जागतिक पर्यटन दिनी पल्लवी पाटील ने जागवल्या ‘हंपी’ भेटीच्या आठवणी
२७ सप्टेंबर हा दिवस जागतिक पर्यटन दिन म्हणून सर्वत्र साजरा केला जातो. त्यानिमित्ताने ‘क्लासमेट्स’ आणि ‘बॉइज’ फेम अभिनेत्री पल्लवी पाटीलने नुकत्याच हंपीला दिलेल्या भेटीच्या आठवणींना उजाळा दिला.
अभिनेत्री पल्लवी पाटील म्हणते, “जगातल्या सर्वोत्तम स्थळांमधलं एक उत्तम पर्यटन स्थळ म्हणून हंपीची गणना केली जाते. मी आर्किटेक असल्याने ह्या ऐतिहासिक पर्यटन स्थळाला भेट देण्याची इच्छा मला कॉलेजमध्ये असल्यापासून होती. पण ही इच्छा नुकतीच पूर्ण झाली.”

पल्लवी हंपीच्या आठवणी जागवताना म्हणते, “तुंगभद्रा नदीच्या किनारी असलेली सुंदर शिल्पं, मंदिरे पाहताना, त्यांच्यावर केलेलं कोरीव काम बघताना आपल्या प्राचीन संस्कृतीची, कलासौन्दार्याची प्रचीती येते. हंपीमध्ये भटकंती करताना प्राचीन स्थापत्यकलेचा वारसा असलेल्या ह्या हंपीच्या सौंदर्याच्या आपण प्रेमात पडतो.”
Swapna Chalun Aale Song
Song: Swapna Chalun Aale ..
Movie: Classmates
Singer: Sonu Nigam, Sayali Pankaj
Director: Aditya Ajay Sarpotdar
Music: Pankaj Padghan
Label: Video Palace
Lyrics: Kshitij Patwardhan
Song Lyrics
स्वप्न चालून आले बघता बघता
Swapna Chalun Aale Baghata Baghata
स्वप्न चालून आले बघता बघता
Swapna Chalun Aale Baghata Baghata
माझे होऊन गेले हसता हसता
Maze Hovun Gele Hasata Hasata
रंग रंगीत झाले दिसता दिसता
Rang Rangit Jhale Disata Disata
श्वास संगीत झाले जुळता जुळता
Shwas Sangeet Jhale Julata Julata
चांदण्यात भिजतो दिवसा आता
Chandanyat Bhijato Divasa Aata
मी तुझ्यात दिसतो का मला
Mi Tuzyat Disato Ka Mala
तूच आजही तू उद्या
Tuch Aajahi Tu Udya
तूच सावली या दिशा
Tuch Savali Ya Disha
वाट होते पैंजणांची
Vat Hote Painjananchi
सोबतीने तुझ्या
Sobatine Tuzya
स्वप्न चालून आले बघता बघता
Swapna Chalun Aale Baghata Baghata
स्वप्न चालून आले बघता बघता
Swapna Chalun Aale Baghata Baghata
माझे होऊन गेले हसता हसता
Maze Hovun Gele Hasata Hasata
रंग रंगीत झाले दिसता दिसता
Rang Rangit Jhale Disata Disata
श्वास संगीत झाले जुळता जुळता
Shwas Sangeet Jhale Julata Julata
चांदण्यात भिजतो दिवसा आता
Chandanyat Bhijato Divasa Aata
मी तुझ्यात दिसतो का मला
Mi Tuzyat Disato Ka Mala

‘Saavar Re’ song
Song: Saavar Re
Singer: Bela Shende, Harshwardhan Wavare
Lyrics: Guru Thakur
Music: Amitraj
Movie: Classmates
Label: Video Palace
Director: Aditya Sarpotdar
Song Lyrics
रोज मला विसरून मी गुणगुणतो नाव तुझे आज इथे तू ना जरी
Roj Mala Visaruni Mi Gungunato Naav Tuze Aaj Ethe Tu na Jari
तरी भवति भास तुझे तुझ्या आठवांचा शहरा जरा येवूनी ह्या मनाला
Tari Bhavati Bhas Tuze Tuzya Aathvancha Shahara Jara Yevuni hya Manala
सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे
Saavar Re Saavar Re Saavar Re Saavar Re Saavar Re Saavar Re
रोज मला विसरून मी गुणगुणते नाव तुझे आज इथे तू ना जरी
Roj Mala Visarun Mi Gungunate Naav Tuze Aaj Ethe Tu na Jari
तरी भवति भास तुझे
Tari Bhavati Bhas Tuze
खुणावती रे अजून ह्या सभोवताली रे तुझ्या खुणा
Khunavati Re Ajun Hya Sabhovtali Re Tuzya Khuna
अजून ओल्या क्षणात त्या भिजून जाती पुन्हा पुन्हा
Ajun Olya Kshanat Tya Bhijun Jaati Punha Punha
ओल पापण्यांना ओढ पावलांना नाही तुझी आस का
Oal Papnyanna Oadh Pavlana Nahi Tuzi Aas Ka
का अजून माझ्या बावऱ्या जीवाला लागे तुझा ध्यास हा
Ka Aajun Mazya Bavarya Jivala Laage Tuza Dhyas Ha
मन नादावते का पुन्हा
Man Nadavate Ka Punha
सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे सावर रे
Saavar Re Saavar Re Saavar Re Saavar Re Saavar Re Saavar Re
‘Classmates’ premiered in style on Colors channel

Super hit film of the year, ‘Classmates’ was premiered on Colors channel, last Sunday. And, the manner in which it was presented, inserting the talk show amongst the team members, during the break, made it more interesting. It was nice to listen to the experience of all the artistes, during the making of this film. More than that, the telecast of this film was also enjoyable, considering its suspense filled screenplay and wonderful performances of the artistes. They all, really made a very good team.
It looks like that Colors channel is also getting ready to present the premieres of few more new films. The next one being another hit film ‘Balkadu’. But, we only hope that they don’t repeat these films every month, calling it second premiere or 3rd premiere and so on. By the way, the new mythological serial ‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’ on this channel is yet to pick up; as there are many new faces. So, let us wait for few more episodes. But, little Ganesh and Parvati are doing well.
However, things are really not going well with their other serial ‘Kamla’ and entertainment show ‘Aali lahar kela Kahar’. Instead, the other serial like ‘Asa Saasar Surekh Bai’ and ‘Comedy chi Bullet train’ provide better entertainment. But, it’s high time, they replace their other serials with new subjects.
Now, talking about ‘Honar Suun Mi Hya Gharchi’ on Zee Marathi, after the big drama taking place in Janhavi’s house, now the focus is on Pintya’s newly wed wife Sunita. And, Komal Khamkar, who is playing this role, is making her presence felt, with a confident looking performance. Komal, who otherwise speaks good Marathi, has cleverly learned this village style accent, especially for this role. She is a very good dancer too and we hope to see her perform it, in this serial too.
Marathi music channels do help to popularize the songs of all forthcoming Marathi films. At the same time, they also help the new artistes. One best example, is that of Film ‘Urfi’. The songs of this film promoted on music channels, has helped the newcomer Mitali Mayekar. More and more people, especially youngsters, who have become her fans, are visiting nearby theatres, to watch her performance in the film ‘Urfi’ released last Friday.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network

Is Siddharth Chandekar emerging as the most promising actor?
Though Ankush Choudhari plays the lead actor of the ‘Classmates’ team, the actor who has been inviting the attention of audience is Siddharth Chandekar. Siddharth began his acting career in films through a Milind Ukey’s film ‘Hamne Jeena Seekh Liya’. But then, he was a teenager. Siddharth’s actual journey as an actor began with the serial ‘Agnihotra’ and Avadhoot Gupte’s film ‘Zenda’. Then , we saw him in Atul Sarpotdar’s film ‘Satarangee Re’ based on young collegians.
Later, films like ‘Balgandharva ‘ and ‘Doosari Goshta’ offered him limited scope. Last year, his film ‘Bavare Prem He’ was released, presenting him as a solo hero opposite Urmila Kanetkar-Kothare. In spite of good performance, his talent went noticed, as the film didn’t do well, at ticket window. But, after release of ‘Classmates’, everybody is talking about his performance. Though there are other popular Marathi actors in this film, Siddharth stands out, with his all round performance. He has displayed emotions and humour simultaneously, clearly indicating that he is there to stay in Marathi film industry, for a long long time.
Having seen the promo of his forthcoming film ‘Sata Lota Pan Sagala Khota’, there is plenty of scope for his character, to create instant comedy. And, we have seen the glimpse of it in ‘Classmates’. In short, Siddharth is all set to rock, during the beginning of this new year . It will not be surprising to see him as the Number one hero of Marathi films, in years to come..
‘Classmates’ displays excellent team work
![]() Rating: ★★★★
Genres: Drama, Romantic, Musical, Suspense Censor: U/A Duration: 130 min Studio/presenter: Video Palace, S.K. Production Films Producer: Suresh Pai Director: Aditya Ajay Sarpotdar Writer: Kshitij Patwardhan, Sameer Vidwans Lyrics: Guru Thaakur, Kshitij Patwardhan, Manndar Cholkar, Satyajeet Ranade Music: Amitraj, Avinash-Vishwajeet, Troy-Arif, Pankaj Padghan Cinematographer (DOP): K.K. Manoj Cast: Ankush Choudhary, Sonalee Kulkarni, Sai Tamhankar, Sushant Shelar, Sachit Patil, Siddharth Chandekar, Suyash Tilak, Pallavi Patil, Sanjay Mone, Kishori Shahane, Ramesh Dev. Movie Review by: Jitendra R More |
Every parting indicates a big loss; but, every reunion is a reminiscence. Based on this philosophy is ‘Classmates’, the latest offering from Aditya Sarpotdar. No matter, this film is an authorised remake of a South film, with the same name, Aditya has used his past seven years experience, to skilfully captain his team of talented performers. Set on the backdrop of a college life during 90s, the film begins with a scene 20 years later, when the classmates of 1995 batch reunite for a purpose, in their college. So, we witness the seven batch mates comprising of Satya (Ankush Chaudhari), Appu(Sai Tamhankar), Aditi (Sonalee Kulkarni), Rohit Bhosale, now a MLA (Sachit Patil), Pratap, now a Police Inspector( Sushant Shelar), Amit(Suyash Tilak), now husband of Appu and Heena ( Pallavi Patil), a Muslim woman and close friend of Aditi; attending the opening ceremony of the Music section in memory of their departed friend.
They are all welcomed by the lady principal (Kishori Shahane Viz), mother of late Ani (Siddharth Chandekar). As they are about to meet late in the evening, after the function, an unfortunate accident takes place in respect of one of their classmates. This being a biggest twist in the story, the film progresses with the investigation of the accident and at the same time, taking the viewers into flashback, to show the happenings twenty years ago, while they were in the college. So, we witness the acts of ragging, which prevailed those days, the rivalry between two groups, with the entry of politically backed youth wings, dance n music and of course the love affairs. In short, it is all in one contribution of action, saga, friendship, music and revenge.
Best thing about the film, is its well written screenplay by Sameer Vidwans and Kshitij Patwardhan and suitable dialogues by Kshitij, to meet the requirement of the realistic college lifestyle, during that period. But, above all the director Aditya Sarpotdar shows his presence through many important scenes. Watch the scene, where ace swimmer Sachit Patil folding his call letter from foreign university for admission, to support one of the tilting legs of the side table in his house.
This clearly displayed the gravity of the situation, where his father who is in deep trouble in Politics, requiring the support of his son and the son offering the same, through this act. Very cleverly, he has managed to unfold the mystery, in the screenplay. Though he gave a Marathi feel to this film, the two songs have a south Indian flavour. Even otherwise, barring two songs, the music is not very impressive. Perhaps, too many cooks couldn’t match well, with each other. But, the background score is simply fabulous. Good support comes from impressive camera work and sound design.
In the acting department, three actors have shown maturity in their acting, while portraying their respective characters. They are Ankush Choudhary , Sachit Patil and Siddharth Chandekar. All three of them stole the show, displaying diversity . The director has exploited their full potential. Among the females, Sonalee Kukarni has also shown lot of improvisation, in the role of Aditi. Sai Tamhankar suits well in the role of possessive Appu, but her performance is more dependent on the dialogues offered to her. Sushant Shelar and SuyashTilak are convincing, but Pallavi has been wasted in the role of Heena. Not much scope was given to this promising new find actress, who was picked up from the talent hunt programme of 9X Jhakas. Veterans like Kishori Shanane, Ramesh Deo and Sanajy Mone offer good support. But, the ultimate winner is Aditya Sarpotdar. He really stands tall, for his effective presentation style, in this story based and suspense filled film.
Classmates ( क्लासमेट्स )

Genres: Drama, Romantic, Musical, Suspense
Release Year: 2015 (16 January)
Censor: U
Duration: 130 min.
Studio/presenter: Video Palace, S.K. Production Films
Producer(s): Suresh Pai
Executive Producer: Jewelliana Rodrigus
Director: Aditya Ajay Sarpotdar
Writer: Kshitij Patwardhan, Sameer Vidwans
ScreenPlay: Kshitij Patwardhan, Sameer Vidwans
Dialogues: Kshitij Patwardhan
Official Facebook Page I Twitter
Cast & Crew
Executive Producer: Jewelliana Rodrigus
Director: Aditya Ajay Sarpotdar
Chief Assistant Director: Lucky Hansraj
Writer: Kshitij Patwardhan, Sameer Vidwans
ScreenPlay: Kshitij Patwardhan, Sameer Vidhwans
Dialogues: Kshitij Patwardhan
Lyrics: Guru Thaakur, Kshitij Patwardhan, Manndar Cholkar, Satyajeet Ranade
Music: Amitraj, Avinash-Vishwajeet, Troy-Arif, Pankaj Padghan
Playback Singer: Aanandi V Joshi, Priyanka Barve, Vishwajeet Joshi
Cinematographer (DOP): K.K. Manoj
Editor: Imran-Faisal
Starcast: Ankush Choudhary, Sonalee Kulkarni, Sai Tamhankar, Sushant Shelar, Sachit Patil,
Siddharth Chandekar, Suyash Tilak, Pallavi Patil, Sanjay Mone, Kishori Shahane, Ramesh Dev.
Action Director: Manohar Verma
Costumes: Manali Jagtap
Makeup: na
Sound : Pramod Chandorkar
Background Score: Troy-Arif
Choreographer: na
DI, VFX: Prasad Labs, Amey Gosavi
D.I. Colourist: na
Promos: na
Visual Promotions: Just Right Studioz
Music Label: na
Publicity Designs: Ravi Jadhav
P.R.O.: na
Distributor : na
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