Trailer of action filled film ‘Journey’ released

Trailer of forthcoming Marathi thriller ‘Journey’, Produced and directed by Sachin Jeevanrao Dabhade, was released recently, making the film lovers more curious about this film. This film stars Shantanu Moghe, Sharvari jemenis, Shubham More, Anjali Ujavane, Yogesh Soman, Omkar Govardhan, Sunil Godbole, Milind Dastane, Mahi Butala and Nikhil Rathod in lead roles.

The story of this film is written by Sachin Dabhade himself with screenplay and dialogues by Ravindra Mathadhikari. The gripping trailer of the film shows a small boy suddenly disappearing, thus making his parents worried and making every effort to trace him. The film describes their search process,facing all the challenges. The film will reveal its true story on 29th November, when it will be released. According to the makers of this film, this is a family film for present generation.
Sachin Dabhade’s ‘Journey’ to release on 29th November

Producer- director Sachin Dabhade’s Marathi film ‘Journey’ based on an unusual life journey, will be released on 29th November 2024. This life journey covers the struggle between the life and relations of a family. Recently, the poster of this film was unveiled on social media.
‘Journey’ stars three child artistes Shubham More, Mahi Butala & Nikhil Rathod along with popular artistes like Shantanu Moghe, Sharvari Jemenis, Anjali Ujavane, Yogesh Soman, Omkar Govardhan, Sunil Godbole, Milind Dastane Prashant Tapasvi in lead roles.

The script of this film is written by Ravindra Mathadhikari on the story of director Sachin Dabhade. The poster of this film clearly shows a small child and his parents with worried expressions. This film will be distributed by Anup Jagadale amd Monalisa Bagal of Box Hit Movies.
शंतनु मोघे आणि प्रिया मराठे-मोघे यांनी जपली सामाजिक बांधिलकी
सध्याच्या बिकट परिस्तितीवर मात करण्यासाठी , ‘जनकल्याण रक्तपेढी’ तर्फे रक्तदान शिबीर आयोजित कार्यांत आले होते. त्या वेळी सामाजिक बांधिलकी जपत अभिनेता शंतनु मोघे आणि प्रिया मराठे-मोघे ह्यांनी त्यात भाग घेतला. दोघांचे मनःपूर्वक आभार, धन्यवाद!

Shantanu Moghe, Priya Marathe at Blood donation camp in their society.
Shantanu Moghe starrer ‘Shri Ram Samarth’ to release on 1st Nov
We all aware that the life of Rashtrasant Shri Ramdas Swami has been a guiding spirit for people in Maharashtra over the years. With his passionate worship of Ram during the childhood and thereafter his extensive travel across the Nation for society oriented works, Ramdas Swami has his name in the history. Now, there will be a film on Ramdas Swami titled ‘Shri Ram Samarth’. Releasing all over Maharashtra on the 1st November 2019, the film is produced by Ashwini Maheshwari of Vipra Entertainment and Deepa Suravase of Dishadeepa Films. The film is presented by Bharati Jhumbarlal Rathi and Sanjay Rathi.

The original concept of the film is by Advocate Mrs. Vijaya Maheshwari and the film is directed by Santosh Todankar. The foundation of inculcation at almost every home has been ‘Manache Shlok’ the treasure of words from Shri Ramdas Swami, which is being preserved for generations together. The volume ‘Dasbodh’ written by him is a guide during difficult times today. Many aspects of the ideals and guidance provided by him will be opened up through the film ‘Shri Ram Samarth’. The film based on the life of orthodox, conservative and intellectual Rashtrasant Ramdas Swami is sure to explain a very important principle of a life fulfilled. The film more elaborately narrates and pierces present day situation in the society more than the life of Ramdas Swami. Entertaining as well as enlightening, the film will provide a great chance to entire family from 1st November 2019.
The film stars Shantanu Moghe, Mahesh Kokate, Actress Alka Kubal-Athlye, Saurabh Gokhale, Sayaji Shinde, Prakash Suravase, Hrudaynath Rane, Karan Bendre, Vijaya Suman, Child artist Advait Railkar and many fresh faces. The story, screenplay and dialogues are by Prakash Jadhav, Manoj Yerunkar and Vitthal Ambure. Cinematography is by Sameer Athlye, editing by Subodh Narkar, Art by Mahendra Raut and Music has been provided by Mahesh Naik and Sanjay Marathe.
Poster and trailer launch of Marathi film ‘Shri Ram Samarth’
Poster and trailer release ceremony of the Marathi film ‘Shri Ram Samarth’ conceptualized by Nashik’s famous lawyer Mrs. Vijaya Maheshwari, was recently held in Nashik, in presence of renowned artistes Alka Kubal, Shantanu Moghe, other local artists and dignitaries. This event was attended by musician Shrikrishna Chnadrate, Nagaradhakshya of Trimbak Purushottam Lohgaonkar, film producer Sudhir Kolte, Badgujar, Tushar Gupte, chairman of Vishwas Bank Vishwas Thakur, Nishiknat Pagare of Maharshi Film Organization and Prof. Somnath Muthal.

We are all aware that Generations of Marathi households have conserved the invaluable heritage of teachings of national Saint Samarth Ramdas Swami imbibed on their hearts. His writing ‘Dasbodh’ acts as a guidebook in today’s tough times. Therefore, this biopic of Samartha Ramdas Swami, suitably titled ‘Shri Ram Samartha’ will unfold many of such strands of his guidance.
The film ‘Shri Ram Samartha’ with Santosh Todankar’s direction, is presented by Bharati Jhumbarlal Rathi and Sanjay Rathi. Story, script and dialogues are by Prakash Jadhav, Manoj Yerunkar and Vitthal Ambure. Photography is by Sameer Athlye, editing by Subodh Narkar, art by Mahendra Raut and music by Mahesh Naik & Sanjay Marathe.
Audience to decide conclusion of the Marathi Play ‘Bandh Mukta’

Jagadamb Creations, Makers of Marathi play ‘Bandh Mukta‘ are trying a new experiment; i.e. to allow audience to decide the concluding part of their play. The inaugural show of this play was presented as Premiere show, recently, which also happened for the first time in Theatre world. ‘Bandh Mukta‘ deals with a sensitive subject of ‘Mercy Killing’, as there is already debate going on in India, on this subject.
This play written by Vivek Apte and directed by Anil Bandivadekar , also presents important characters like a surgeon, his psychologist wife, an advocate and a leader of human rights activist, who debate on this issue. The play stars Dr. Amol Kolhe, who is also producer of this play, Ketaki Thatte, Rajiv Shankar Bane, Shantanu Moghe, Vivek Apte and others. Rahul Ranade has provided background music of this film, while Dr. Ajit Deval is co producer.
Many prominent personalities from different fields were present for the inaugural show of this play.
Dr. Amol Kolhe’s new play ‘Bandh Mukta’ to hold its grand premiere

We have all heard about premiere shows of films, on the eve of their official release. But, had never heard about premiere show of a Marathi drama. But, Dr.Amol Kolhe‘s forthcoming Marathi drama ‘Bandh Mukta‘ will be an exception. Dr. Amol who is also the producer of this drama, along with Vilas Sawant and Sonali Ghanashyam Rao, has decided to hold the inaugural show, as the premiere show of this play on 12th August 2016 at Ravindra Natya Mandir, Mumbai. Many dignitaries from social, medical, political, business, literature are expected to attend this show.
The play deals with an unusual but timely subject of ‘Mercy Killing‘ and therefore, it has already generated more interest among drama enthusiasts. It may be recalled that In March 2011, the Supreme Court of India, passed a historic judgement permitting Passive Euthanasia in the country. But, even today, there is a debate on whether ‘Mercy Killing‘ be legalized in India. Dr. Amol Kolhe himself will play lead role ‘Bandh Mukta‘ play, along with Ketaki Thatte, Rajan Bane, Shantanu Moghe, Vivek Apte, Pandhari Medge & Latika Sawant. The play is written by Vivek Apte and directed by Dr. Anil Bandivadekar. The background music is provided by Rahul Ranade.
‘कॅरी ऑन मराठा’ चित्रपटाचावर्ल्ड टेलिव्हीजन प्रिमीअर

हल्ली इंग्रजी, हिंदी चित्रपटांप्रमाणे नवीन मराठी चित्रपट सुद्धा प्रदर्शनाच्या ६-८ महिन्यांच्या आतच छोट्या पडद्यावर दाखवले जातात. एखाद्या चित्रपटाने खूप कमाई केलेली असते, बॉक्सऑफिसवर चित्रपट सुपर हिट असतो, एखाद्या चित्रपटातील स्टार कास्ट मोठी किंवा फेमस असते, तर कधी काही चित्रपट वाहिनीच्या आर्थिक गणितात योग्य बसलेला असतो. ह्या पैकी कुठलेली कारण असले तरी, चित्रपट छोट्या पडद्यावर दाखवल्या गेल्यामुळे नक्कीच अधिकाधिक प्रेक्षेकांपर्यंत तो पोहोचण्यात व वाहिन्यांचे टी आर पी वाढण्यात काही अंशी नक्कीच भर पडते.
गेल्या काही महिन्यांपूर्वीच प्रदर्शित झालेला, गश्मीर महाजनी व कश्मीरा कुलकर्णी हि नवोदित जोडी असलेला अॅक्शन्सप्रेमपट ‘कॅरी ऑन मराठा’ ह्या चित्रपटाचा वर्ल्ड टेलिव्हीजन प्रिमीअर झी टॅाकीजवर ह्या वाहिनीवर रविवार १३ डिसेंबरला दुपारी १२.०० वा. प्रक्षेपित होणार आहे.
‘हद्द बघितलीस…आता जिद्द बघ’ अशी जबरदस्त कॅचलाईन असलेला हा चित्रपटमहाराष्ट्र,कर्नाटक सीमाभागातील नायक नायिकेच्या प्रेमकथेवरआधारित आहे. दोन प्रेमीयुगुलांचं फुलणारं प्रेम व ते मिळवण्यासाठी करावा लागणारा संघर्ष या चित्रपटातूनपहायला मिळणार आहे.चित्रपटाच्या नावाला साजेसे तडाखेबंद डायलॉग्ज प्रेक्षकांचे पुरेपूर मनोरंजन करणारे आहेत.अभिनेता गश्मीर महाजनी आणि अभिनेत्री कश्मीरा कुलकर्णी यांच्या अभिनयाने नटलेल्या या सिनेमात मराठीबरोबरच कानडी संवादाची मजा घेता येणार आहे.
याचित्रपटात मराठी सोबत दाक्षिणात्य सिनेसृष्टीतील अनेक कलाकारांनी काम केले आहे. अरुण नलावडे, अमीन हाजी, करीम हाजी, किशोरी बल्लाळ, देविका दफ्तरदार, उषा नाईक, शंतनू मोघे, समीर खाडेकर, ओमकार कुलकर्णी, अमेय कुंभार आणि सचिन देशपांडे यांच्या महत्त्वाच्या भूमिकाआहेत.नव्या दमाचे नायक नायिका, जबरदस्त अॅक्शन, श्रवणीय संगीत,उत्तम छायाचित्रण, उच्च निर्मित्तीमुल्ये,उत्कृष्ट दिग्दर्शनअसलेला ‘कॅरी ऑन मराठा’ हा सिनेमा म्हणजे एक ‘कम्प्लीट एंटरटेनमेंट पॅकेज’ आहे.
Percept Pictures to release ‘Mission Possible’
Marathi Cinema has a good news! Percept Pictures, India’s premiere and the only fully integrated entertainment company, has taken on the distribution rights of forthcoming Marathi film ‘Mission Possible’ .
Directed by Pushkar Jog, ‘Mission Possible’ is obviously a big budget film by Marathi movie standards today. The film walks a new path by offering a complete entertainer with action, emotions, style, voguish music, dance & romance all rolled into one, backed by an intriguing murder mystery. Something that’s not commonly seen in Marathi Cinema. The film attempts to enthuse the youth to watch Marathi Cinema with slick production values, modern sets, exotic locations with a touch of glamour. The highlight of the film is a song “Swapna Sha……” sung by Swapnil Bandodkar, which is the first Marathi song shot in scenic Ladakh.
Percept Pictures has been a leader in acquiring & distributing films with fresh & distinctive content. Known for identifying the right film for the right audience with focus on multiplexes, their previous releases Page 3, Malamaal Weekly etc. speak about their success . The company also carried out the release of ‘Khuda Ke Liye’, a historic event, being the first Pakistani film to be released in India over last four decades. Animated & Children films catering exclusively to the kids like ‘Hanuman’, ‘My friend Ganesha’, ‘Makdee’ etc. have been their offerings for children. They are the one to bring fascinating Hollywood blockbusters such as Hancock, The Mummy, Spider Man 3 etc. to the Indian audience
“Mission Possible” being a trend setter, would be promoted on a large scale. The star cast of the Film will be visiting various cities across the state such as Pune, Nagpur, Mumbai, Aurangabad, Sangli etc; 15 to 20 days prior release. So, look out for the stars of this film in your city.
The reason for Percept Pictures to present “Mission Possible” is simple. This is what the company feels, “It is very different from the kind of Marathi films that we see nowadays. Moreover, the film has a fresh & youthful treatment. We are confident that this film would not only be well appreciated by the masses but also be a trend setter taking the Marathi Film Industry altogether to a new high.” Percept Pictures plans to market and distribute this film as the biggest Marathi language film till date. “The release of this film will simultaneously cover all the belts of Maharashtra, Goa and Marathwada in Nizam circuit. The marketing reach will be across all mediums starting with TV, Radio, Outdoor (Hoardings, OOH screens, Bus shelters and Bus panels – all across Maharashtra), Internet and Press,” says Yusuf Shaikh, Head of Acquistion & Distribution, and Percept Pictures.
Apart from directing & acting in the film, story & lyrics of the film have been penned by the multi talented Pushkar himself, who is also singing his own songs in the Film.
The strong storyline is supported by excellent performances by the entire cast comprising of talented Manisha Kelkar & Saii Tamhankar, who play the lead heroines supported by noted actors like Sharad Phonkse, Niranjan Namjoshi, Astaad Kale, Shantanu Moghe, debutant Amit Kalyankar & Mohan Joshi with Ganesh Yadav in a guest appearance. The Music is directed by the Saii- Piyush duo & the cinematographer(DOP) is Sanjay Khanzode.