Neha Pendse to dedicate her new film to Late Vikram Gokhale

Recently, On her birthday popular actress Neha Pendse was to surprise her fans with the announcement of her new Marathi film with the release of its poster. However, due to sad demise of renowned actor Vikram Gokhale the announcement has been postponed. Incidentally, Vikram Gokhale was also part of this film and therefore Neha has decided to dedicate this film to him.
This new film is produced by Shardul Singh Bayas, Neha Pendse and Nikhil Mahajan and is directed by Rohit Mittal. Story is written by Shripad Deshpande and Rohit Mittal and very soon the name of the film will be disclosed. Speaking on the occasion of her birthday, Neha made this statement while thanking her friends and well wishers for their good wishes. She regretted her inability to make announcement of her film’s name on this day, as she felt that it was not a good time, due to sad demise of Vikram Gokhale, which was a big loss to the film industry.

Co producer Nikhil Mahajan also supported this decision and was all praise for Neha Pendse and her work, having worked with her in the film ‘June’. She is a passionate actress anda finest producer. He said that even with Vikram Sir, he worked in ‘Gadavari’ and even in this film, which was to be announced. And therefore, they were dedicating this film to him.