‘Bhirkit’ ready to offer ‘Package of Entertainment’ on 17th June
The much awaited Marathi film ‘Bhirkit’ which has a big team of comedians, is all set to offer the package of entertainment on 17th June 2022, when this film will be released in theatres all over Maharashtra. Produced by Suresh Oswal and Bhagyavanti Oswal and directed by Anup Jagdale ‘Bhirkit’ will present Girish Kulkarni along with Hrishikesh Joshi, Kushal Badrike, Sagar Karande, Monalisa Bagal, Tanaji Galgunde, Kailas Waghmare,Usha Naik, Yakub Sayyad, Shrikant Yadav, Meenal Bal, Shilpa Thakre, Deepti Dhotre, Arya Ghare, Seva More, Rohit Chavan, Balkrishna Shinde, Namdev Mirkute, Radha Sagar and Ashwini Bagal in lead roles.

In this film you will find Girish Kulkarni in a different kind of character of ‘Tatya’ who is always there to help the people from his village. Every woman from the village seeks help from Tatya to solve her problem. In short, his character will offer non stop entertainment, according to the makers of this film. Comedy King Sagar Karande is playing another important character of ‘Bunty Dada’. According to director Anup Jagdale, this film has a team of comedians who have already entertained every household of Maharashtra. “Each one of them have different timing for their comedy and I am sure this film will entertain one and all.
‘Bhirkit’ to strike with cyclone of Comedy on 17th June
Described as a ‘Cyclone of Comedy’ by makers of this film, ‘Bhirkit (भिरकिट)’ is now all set to release on 17th June all over Maharashtra. Presented by Classic Enterprise, produced by Suresh Oswal & Bhagyavanti Oswal and directed by Anup Jagdale, ‘Bhirkit’ is a story happening in a village and revolves around family relationship, politics, love story and humour arising out of it. Songs of this film have already popularized and now with the release of film’s trailer, this film has raised big expectations.

The film has a big star cast comprising of renowned artistes like Girish Kulkarni, Hrishikesh Joshi, Kushal Badreike,Sagar karande, Monalisa Bagal, Tanaji Galgunde, Kailas Waghmare, Usha Naik, Yakub Sayyed, Shrikant Yadav, Meenal Bal, Shilpa Thakre, Deepti Dhotre, Aarya Ghare, Seva More, Rohit Chavan, Balkrishna Shinde, Namdev Mirkute,Radha Sagar, Ashwini Bagal in lead roles. And their coming together through this film, clearly suggests that it will be comedy film.

Teaser of Comedy film ‘Bhirkit’ released
Few days ago poster of forthcoming Marathi film ‘Bhirkit (भिरकीट)’ had raised a lot of curiosity among the film lovers. Presented by Classic Enterprises and produced by Suresh Jamatlal Oswal and Bhagyavanti Suresh Oswal and directed by Anup Jagdale, now the teaser of this film has been released.

This so called comedy film stars versatile artistes like Girish Kulkarni, Hrishikesh Joshi, Monalisa Bagal, Kushal Badrike, Sagar Karande, Tanaji Galgunde, Kailas Waghmare, Usha Naik and Yakub Sayed.

Screenplay and dialogues of this film are written by Pratap Gangavane and music is composed by Shail and Pritesh. According to the director Anup Jagdale, “This film presents the story about all of us. How much of humanity is left in human beings today in this materialistic world and how much we have changed today, is what the film’s story is all about. This is a multi starrer film and therefore all the versatile artistes have been selected for their respective roles. National award winning actor Girish Kulkarni plays the lead role of ‘Tatya’ in this film.” This film will be released all over Maharashtra on 17th June 2022.
Monalisa Bagal and Mayur together in ‘Ka Ra Deva’

Actor Mayur Lad who shot into fame with TV serials like ‘Tujhyat Jeev rangala’, ‘Jai Malhar’, ‘Vithu Mauli’ and Web series ‘Mumbai Diaries’ will now be seen in lead role opposite actress Monalisa Bagal in forthcoming Marathi film ‘Ka Ra Deva ( का र देवा)’ . The music and poster launch of this film took place recently at the hands of renowned singer Anand Shinde. Present on this occasion were Producer, director and technical team of this film. The song ‘Ghumu de Aawaaz Kanaat … vaju de DJ..’ rendered by Anand Shinde is expected to popularise soon.

This film is produced by Prashant Shingte’s Sahyadri Film Productions, while writer and director is Ranjit Dashrath Jadhav. Music of this film is composed by sandip Bhure on the lyrics of Tushar mane and Tansen Lokare. Besides Anand Shinde, other singers like Adarsh Shinde, Madhur Shinde, Dr. Neha Rajpal and Supriya Sorte have rendered their voices for the songs in this film. The film’s tagline ‘Ek Adarsh Premkatha’ clearly indicates that it will be an intense love story.
Historical ‘Ravrambha’ brings together Girish Kulkarni & Om Bhutkar

National award winning director and actor Girish Kulkarni will be seen along with talented young actor Om Bhutkar in forthcoming Marathi film ‘Ravrambha (रावरंभा)’ . Though Om Bhutkar will be playing the character of Rao, the character of Rambha will be played by Monalisa Bagal. The role of Girish Kulkarni has not bee finalised yet. ‘Raorambha’ is being produced by Shashikant Sheela Bhausaheb Pawar and is directed by Anup Jagdale, who had earlier directed films like ‘Bebhaan(बेभान)’, ‘Jhala Bobhata (झाला बोभाटा)’ and ‘Bhirkit (भिरकीट).

The shooting of this film will begin in Solapur from the month of December. In the history of Maharashtra the story of ‘Ravrambha’ was set on the backdrop Sahyadri mountain and this will be the first film being made on this subject. Incidentally, both Girish Kulkarni and Om Bhutkar have worked together in films like ‘Deool (देऊळ)’ and ‘Faster Fene (फास्टर फेणे)’. And now, they will be seen in this historical film, which will be a treat for their admirers.

Poster of new song ‘Usasun Aalay Man’ unveiled

To mark the auspicious occasion of our country’s 75th glorious Independence Day, the poster of the song ‘Usasun Aaly Man…’ has been unveiled by Pickle Music. The catchy poster of the song “Usasoon Aaley Man” produced by the banner of M. A. Productions has been unveiled on social media. You can see a young and beautiful girl cycling in the poster. Since her costume in the poster reminds you of a small village, it is believed that the song has a background of a small time village. The actress is none other than Ashwini Bagal.

This is Ashwini Bagal’s first ever single music video. With the song ‘Usasun Aalay Man’, she is making her debut in the world of music albums. New face Rohan Bhosale has been paired opposite her in the album. The chemistry of the fresh new pair is surely going to be the USP of the album, according to Sameer Dixit.
Actress Monalisa Bagal
Talking about her debut album, Ashwini says, “Usasoon Aaley Man’ is my first ever music album. I have already also acted in films and very shortly my films will also see the light of the day. The song has been conceived by Vaibhav Bhillare. We shot the song in a small village in Satara in a place surrounded by lush greenery which is like adding a cherry to the cake. I really enjoyed a lot working on a music album for the first time. Anup Jagdale and Monalisa Bagal supported me a lot. Pankaj Chavan has also done the choreography for the song. Cinematography of the song has been done by Suryakant Ghorpade, while editing has been done by Rishiraj Joshi.”
‘फिट अँड फाईन’ लुकसाठी मोनालिसा बागल ने केले वजन कमी
काही महिन्यांपूर्वी मोनालिसाच्या एका नवीन सिनेमाचे शूटिंग सुरू झाले होते, नवीन वर्षाची नवी उमेद मिळाली होती आणि असं असताना लॉकडाऊनने

सिनेसृष्टीला देखील ब्रेक लावला. गेल्या वर्षीच्या लॉकडाऊनमुळे मिळालेल्या वेळेचा मोनालिसा बागल ने पुरेपूर वापर केला, स्वतःला वेळ दिला आरोग्याची काळजी घेतली. नवीन वर्षात सर्वकाही सुरळीत चालू होते, त्यावेळी तिने वजन कमी करण्याकडे विशेष लक्ष दिले. एका सिनेमासाठी ती वजन कमी करत होती आणि पुन्हा लॉकडाऊन आला. पण आता मिळालेल्या वेळेचा सदुपयोग करत, फिटनेसकडे पूर्णपणे लक्ष देत, योग्य डाएट करून मोनालिसा कमी केलेले वजन तसेच मेन्टेन करण्याकडे विशेष लक्ष देतेय.

मोनालिसाने सोशल मीडियावर वजन कमी केल्या नंतरचे नवीन स्टायलिश आणि ट्रेडिशनल फोटो शेअर केले होते. अर्थात, तिचे नवीन फोटोज् आणि तिच्या या नवीन लूक साठी तिच्या चाहत्यांना खूपच भावले आहे.
मोनालिसा बागल दिसणार ‘गस्त’ या सिनेमात

छोट्या परड्यापासून आपल्या अभिनयाची सुवरात करात आता मोनालिसा आपल्याला मोठ्या पडद्यावर अनेक चित्रपटांमधे आपल्या अभिनयने प्रेक्षकांचे मन जिंकताना दिसतेय। ‘टोटल हुबलक ‘ ह्या मालिकेत आपण तिला पाहिले, सौ शशी देवधर , झाला बोभाटा, प्रेम संकट, परफ्यूम आणि ड्राय डे ह्या चित्रपटांनंतर, आता अभिनेत्री मोनालिसा बागल झी टॉकीज प्रस्तुत गस्त ह्या सिनेमात प्रमुख भूमिकेत दिसणार आहे.
मोनालिसाने ‘सुजाता’ नावाच्या मुलीची भूमिका साकारली आहे. तिच्यासोबत सैराट फेम अभिनेता तानाजी गालगुंडे देखील सिनेमात दिसणार आहे. मोनालिसाचा नवा सिनेमा, या सिनेमाची नवीन जोडी, नवी गोष्ट यामुळे सिनेमाप्रती प्रेक्षकांची उत्सुकता वाढली आहे आणि त्यांनी सोशल मीडियाच्या माध्यमातून त्यांच्या प्रतिक्रिया देखील कळवल्या आहेत.
येत्या २८ फेब्रुवारीला दु. १२ आणि संध्या. ६ वाजता झी टॉकीजवर हा सिनेमा प्रदर्शित होत आहेत .
‘Current’ will be on only on 21st May 2021

Director Anup Jagdale’s new Marathi film ‘Current’ starring Monalisa Bagal in the lead role will be released next year on 21st May 20121. This announcement has been made by the maker of this film Yuvraj Survade who has produced this film under the banner of Reha Films. The teaser poster of this film was recently released on social media with the glamorous photo of Monalisa Bagal.
According to director Anup Jagdale, they believed in only one while making this film and that was to entertain the audience. The other star cast and other details of this film will be announced soon. And therefore there is a lot of curiosity about the subject of this film and the other artistes who will be part of this film. But, the film lovers will have to wait till next announcement.
Film Star Monalisa makes her entry on television

There are some artistes who begin their acting career with television serials and later turn towards films. But, for some it is the other way. Today, we find many newcomers who impress the audience with their extraordinary talent. One amongst them is the beautiful Monalisa Bagal. During the ongoing lock down a new serial with the name of ‘Total Hublak’ has just begun on small screen and Monalisa Bagal is playing the lead role in this serial.

Monalisa had made her debut in Marathi films with ‘Sau Shashi Deodhar’ in 2014 playing the younger role of Sai Tamhankar as a teenager. Later, Monalisa turned a glamorous actress , as she appeared in films like ‘Prem Sankat’, ‘Jhala Bhobhata’, ‘Dry Day’. Only last year, she was seen in the film ‘Perfume’. Now, Monalisa has shifted her focus on television for the time being, as she has found a good lead role in a timely comedy ‘Total Hublak’. Let us wait and see how she succeeds in this new entertainment field.