Dr. Amol Kolhe’s new play ‘Bandh Mukta’ to hold its grand premiere

We have all heard about premiere shows of films, on the eve of their official release. But, had never heard about premiere show of a Marathi drama. But, Dr.Amol Kolhe‘s forthcoming Marathi drama ‘Bandh Mukta‘ will be an exception. Dr. Amol who is also the producer of this drama, along with Vilas Sawant and Sonali Ghanashyam Rao, has decided to hold the inaugural show, as the premiere show of this play on 12th August 2016 at Ravindra Natya Mandir, Mumbai. Many dignitaries from social, medical, political, business, literature are expected to attend this show.
The play deals with an unusual but timely subject of ‘Mercy Killing‘ and therefore, it has already generated more interest among drama enthusiasts. It may be recalled that In March 2011, the Supreme Court of India, passed a historic judgement permitting Passive Euthanasia in the country. But, even today, there is a debate on whether ‘Mercy Killing‘ be legalized in India. Dr. Amol Kolhe himself will play lead role ‘Bandh Mukta‘ play, along with Ketaki Thatte, Rajan Bane, Shantanu Moghe, Vivek Apte, Pandhari Medge & Latika Sawant. The play is written by Vivek Apte and directed by Dr. Anil Bandivadekar. The background music is provided by Rahul Ranade.