सोनी मराठीवर अनुभवा जिजा-शहाजीच्या लग्नाचा शाही थाट
हिंदवी स्वराज्य उभं करणाऱ्या छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांच्या जन्मापासूनचा इतिहास सगळ्यांनाच माहिती आहे. मात्र त्यांना घडवणाऱ्या माऊलीचा इतिहास तितकासा परिचयाचा नाही . अवघ्या ८ व्या वर्षी न्यायाच्या बाजूने उभी राहणारी जिजा लहानपणापासूनच कर्तबगार होती. शिवबांवर झालेल्या स्वराज्याच्या संस्कारांचा पाया जिजाच्या बालपणीच घातला गेला होता. स्वराज्याच्या मोहिमेचा मानबिंदू ठरला तो जिजा शहाजी यांचा विवाह सोहळा. जाधव आणि भोसले या राजघराण्यांमध्ये झालेली सोयरीक ही इतिहासातली खूप मोठी राजकीय घडामोड होती असे म्हणायला हरकत नाही. १५०० सालचा तो काळ त्याकाळची अनिश्चित अशी परस्थिती आणि त्यात पार पडलेला एक ऐतिहासिक आणि अजरामर सोहळा. सनई -चौघंड्यांचे सूर, केळीचे खांब आणि झेंडूच्या फुलांनी नटलेला दिव्य मंडप, शाही पक्वांन्नांनी सजलेलं ताट, दागिने, रोषणाई, सजावट, उंची वस्त्र असा शाही थाट होता जिजा-शहाजीच्या लग्नाचा.

या शाही सोहळ्याचं पान इतिहासात आपण वाचलं ही असेल पण सोनी मराठीवर सुरू असलेल्या ‘स्वराज्य जननी जिजामाता’ या मालिकेच्यानिमित्ताने पहिल्यांदा पाहायला मिळणार आहे.
‘स्वराज्य जननी जिजामाता’ हा कार्यक्रम पाहताना तुम्हाला प्रश्न पडला असेल की हा विवाह तर संपन्न होईल पण ही सप्दपदी ऐतिहासिक का ठरावी. तुमचं उत्तर मालिकेच्या शीर्षकातच आहे. महाराष्ट्राच्या सर्वश्रेष्ठ माता म्हणून ओळखल्या जाणाऱ्या जिजामाता यांचा हा विवाह सोहळा आहे. या विवाह सोहळ्यानंतरच महाराष्ट्राच्या त्या वैभवशालीन इतिहासाला खऱ्या अर्थाने प्रारंभ होणार आहे. त्यामुळे हा विवाहसोहळा महाराष्ट्राच्या इतिहासातील एक महत्वाचा मानबिंदू ठरतो. तसेच ज्या आईने महाराष्ट्राच्या शौर्यवान मराठ्याला जन्म दिला. जिच्या संस्कारांचे गोडवे आजही पोवाड्यांतून गायले जातात त्या जिजामातेची मनस्थिती अवघ्या आठव्या वर्षी कशी बरं असेल हे पाहणे फारच रंजक आणि स्फूर्तीदायक ठरणार आहे.
अमोल कोल्हे निर्मित ‘स्वराज्य जननी जिजामताा’ विवाह सप्ताह ४ नोव्हेंबर ते ९ नोव्हेंबर सोमवार ते शनिवार रात्री ८.३० वाजता पहा सोनी मराठीवर.
Zee Talkies to present a new Comedy show ‘Na.Sa.Te. Udyog’

Known for their encouragement to comedy by instituting comedy awards for Marathi films, Zee Talkies channel is now all set to present a new comedy show on small screen , suitably titled ‘Na.Sa.Te. Udyog’, which will go on the air from tomorrow (Sunday 29th October 2017 ) at 9 pm. This comedy series can be seen every Sunday at this prime time. Making this announcement, Zee Talkies Business head Mr. Bavesh Janavlekar said, “Though Zee Talkies channel is known for presenting Marathi films, this new programme is being presented, keeping in mind the interest of the viewers for comedy programmes. He also expressed confidence that this programme will entertain the home viewers.”
Through this show Vikas Kadam will be seen in the role of director on television. He has already established himself as an actor and is also active in Bollywood. Highlight of this programme is that well Known actor Sanjay Narvekar will be seen on small screen through this programme in the lead role. Along with him there will be many prominent stage and film artistes well versed with comedy like Nilesh Divekar, Namrata Awate, Pankaj Pancharia & Janardan Lavangare. With this show Zee Talkies channel has taken a big step to entertain their home viewers.
Now, Marathi TV channels promote Hindi films

Marathi TV channels promoting our own Marathi films, is not new to Marathi audience. But, now we find some Marathi TV channels promoting Hindi films. Few months ago, we saw Alia Bhatt promoting her film ‘Shaandar’ through Star Pravah’s TV serial ‘Runji’. Very recently, we even saw Sonam Kapoor promoting her film in Marathi comedy programme ‘Chala Hava Yeu Dya’ on Zee Marathi. And, last week, we saw John Abraham and his team, promoting their Hindi film ‘Rocky Handsome’ in the same programme.
When there are no Marathi films released, we often find the promotion of Marathi dramas (Two in one or three one) taking place. But, with such promotion of Hindi films, we only fear that it should not block the progress of our Marathi films. There was already one film ‘Well Done Bhalya’ of a small producer and such Hindi film promotion would certainly affect its business. There is nothing wrong in promoting Hindi films on Marathi channels, provided the Hindi edition of the same channel also promote our Marathi films.
Telecast of award functions filled with entertainment programmes, have always invited the attention of home viewers. But, what if two award functions are held at the same time and on the same day. Last Sunday, we saw the telecast of Zee Chitra Gaurav awards function on Zee Marathi and at the same time, there was telecast of Mirchi Marathi Music awards on Colors channel. And, the home viewers were really confused, as to which programme to watch. The programme on Colors offered better variety, with more focus on dance performances, while in Zee ChitraGaurav, there were dances plus more time wastage on Skits performed by their regular TV artistes.
This week end ‘Ka Re Durava’ will say goodbye to home viewers. And, finally, we saw Aditi confronting with her father, when the serial is about to conclude. Now, it remains to be seen, how the new serial replacing this serial, with a hindi title ‘Kahe Diya Pardes’ would be welcomed by our Marathi home viewers? Let us wait and see.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network
We need more inspiring Marathi serials for Women

Women’s day was celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm all over Maharashtra, with felicitation of women , who have achieved great heights in their respective fields. And, the work done by such women certainly inspire, today’s young women. Today, television plays an important role in passing a social message and majority of television viewers are women. But, is this medium being used properly, to inspire our women ?
There are many women related subjects on Marathi television; but, unfortunately many characters played by women are not convincing. Majority of female characters from serials telecast on different channels are not only bad, but worst. Some of us call them as negative characters, playing all their dirty or shameless games. As a result of this, a wrong message is being sent to the female audience. Actually, we need more inspiring Marathi serials for women, to boost their morale. We always hear that women are making progress in every field. Then, why there are no subjects to inspire young women ?
There was a serial ‘Dil Dosti Duniyadari‘, especially for youngsters. But, after this serial said good bye, we are subjected to watch a serial ‘Ratris Khel Chale‘ which is nothing but promoting superstition. The subject of this serial is set on the backdrop of a village in Konkan. Simply making a statement before the start of every episode, that the intention of the serial is not to spread superstition, does not serve the purpose. The serial had in fact, used a dialogue in the promo earlier, about the Ghosts from Konkan. But, now after witnessing the opposition from audience from Konkan belt, they have stopped using this tagline. Isn’t that fooling the audience ?
At a time when we are watching developments in rural areas, such subjects in the serial will only discourage such developments. Konkan which is known for its beautiful nature and pollution free atmosphere, is projected in the wrong way, that’s what some people from Konkan have reacted. A popular Marathi news channel has already highlighted the news about the opposition of people from Konkan to this serial. Isn’t that enough proof?
By the way, after ‘Dil Dosti Duniyadari‘, we understand that another serial ‘Kahe Diya Pardes‘ will be shown on on Zee Marathi, replacing ‘Ka Re Durava‘, which will say ‘Good Bye’ to home viewers, by end of this month. With the first look, it gives an impression that it has some north Indian touch, as the hero of this serial speaks in Hindi. Let us wait and see, whether this serial would appeal to Marathi serial lovers?
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network
Colors make Marathi Filmfare award a memorable event

Every Marathi film award function, when telecast on television channel, try to capture more and more audience, with entertaining programme. On Sunday 28th February evening Colors Marathi TV channel focused more on these entertaining events. Instead wasting much time on boring parody and skits, more attention was paid on sizzling dances performed by well known artistes from Marathi film industry. The use of laser show, cleverly used in offering special effects, during the songs, made it something special.
The programme started off well, with good performances by Adinath Kothare, Neha Pendse and Manasi Naik. Top Dancing actress Amruta Khanvilkar presented a wonderful dance performance and so was the dance performance presented by Sonali Kulkarni. Prasad oak and Pushkar Shrotri who shared the dais as show anchors, did a very good job, with the help of well written script.
The awards announced for the year 2014, in different categories, were not at all surprising and those who deserved, found the prestigious ‘black lady’ in their hands. Veteran Ramesh Deo, who is still active at 90, was the most appropriate choice for the Lifetime Achievement award and the same was presented to him by his family members, which was also good thinking, by the hosts. The Grand Old man of Marathi film industry has also completed 68 years of his non stop acting career, which certainly needs a special mention. But, the veteran actor, did not speak much, instead he thanked all those right from his parents to family members and those who offered him suitable roles, during the initial period of his struggle.
There were many non Marathi Bollywood artistes noticed, while giving away the awards; but barring Vidya Balan and Tabbu, none of them tried to speak in Marathi. But, our own Marathi Mulgi from Bollywood Urmila matondkar, while giving away one of the awards, delivered a sensible speech in Marathi, as she wished not only all award winners, but also all those, who were nominated. And, this was a fine gesture, shown by her.
Overall, this film awards programme was really well presented and very entertaining.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network
New Look of ‘Asmita’ is impressive

Detective Marathi serial ‘Asmita‘ on Zee Marathi, now bears a new look, with slight change in investigating the cases by Asmita played by Mayuri Wagh and her team members comprising of Sid, Manali , Bandu, Rakesh & Sameer. Some of the cases taken up by this serial, during the past 2 3 weeks , were really timely and interesting, with a good message passed to the home viewers, besides making them aware of the happenings around. There were some cases, with injustice on helpless women. The case taken up about molestation of a blind girl in a running train, was well presented, with skillful investigation carried out.
On Sunday afternoon , watching all those episodes together, was like watching a feature film.But, we expect that ‘Asmita‘ should also help such victms showing the names of addresses of instutitions helping such helpless women, on the lines of the programme ‘Satyamev Jayate‘.
In the late night 10.30 pm slot, there is a new serial ‘Raatris Khel Chale‘ beginning on Zee Marathi, in place of ‘Dil Dosti Duniyadari’, which has said goodbye , half heatedly .Will be missing them all from coming Monday. It will be difficult for the new arrival, to entertain the same audience, as the subject of the new serial is totally different and based on superstition, that’s what the first look indicates. Hope, the subject presented is to remove superstition.
On Colors channel, popular veteran Marathi actress Alka Kubal Athlye is presenting a programme titled ‘Darshan‘ and one thought that she would make this programme interesting; but during the week, we saw her presenting a businessman from kalyan and the focus was more on that individual; rather than places of worship. One expected this programme to show the importance of old religious places and their history. But, the other serial on Colors channel ‘Ganapati Bappa Morya‘ presenting the childhood days Lord Ganesha is turning interesting, with some unheard stories.
Now, a 24×7 Marathi movie channel has been launched. Originally, it was running by the name ‘Aapala talkies‘. Now, it has been re branded as ‘Fakta Marathi’ . We have also seen couple of evergreen Marathi films ie. ‘Eena Meena Dika‘ , ‘Navri Mile Navryala‘ .. First time on it.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network
Alka Kubal to offer ‘Darshan’ on Colors channel

Known for her devotion based roles in woman oriented films, Alka Kubal still has a big fan following. Now, she will be presenting a programme’ ‘Darshan’ on Colors channel. It is an interesting programme, based on Gods and Godesses and will take the viewers on a journey of various temples, to explain their importance to the devotees.
Even otherwise, the serials based on Gods have been receiving good response. The best examples are serials like ‘Jai Malhar’ on Zee Marathi channel, which was completed 500 episodes and ‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’ on Colors channel. However, in ‘Ganapti Bappa Morya’ Serial the artiste playing the character of Parvati, needs to improvise on her dialogue delivery. She speaks with the same tone in different situations.
Zee Marathi channel will start a new serial ‘Ratris Khel Chale’ from 22nd February 2016. But, it will be telecast at 10.30 pm, as per their advertisement flashing during their programmes; which means, that it will take the time slot of ‘Dil Dosti & Duniyadari’. Does that mean, ‘Dil Dosti Duniyadari’ will be taking another suitable time slot or is it going to end ? But, recently Zee Marathi and team Dil Dosti Duniyadari presented ‘3D Rock Concert Mumbai’ at Dombivali Gymkhana. Moreover, the serial has been receiving good response, from the home viewers of all age groups. And therefore, it would not be proper to say Goodbye to it.
By the way, there is a good demand for the new serial ‘Tamanna’ presented by Ajinkya Deo on Star Plus channel. Well Known Marathi artiste, Anija Sathe ( ‘Lagori’ serial fame) is playing the lead role in this serial and she has already grabbed the attention of television lovers from Maharashtra, as her huge posters are prominently displayed in all cities of Maharashtra. This serial has begun its telecast from last Monday at 10 PM. Therefore, the viewership of the important programmes on Marathi channels, is likely to get affected, if ‘Tamanna’ attains popularity, in days to come.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network
Finally, Janhavi says Goodbye to home viewers

Finally, Janhavi played by Tejashree Pradhan has said goodbye, after delivering a baby girl. Her serial ‘Honar Suun Mi Hya Gharchi’ has come to an end, with its final episode held yesterday. From 25th January 2016 onwards, the audience will welcome a new serial ‘Pasant Aahe Mulgi’ in its place. Produced by Nitin Vaidya & Ninad Vaidya, this new serial is directed by Raju Sawant, with the concept designed by well known film and drama director Sameer Vidwans.
‘Pasant Aahe Mulgi’ is based on the subject of ‘matchmaking’ and questions about necessity of horoscope matching, when the couple is already on the same wavelength, with their thinking process matching each other. The story of this serial revolves around Urmi and Vasu, who fall in love with each other during their college days and later Vasu proposing Urmi for marriage. How their contrast family lifestyles, accept their coming together, is what the serial is all about. The lead artistes of this serial are Resham Prashant and Abhishek Deshmukh along with Girish Oak playing the most important role of Pant. The other artistes of this serial are Meghana Vaidya, Padmanabh Bind, Ketaki Saraf, Namrata Kadam, Rama Joshi, Vijay Mishra & Siddhirupa Karmarkar. But, how this serial is able to convince the audience with this subject, it remains to be seen.
It may be recalled that all those new serials released during the past few months have not been very appealing, with nothing new offered through the subject of the serial. Therefore, the expectations of the viewers from any new serial introduced, are very high. In comparison, some of the entertainment shows, were well accepted. The best example is that of ‘Countdown of Marathi songs- Mirchi Top 20’ programmes, presented by Colors channel.
Last week, Maiboli channel presented two Marathi films ‘Samudra’ and ‘Agnidivya’ with interesting subjects . Both the films had renowned artistes from Marathi and had some good content to offer. Even otherwise, Maiboli channel offeres many such Marathi films, which were not shown before on TV channels. It is good to watch such films, instead of watching the routine Marathi comedy films, which are telecast in repeat runs, on other channels.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network
Marathi TV serials owe a responsibility to the society

In the beginning of this new year, we saw a very good film ‘Natasamrat’, which presented a very sensible subject, reminding one and all about the morale values. And, this film received an overwhelming response. This indicates that people in Maharashtra, are keen to watch such subjects. But, are our Marathi TV serial makers taking any such steps, to pass a social message to home viewers ? There are lakhs of viewers of television in different age groups, scattered across Maharashtra.
Actually, Maharashtra is known as the land of saints, who offered teachings on morale values. Barring very few serials, most of the Marathi serials today, are sending across a wrong message to the society, presenting all such happenings, which are unethical practices.
Now, take for example the happenings in Zee Marathi’s ongoing TV serial ‘Nanda Soukhyabhare’. It is surprising to see, the behavior of Swanandi’s parents in law. One never expected to see them stoop so low. They even go to the extent of stealing the ornaments of their daughter in law and insulting her, by presenting her Sarees, which are supplied to an orphanage. The melodrama noticed between Swanandi’s mother in law and Vachhi- the match maker, also seems to be beyond convincing. In short, this serial is going from bad to worse.
Somewhat similar type of situation, was noticed in the TV serial ‘Runji’ on Star Pravah. This serial started off well. But later lost its track, to highlight the gimmicks of negative characters giving them more than required hype. ‘Colors’ channel is also nowhere behind, when it comes to showing all immoral happenings. Even the language used by some of the laughter shows, is very bad. A lot of liberty is being taken, in the name of comedy. Some of our news channels are also nowhere behind these entertainment channels. One channel was repeatedly showing a news clipping, where a cruel daughter in law was shown beating up her old helpless mother in law, mercilessly. Isn’t that passing a wrong message?
One really wonders, how, the makers of these serials, can take the viewers for granted ? Will our honorable Cultural Minister of Maharashtra, who is always prompt and active , take serious note of such happenings, noticed in such programmes.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network
Very few serials impress during 2015
TV serials are generally meant for entertaining the home audience. Generally, the evening time is a pass time for housewives. For the working people, it is time for relaxation with light humour , after a tiring day; while for youngsters, it is time for some entertainment. But, are our Marathi TV serials offering the required entertainment to all such people ? Frankly speaking, during the year 2015, we did not notice, much of quality entertainment through these TV serials, except for few exceptions. But, the laughter shows, did entertain the audience to certain extent, on different channels.
Among the Marathi serials telecast on different channels, only ‘Dil Dosti Duniyadari’ on Zee Marathi provided good entertainment, especially inviting the attention of young audience. In fact, the young characters in this serial, represented different sections of society, to relate with the young audience. But, the subjects of other new serials , failed to impress and few of them had to say goodbye. Those, which are yet to find a proper grip on their story and screenplay are, ‘Asa Sasar Surekh Bai’ & ’Saraswati’ ( Recently released) ‘ on Colors, ‘Majhe Pati Soubhagyavati’ & ‘ Nanda Soukhyabhare’ on Zee Marathi, ‘Tumcha Aamcha Same Asata’ on Star Pravah. ‘Runji’ and ‘Kamala’ which began well, unfortunately disappointed , with their further progress. Surprisingly, some old serials on all channels, are still continuing, testing the patience of the audience.
Now, there is big hope from the new year 2016. And, it is high time that respective Marathi TV channels, seriously take into account the subjects, which would appeal all age groups. Actually, no serial should continue for more than a year, as it is very difficult to hold the grip on the story and at the same time, continue entertain the audience. During this first month of the new year, we are expecting one new serial in the form of ‘Pasant Aahe Mulgi’, with an interesting tagline; i.e. For a successful marriage, only matching the horoscope is not necessary; but, even the wavelength should match. Similarly, the wavelength of the characters performing in different serials, should match with the audience. Hope, our programme producers of all TV channels, keep this in mind, during this new year.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network