Inspired by ‘Y’ couple name their daughter ‘Mukta’
Some films make such an impact on the audience that they are inspired by not only the subject, but also the realistic performance of the artistes. One such film is Marathi film ‘Y’, which has invited the attention of the audience for strongly raising the important issue of Female foeticide. Inspired by the film’s strong subject, a couple from Kolhapur Sai Rajeshirke Deshmane and Manoj Deshmane not only booked the Inox theatre show of this film, but also performed the naming ceremony of their daughter during this film’s show.
Mukta Barve with baby
Deshmane couple was blessed with a daughter , 10 years after their marriage. And therefore, they wanted to send a strong message through their invitees through this film, besides celebrating the naming ceremony of their dear daughter. The couple had very much wished for a girl child. Above all, they named their daughter ‘Mukta’ during the naming ceremony, which appealed to all the invitees. This is also a big compliment to Mukta Barve, the leading lady of this film and the makers of this film
Mukta Barve receives spontaneous response from audience
Mukta Barve starrer Marathi film ‘Y’ has been receiving very good response from the audience especially in Pune. Ever since her film’s poster showing her carrying torch in her hand was released, her fans were curious to know about her character in this film. And now, after watching her protagonist character the audience seem to have convinced with the message offered by this film, through her strong character.

During one show of this film in Pune theatre, some women carried torch in their hands to show open support and solidarity to the lead character of this film played by Mukta Barve. This was happening for the first time in a cinema hall. Responding to this spontaneous reaction from the audience, Mukta Barve said, “This film speaks about a burning issue , which happens around us but majority of the people ignore these issues. The film has therefore tried to reach out to the people and invite their attention. Now, people are taking such issues seriously and this is our big achievement.”

Produced by Control N Productions this film is written and directed by Ajit Suryakant Wadikar, with screenplay and dialogues written by Ajit Wadikar, Swapnil Sojwal & Sandeep Dandavate . Besides Mukta Barve this film also stars Prajakta Mali, Nandu Madhav, Omkar Govardhan, Rasika Chavan, Suhas Shirsat, Sandeep Pathak, Rohit Kokate, Sandeep dandavate, Pradeep Bhosale, in lead roles.
Now, new teaser of ‘Y’ unveils lead male artistes

When the first poster of forthcoming Marathi film ‘Y’ was released, we only came to know about the presence of Mukta Barve as lead actress of this film. Later, when the first teaser of this film was unveiled, it became clear that besides Mukta Barve there were other female lead in the form of Prajakta Mali and Rasika Chavan.

And now, with the release of second teaser of this film, the names of male lead artistes from this film have been unveiled. They are, Nandu madhav, Sandeep Pathak, Omkar Govardhan, Suhas Shrisat, Pradeep Bhosale, Rohit Kokate and Sandeep Dandavate. So, there is a lot of curiosity about this film.
Children from Snehalaya offer a unique gift to Mukta Barve

Actress Mukta Barve who has received good wishes from many prominent personalities for her forthcoming Marathi film ‘Y’ has now received a unique gift from ‘Snehalaya’ a children’s home along with similar other children’s home like ‘Snehankur’ and ‘Yuvan’. Mukta had visited these places recently and spent some quality time with these children and shared some of her experiences with them.

These children too reciprocated, by forming the alphabet ‘Y’ by their group formation to offer this unique gift to her. Overwhelmed by this response, Mukta said that this was a memorable moment in her life , which was very encouraging. “Their best wishes are very special for me,” she added. Directed by Ajit Wadikar, this film will be released on 24th June 2022.
Marathi film ‘Y’ has created a lot of curiosity

Ever since its official announcement, forthcoming Marathi film ‘Y’ has created a lot of curiosity among film lovers about its unique title. Now, actress Mukta Barve has posted her own photo carrying the big printed letter ‘Y’ on social media. Subsequently, Swapnil Joshi, Neena Kulkarni and Prajakta Mali were also seen displaying the letter ‘Y’ on their posts on social media. All these artistes have shown their support for ‘Y’ and have asked the viewers, whether they also support ‘Y’?
Actor Omkar Govardhan
Now, with the curiosity about this film rising day by day, it is not yet clear whether all these artistes are part of this film or there are others involved with this film. According to Ajit Wadikar director of this film, “There is a lot of struggle behind this letter ‘Y’ and we have made an effort to place it before the audience , who are supporting us a lot.” Actress Mukta Barve says, “ You will come to know the meaning of ‘Y’ through this film. This is not simply a letter, but the fight of a woman to live this life.”
‘वाय’ नक्की आहे तरी काय? मुक्ता बर्वेसह अनेक कलाकारांनी शेअर केले पोस्टर

अजित सूर्यकांत वाडीकर दिग्दर्शित ‘Y (वाय)’ हा मराठी चित्रपट लवकरच प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला येत आहे. सोशल मिडीयावर सध्या या चित्रपटाची जोरदार चर्चा पाहायला मिळत आहे. चित्रपटात महत्वाची भूमिका साकारणाऱ्या मुक्ता बर्वे हिने आपल्या सोशल मीडियावर ‘वाय’ चे पोस्टर धरलेला एक फोटो शेअर केला. त्यापाठोपाठ मराठी सिनेसृष्टीतील स्वप्निल जोशी, नीना कुळकर्णी, प्राजक्ता माळी इत्यादी अनेक कलाकारांनीही ‘वाय’ चे पोस्टर हातात धरून त्यांच्या सोशल मीडियावर त्यांचा फोटो शेअर केला आहे! या सर्वच कलाकारांनी ” माझा पाठिंबा आहे ! आपला … ? “ अशी विचारणा चाहत्यांना केल्यामुळे , चाहत्यांमध्येही ‘वाय’ या नावाबद्दल आणि चित्रपटाबद्दल उत्कंठा निर्माण झाली आहे.

हे सर्व कलाकार ‘वाय ‘ या चित्रपटांमध्ये आहेत का की यातील काही मोजकेच कलाकार ‘ वाय ‘ या चित्रपटामध्ये आहेत की आणखी यापेक्षा वेगळेच कलाकार चित्रपटामध्ये आहेत हे अजूनही गुलदस्त्यात आहे. शिवाय या पोस्टरमागचा अर्थ आणि नेमका उद्देश काय, याविषयीही अनेक तर्कवितर्क लावले जात आहेत. त्यामुळे आता ‘वाय’ विषयीची प्रेक्षकांची उत्सुकता अधिकच वाढली आहे.