivangune, kamlesh Sawant, Ramesh Wani, Pari Telang & Dhanshree Kshirsagar.

‘Nagrik’ has a strong subject of investigative journalism

Nagrik Marathi Film

Journalism is considered as the fourth estate of a democratic society. This term was earlier used mainly for print media. The invasion of modern technology saw rise of electronic media and digital media, which has also become part of the fourth estate. This fourth estate, though dreaded by inactive politicians, corrupt ‘babus’ and businessmen, tries to keep check on wrongdoings in the society, apart from hailing the good deeds.

A film fully dedicated to this profession, i.e. Journalism, is very rare, in Marathi cinema. But producer Aarti Sachin Chavan under the banner Sachi Entertainment is coming up with a new Marathi film Nagrik, the story of which has a major backdrop of investigative journalism. ‘Pen is mightier than sword’ is theme of the film which focuses on the political and social realities of the times, through the eyes of common man.. Nagrik, which is directed by Jayprad Desai, has already bagged a prestigious Maharashtra State Film Award for best cinematography (Devendra Golatkar).

Also it features in nominations for five categories of the state awards, i.e. Best Debut Director (Jaypraad Desai), Best Actor (Sachin Khedekar), Best Dialogues (Mahesh Keluskar), Best Lyricist (Sambhaji Bhagat) and Best Film. Nagrik has a strong star cast, comprising of Dilip Prabhavalkar, Dr Shriram Lagoo, Milind Soman, Sulabha Deshpande among others. The film is all set to release soon.

Now, ‘Mhais’ to be released all over Maharashtra

Mhais Marathi Film

Shekhar Nayeek’s film ‘Mhais’ , which is based on the story of Late P.L.Deshpande, is all  set to release all over Maharashtra, on coming Friday 24th April 2015. The film was actually released in Pune last year, without much of publicity.  But now, the filmmaker is releasing this film through his own distribution network, in multiplexes all over Maharashtra.  Prior to this film Shekhar Nayeek had made films like ‘Urus’ and  ‘Jai Shankar’.

A special premiere show has been arranged in Nagpur, for 50 leprosy patients from Anandvan, as Late P.L.Deshpande was very much attached to Late Baba Amte and Anandvan. Mr. Sanjay Mone, who has also played a role in this film, will be present for this show, along with actress Preeto Dhadwe and director Shekhar Nayeek. The film will be released through some important outlets of Big Cinema, Inox, PVR, CityPride & Cinepolis, in Maharashtra.

व्ही. शांताराम मोशन पिक्चर ट्रस्टचा स्तुत्य उपक्रम

Nitin Desai, Art Directorव्ही. शांताराम मोशन पिक्चर ट्रस्टच्यावतीने युवाव प्रस्थापित चित्रकर्मींसाठी ‘सिने कल्चरल सेंटर’च्या अंतर्गत सिनेमा मेकिंग तंत्राचे मार्गदर्शन आणि विशेष चर्चासत्राचे आयोजन नुकतेच (१९ एप्रिल  रोजी)मुंबईत करण्यात आले होते. ह्या मार्गदर्शन कार्यक्रमास प्रसिद्ध कलादिग्दर्शक नितीन देसाई ह्याचे मार्गदर्शन लाभले.

‘चाणक्य’, ‘डिस्कव्हरी ऑफ इंडिया’ या मालिकांपासून ते ‘देवदास’ ह्या हिंदी सिनेमा पर्यंत असंख्य चित्रपटांच्या सेट्सच्या निर्मितीसाठी केलेला तेथील संस्कृती, इतिहास आणि भौगोलिक स्थानांचा अभ्यास, कला दिग्दर्शनाचे बारकावे याच्या चित्रफिती यावेळी दाखवण्यात आल्या, तसेच सेट्सच्या निर्मितीची प्रात्यक्षिकं त्यांनी याप्रसंगी सादर केली. बी.डी.डी. चाळीपासून सुरु झालेला प्रवास,कला दिग्दर्शन क्षेत्रातला संघर्ष, मातब्बर निर्माता-दिग्दर्शकांची मिळालेली साथ, मिळालेला मान-सन्मान, पारितोषिक आणि भविष्यातील योजना याबाबत त्यांनी सविस्तर माहिती दिली.

कार्यक्रमाचे  दिपप्रज्वलन सांस्कृतिक कार्यसंचालनालयाचे संचालक, आशुतोष घोरपडे  ह्यांच्या शुभ हस्ते करण्यात आले.  कलादिग्दर्शक नितीन देसाई यांनी या उपक्रमाचे कौतुक करत असे उपक्रम सातत्याने व्हायला हवेत असे आवर्जून नमूद केले.  श्री. किरण शांताराम यांनी नितीन देसाई यांचे आभार व्यक्त केले.

Star Pravah presents ‘Arrey Vedya Manaa’ to capture young audience

Nupur parulekar

Another young love story will begin on Marathi small screen from 20th April 2015. You may call this ‘love at first sight’ theme, to target the young college going audience. With lead pair Abhijit Amkar and Nupur Parulekar , it also stars Avinash Narkar, Anuradha Rajadhyaksha, Ravindra Mankani, Ujwala Jog & Nilima Parandkar.

The story of this serial revolves around Qualified Swapnil, a typical middle class family boy, who falls in love with a bubbly, spirited girl Madhuri. The title song of this serial has been composed by Music director Nilesh Moharir , on the lyrics of young popular lyricist Mandar Cholkar. This serial will be telecast in the slot of ‘Priti Pari Tujhavari’ at prime time, as the later has been shifted to 6.30 pm slot now. Let us see, whether this experiment of Star Pravah works to capture young audience?

‘मराठी बॉक्स क्रिकेट लीग’ च्या दुसऱ्या पर्वाची घोषणा

Sushant Shelar, Nitesh Rane

गेल्या वर्षी महराष्ट्र कलानिधीचे संस्थापक श्री. नितेश राणे आणि सचिव श्री. सुशांत शेलार यांनी एकत्र येत ‘मराठी बॉक्स क्रिकेट लीग’ ची स्थापना केली आणि त्याचं पहिलं पर्व यशस्वीकरून दाखवलं. ‘मराठी बॉक्स क्रिकेट लीग’ च्या दुसऱ्या पर्वाची घोषणा नुकतीच एका पत्रकार परिषदेत नितेश राणे, श्रेयस तळपदे , सुशांत शेलार ह्यांच्या उपस्थितीत करण्यात आली.

गेल्यावर्षी ८ गटांमध्ये हे सामने रंगले होते. यंदा ‘धडाकेबाज नवी मुंबई’ व ‘अजिंक्यतारा सातारा’ अशा दोन नव्या संघाच्या सहभागाची घोषणा करण्यात आली. ह्या प्रसंगी अभिनेता श्रेयस तळपदे यांनी दोन नव्या संघाच्या शिलेदारांचे स्वागत करत दुसरं पर्व आपणही एन्जॉय करणार असल्याचं सांगितलं.

सहभागी संघ:
1) शिलेदार ठाणे
2) कोहिनूर नागपूर
3) डॅशिंग मुंबई
4) रत्नागिरी टायगर्स
5) शूर कोल्हापूर
6) मस्त पुणे
7) क्लासिक नाशिक
8) फटाका औरंगाबाद
9) धडाकेबाज नवी मुंबई
10) अजिंक्यतारा सातारा

‘मराठी बॉक्स क्रिकेट लीग’चे दुसरं पर्व ८ मे ते १० मे दरम्यान पाचगणी येथे रंगणार आहे.

Dinanath Mangeshkar award for Dilip Prabhavalkar

Dilip Prabhavalkar, ActorVeteran actor Dilip Prabhavalkar will receive this year’s Dinanath Mangeshkar award for his contribution to Theatre and Cinema.  The awards in other categories are as follows – Pt. Suresh Talwalkar (for contributing to Indian music), Bhalchandra Nemade (for literature),  Kumar Ketkar ( for Journalism), Anil Kapur ( for Hindi Cinema), Asha Kamat & Aparna Abhyankar( for Social work) will also be honored for this year. Since last 26 years these awards are being presented, in the memory of Lata Mangeshkar’s father, singer-actor Dinanath Mangeshkar. They have been instituted by Mangeshkar family

The actual award presentation ceremony will be held at a special function, to be held on 24th April 2012. Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Cultural Minister Vinod Tawde will be the chief guests on this occasion.

Nominations for Sanskruti Kaladarpan awards declared

Smita Jaykar, Sameera Gujar, Anant Jog

Sanskruti Kaladarpan, which works towards social cause, have also instituted awards to all the three streams of entertainment, i.e. Cinema, Theatre, Television. Now, into their 15th year, they recently announced nominations in all categories, at a function held in Mumbai. The main two pillars and heads of Sanskruti Kaladarpan, Chandrakant Sandve and Archana Nevrekar, welcomed and thanked the jury members of TV, Cinema and Theatre panels.

In fact the organisers were of the opinion that no awards function should be organised from next year onwards, due to problems relating to dates, theatre timings, availability of films on time, etc. Such issues prevailed till the last minute; but a lot of film fraternity members sorted out the problems, to make this year’s ‘Mahotsav’ of Dramas and film, a grand success. They thanked all the viewers, who supported with ‘House Full’ boards. Incidentally, the plays including Kalat Nakalt, Samudra, Goshta Tashi Gamtichi and films including Elizabeth Ekadashi, Ticha Umbartha, Rama Madhav were part of the ‘Mahotsav’.

Sameera Gujar Joshi, in her impeccable style compared the programme. She had to speak non-stop ,to announce the nominations of all categories, in different streams. Some of the nominated names are, Spruha Joshi, Leena Bhagwat, Atul Todankar, Sanjay Khapre, Kumar Sohoni, Vikram Gaikwad, Guru Thakur, Ajay- Atul, Bela Shende, Smita Tambe, Jyoti Chandekar Sai Tamhankar, Subodh Bhave.
The selection committee comprising of Sharad Ponkshe, Amruta Rao, Prajakta Kulkarni-Dighe, Avinash Kharshikar, Smita Jaykar, Pradip Kabre, Kanchan Adhikari, along with some others, were present on the occasion. Alka Kubal, Supriya Pathare, Anant Jog, Shashak Ketkar, ever beautiful Mrinal Kulkarni, Ramesh Bhatkar (looking very youthful), Vijay Kadam, Tejaswini Pandit, Kishori Shahane-Vij, Ashwini Ekbote, AmitRaj represented the film, theatre and television industry.

Sanskruti Kaladarpan Gaurav Rajani, final awards function will be held on 26th April 2015 at Andheri Sports Complex, Mumbai.

It will be a triangular contest coming Friday

What About Savarkar Movie

Chaitanya Tamhane’s film ‘Court’ has won 17 awards at the various international film festivals. Recently, it added one more feather in its cap, by bagging the national award. The past experience of such award winning films, clearly indicates that such films never draw crowds at theaters. Therefore, it remains to be seen, whether ‘Court’ succeeds in drawing good crowds at theaters.

But, along with ‘Court’ , two more Marathi films are also releasing coming Friday. They are ‘Te Don Diwas’ directed by Devendra Dodke and ‘What About Savarkar’ directed by Rupesh Katare & Nitin Gawde. Incidentally, all these three films are based on social issues, with a social message. While, ‘Te Don Diwas’ has well known veteran artistes like Mohan Joshi, Alka Kubal Athalye, Arun Nalawade & Dr. Vila Ujavane, ‘What About Savarkar’ has well known stage artistes like Sharad Ponkshe, Avinash Narkar, Atul Todankar and Shrikant Bhide. In comparison ‘Court’ has a big team of newcomers, with just two stage artistes. But, it has awards in its bag.

So, it will be a triangular contest coming Friday, with the audience to decide, what will be their choice. So, over to 17th April.

Now, Om Puri also joins Marathi films

Prema Kiran, Om Puri

Watching other Bollywood senior actors like Shakti Kapoor, Anupam Kher and other joining Marathi films. now, veteran actor Om Puri has also joined Marathi films. Om Puri will be playing central character in the forthcoming Marathi film ’15 August Bhagile 26 January’. Recently, muhurat of this film took place in Pune, in presence of Forest Minister of Maharashtra, Mr. Patangrao Kadam.

This film is produced by Lahu Jadhav & Shankar Mitkari, while Pitambar Kale directs this film. The film’s story is by Purushottam Borkar, while screenplay, dialogues and lyrics are by Aaba Gaikwad. ’15 August Bhagile 26 January’ also stars Manoj Joshi, Kishori Shahane, Deepali Sayyed, Bhau Kadam & Prema Kiran in important roles.

Speaking on the occasion, Om Puri, proudly called himself Marathi. “For the past 40 years, I am living in Mumbai. Maharashtra has given me name, fame and money. I love Marathi literature and I do watch Marathi films and Marathi plays regularly.” he said.

Till now, entry of senior Bollywood artistes in Marathi, hasn’t made much difference in film’s success. Now, it remains to be seen, how Om Puri succeeds in inviting the attention of Marathi audience.