New Marathi plays offer variety to drama lovers
After we saw Marathi plays like ‘Dada Ek Good news Aahe‘, ‘Vacuum Cleaner‘, ‘A Perfect Murder‘ & ‘Tila kahi Sangaychay‘ receiving a good response, some more Marathi plays with variety of subjects are also inviting attention from the drama audience. Prominent among them are, ‘Soyare Sakal‘,’Gumnaam Hai Koi‘, ‘Epic Gadbad‘, ‘Idiots‘ & ‘Galtise Mistake‘.

While ‘Soyare Sakal‘ presented directed by Aditya Ingale offer an interesting subject stars Aishwarya and Avinash Narkar along with Aditya Ingale, Ashutosh Gokhale, Ashwini Kasar, Anuya Baiche & Sunil Tambat, ‘Gumnaam Hai Koi’ directed by Mangesh Kadam is a gripping play starring versatile artistes like Angad Mhaskar, Shaila Kanekar, Prajakta Datar, Rohit Phalke & Madhura Velankar.
‘Galtise Mistake‘ the so called energetic play directed by Sanjay Khapre has also been receiving good response . Written by Vaibhav Arjun Parab this play stars Sanjay Khapre himself along with Chetna Bhatt and Ashish Pawar in lead roles. Written and directed by Makarand Deshpande, ‘Epic Gadbad‘ is a comedy play as clearly suggested through its title has also been appreciated by critics and it stars Ankit Mhatre, Ninad Limaye, Aakansha Gade,Madhuri Gavali, Bharat More & Ajay Kamble. This play is presented by Abhijit Satam.
There is one more play with interesting title ‘Idiots‘ is all set to perform its inaugural show on Sunday 3rd march 2019 and stars two popular artistes Sagar Karande & Smita Tambe in lead roles. This play is written and directed by Shrirang Godbole.
‘वाजे पाऊल आपुले’ आणि ‘टिळक आणि आगरकर’ नाटकांचे पुन्हा रंगमंचावर आगमन

१९६७ मध्ये रंगमंचावर सादर झालेले प्रख्यात साहित्यिक विश्राम बेडेकर लिखित आणि दिग्दर्शित, दाजी भाटवडेकर, अरविंद देशपांडे, सतीश दुभाषी, दामू केंकरे, जयंत सावरकर व मंगला संझगिरी यांच्या अभिनयाने पावन झालेल्या ‘वाजे पाऊल आपुले’ तसेच लोकमान्य टिळक आणि गोपाळ गणेश आगरकर यांच्या मैत्रीच्या मर्मबंधावर आधारलेलं ‘टिळक आणि आगरकर‘ या नाटकांच्या पुनरुज्जीवन होत असल्याचे संस्थेचे प्रमुख कार्यवाह डॉ. बाळ भालेराव, नाट्यशाखा कार्यवाह प्रमोद पवार, व उपाध्यक्ष जयंत सावरकर यांनी जाहीर केले.
अष्टपैलू साहित्यिक, नाटककार विश्राम बेडेकर यांनी लिहिलेल्या विनोदी ‘वाजे पाऊल आपुले‘ या तुफान गाजलेल्या लोकप्रिय नाटकाचे प्रयोग येत्या २४ नोव्हेंबर पासून सर्वत्र सुरु होत असून ते संपूर्ण नव्या संचात येत आहे. जयंत सावरकर हेच या नाटकाचे दिग्दर्शन करीत असून त्यात त्यांनी तेव्हा केलेलीच भूमिका ते आताही या नाटकात करीत आहेत. लोकप्रिय अष्टपैलू अभिनेते अभिजित चव्हाण या नाटकातली भगवंत ही मध्यवर्ती भूमिका करीत असून त्यांच्या जोडीला पूर्णिमा तळवलकर सुशिलाची व्यक्तिरेखा साकारत आहेत. सोबत अंशुमन म्हसकर, अमेय बोरकर आणि दिपकार पारकर हे गुणी कलावंत आहेत.
‘टिळक आणि आगरकर‘ हे नाटक आज २०१८ मध्ये पुनश्च रंगभूमीवर येत आहे मात्र थोडं वेगळ्या स्वरुपात. त्याचे अभिवाचनाचे प्रयोग प्रथम होणार आहेत, त्यानंतर हे नाटक नव्या संचात संघातर्फे सादर केले जाणार आहे. लोकमान्य टिळक आणि गोपाळ गणेश आगरकर यांच्या मैत्रीच्या मर्मबंधावर आधारलेलं हे नाटक दिग्दर्शित करण्याचे शिवधनुष्य पेललं आहे ‘लोकमान्य एक युगपुरुष‘ या चित्रपटाचे संवादकार कौस्तुभ सावरकर यांनी. ‘टिळक आणि आगरकर’ नाटकाच्या अभिवाचनात सहभाग घेणाऱ्या कलावंतामध्ये गोपाळराव जोशी(उन्मन बाणकर), गोपाळराव आगरकर(अंगद म्हसकर), यशोदा आगरकर(मिथिला मुरकुटे), बळवंतराव टिळक(कौस्तुभ सावरकर) तसेच ‘श्री. नाट्यरंग कर्जत’च्या नवोदित गुणी कलावंतांचाही सहभाग आहे.
‘Karti Kaljat Ghusli’ to hit a Century on 21st November

Popular Marathi play ‘Karti Kaljaat Ghusali’, presented by Prashant Damle Fan Foundation will be celebrating its century, with 100th show, to be staged on 21st November 2015 at 8 pm at Dinanath Mangeshkar Auditorium , Vile Parle. The chief Minister of Maharashtra Mr. Devendra Fadavnis will be present as chief guest on the occasion. Among others, who will also be present at this occasion will be Mr. Vinod Tawde, Maharashtra’s Cultural Minister, well known music director Mr. Hridaynath Mangeshkar & singer Radha Mangeshkar .
The announcement was made by Mr. Prashant Damle himself, art a press conference held recently, when he also called it a memorable moment, in his acting career of 33 years. This play written by Vasant Sabnis, has been revived by Prashant Damle, introducing popular TV actress Tejashree Pradhan in it, in the role of his daughter.
It may be recalled that versatile actor Prashant Damle has performed in eleven thousand drama shows, in his acting career of 33 years and hence takes this opportunity to congratulate him on achieving this rare feat
‘कवडसा’चे प्रभावी मानसशास्त्रीय सादरीकरण

निर्मोही क्रिएशंस प्रस्तुत, माणूस लिखित, पंकज मिठभाकरे दिग्दर्शित कवडसा हे प्रायोगिक मराठी नाटक रंगभुमीवर अवतरतंय. परक्या, लांबच्या माणसांच्या बाबतीत संशय पिशाच्च मानगुटीवर बसलं तर जोर लावून काढता येतं, आपल्या जवळच्या माणसांविषयी संशय मनात फेर धरायला लागला की मग जे होतं ते आपल्याला कवडसा या नाटकात बघायला मिळते.
संशयग्रस्तता मुख्यतः प्रेमीजनात मोठया प्रमाणावर दिसून येते, सर्वात जवळचं सगळं भावविश्व व्यापलेल्या नात्यात किंचितसा सुद्धा दुरावा मनाला सहन होत नाही, आमचं दोघांच जे घट्ट भावविश्व आहे ते फक्त दोघांचच आहे, होतं आणि राहील असा विश्वास प्रेमीजनाच्या मनात निर्माण होतो, दोन घट्ट मैत्रीणींमध्ये देखील एक मैत्रीण जरा इतर मुलींमध्ये मिसळायला लागली की दुस दुसर्या मैत्रीणीला त्रास होतो, जेव्हा आणखी कुणाबरोबर तरी असाच एकजिन्सीपणा पार्टनर ने अनुभवलाय किंवा अनुभवतोय हे कळतं तेव्हा मग संशयाला सुरुवात होते.
प्रवीण चौगुले, किशोरी पाठक, प्रसाद कुलकर्णी आणि अमोल पाठक अभिनीत या नाटकाला दिग्दर्शकाने दिलेल्या मानसशास्त्रीय सादरीकरणामुळे ते अधिक प्रभावी झाले आहे. प्रकाशयोजना संतोष लोखंडे ह्यांनी केली आहे तर संगीत निखिल लांजेकर, वेशभूषा मेघना मिठभाकरे, रंगभूषा- पंकजा पेशवे आणि नेपथ्य प्रवीण चौगुले ह्यांचे आहे.
निर्मात्यांच्या मते, प्रेक्षकांनी या नाटकातून स्वतःकडे, आपल्या मानसिक प्रश्नांकडे आणि मानसिक आजारी व्यक्तींच्या प्रवासाकडे जाणीवपूर्वक पहावे हाच नाटकाचा मुख्य उद्देश.
Popular actress Usha Nadkarni in and as ‘London Chya Aajibai’

Well known actor Ashok Saraf and his chartered accountant brother Subhash Saraf, are all set to revive their Uncle’s Drama Group Kalamandir. As part of this plan, they have decided to launch their play ‘Londonchya Aajibai’, in London itself. Grandma Banarse is a famous character inspired from writer Sarojini Vaidya’s book ‘Kahani London Chya Aajibainchi’. Rajiv Joshi has converted her story into this drama. It is a story of a domestic servant from Choundi village in Vidarbha, who goes to London for household work; but, later starts her own catering business.
The big news is that popular versatile actress Usha Nadkarni has been selected to play this central character in this play. Produced by Smita Saraf, the play will be directed by Santosh Verulkar. The other important character of Meera will be played by Vedangi Kulkarni. Maharashtra Mandal London, have come forward to stage the shows in London. The inaugural shows of this play will therefore be staged in London and Britain, between 31st October to 8th November 2015.
‘Jamala Buwa Ekdach’ play to be launched on 31st August
Sid Entertainment and Anand Mhasvekar who offered hit plays like ‘U Turn’, ‘Mothers day’, & ‘Sunechya Rashila Saasu’ are presenting their 4th play ‘Jamala Buwa Ekdach’ .The inaugural show of this play will be staged on 31st August 2015.
The play voices against superstition and revolves around well educated Vakharkar family, where the four children belonging to this family are Writer, director, a Photographer and a leader respectively. The play goes on to show, how they fall prey to the predictions of an astrologer and later realise their mistake. They recover to believe in their own self, rather than being superstitious.
This play produced by Satish Lalbige and directed by Hemangi Kale is inspired by the fight against superstition started by late Dr. Narendra Dabholkar and his principles. In short, it will be tribute to him, as it passes a timely social message to fight superstition

Realistic ‘LoveBirds’ offers suspense filled entertainment

Producer: Dinesh Pednekar
Director: Girish Joshi
Writer: Girish Joshi
Lights: Girish Joshi
Set Design: Pradeep Muley
Background Music: Narendra Bhide
Costume: Supriya Vinod
Genres: Suspense

Censor: na
Duration: 120 Min.
Cast: Mukta Barve, Vidhyadhar Joshi, Omkar Govardhan, Ketaki Saraf
Four years ago, Producer Dinu Pednekar and writer director Girish Joshi presented a suspense filled Marathi commercial play ‘LoveBirds’, starring Amruta Subhash and Aniket Vishwasrao. But, the shows of this well presented play, could not be carried on later, due to some technical problem. Now, actress Mukta Barve has not only revived ‘LoveBirds’ in the capacity of a producer, along with Dinu Pednekar; but, has also performed the lead role of Devika, in this play. However, keeping in mind the modern outlook, the end of this play has been changed this time, by writer director Girish Joshi.
The gripping story of this suspense filled thriller revolves around Devika (Mukta Barve) , a housewife, whose ad film maker creative husband Vishwas Inamdar (Omkar Govardhan) , meets with an accident and suffers from amnesia after the operation. Since, his face is damaged in the accident, he also undergoes plastic surgery. So, Vishwas has to believe, whatever his beloved wife tells him about the happenings in his life. All goes well, till Vishwas goes to office and inquires with his office secretary Supriya (Ketaki Saraf), about the bill of Purchase of Love Birds . The owner of the pet shop Niranjan Sane (Vidyadhar Joshi) is then asked to explain about this deal, over phone. But, Niranjan prefers to visit the office of Vishwas, in person, to explain Vishwas, his real profession. Then begins the real thrilling drama, on the stage.
Writer director Girish Joshi has very cleverly presented this suspense filled plot, to keep the audience engaged for about 2 and half hours. He has made clever use of AV presentation, to show the past happenings through flashback. He takes the break for interval, at the most appropriate time, to generate more interest among the audience. The play has become effective, because of the wonderful performances by all the four important artistes. The presence of one more character of Abhijeet is made to believe, most of the time, which is the skill of the director. Set design by veteran Pradeep Muley, also needs a special mention, as he has used the colour schemes very well. The perfect light and sound effects have helped to create the desired impact, in this suspense filled drama.
Mukta Barve is at her best in the role of Devika. She has been able to display her changing emotions very cleverly, like a versatile professional actress. It is because of her spontaneity, the play has become more appealing. Nevertheless, good performances also come from upcoming actor Omkar Govardhan (‘Nilkanth Master’ fame), who has been able to portray the confused lead character effectively and of course Vidyadhar Joshi, who has shown that a good actor, always needs a good role and an efficient director to exploit his full potential. Ketaki Saraf is the common factor in the original and this revived version of the play. Therefore, she had to be perfect and natural in her performance, as office secretary.
‘Love Birds’ is a ‘never to be missed realistic drama, which offers suspense filled entertainment.
‘Veer Daudale Saatach’ play to be staged commercially
Love for Marathi plays hasn’t diminished at all, over the years. This has been possible, because of the patronage of established actors and audience equally. Many well known Marathi artistes, started their acting career with experimental plays. This can happen only in Marathi entertainment industry.
Talking about Marathi experimental theatre, a new play in this category, will hit the drama theatres very soon. ‘Veer Daudale Saatach‘ will be a play, directed by Pralhad Kudtarkar, who bagged best director (experimental) trophy, alongside best play, at a recent television awards function. Pralhad Kudtarkar, was an assistant director for a popular Aadesh Bandekar show ‘Home Minister’. He has to his credits Marathi serials, ‘Aambat Goad’, ‘Bhagyalaxmi’, ‘Aabhas Ha’,’ Lakshya’, ‘Ka Re Durava’ as a writer. But , his love for theatre, prompted him to stage Veer Daudle Saatch.
The play is about a Marathi school , deciding to be part of state inter-school dramatic competition and hand over the responsibility to school’s history teacher, who in turn decides to imbibe history through a drama and selects a historical play . Ironically, seven students who happen to be disinterested in history, get selected to act in it. And, what happens next, is all that the play is about.
Veer Daudale Saatach is produced under the banner Rudra Theatre by Sarika Naik and Pallavi Bhojne. Set to be designed by Ajay Pujare and light design will be by Amogh Phadke while background music is to be provided by Samihan. Omkar Bhojne, Ajay Kambli, Abhishek Gaonkar, Sanjay Jamkhandi, Bhagyashri Paane, Santosh Sarode, Priyanka Hande, Ketan Salvi, and Snehal Shidam will be the artistes of this play, to be on staged from 21st August 2015 onwards.
Yogini Chouk steals the show in ‘Unheard Sounds of Universe’
Yogini Chouk, the talented Marathi actress is now busy on stage. On Friday 29th May 2015, she launched her multilingual play ‘Unheard Sounds of Universe’ at the Ravindra Auditorium , Mumbai. The show received overwhelming response. Directed by well known Theatre personality Manjul Bharadwaj, this unique play hits out at the present lifestyle of the people and their ignorance about preserving the environment.
Very intelligently, it explains the philosophy of the five elements in the universe. The director has cleverly tried to explain through each character, the feelings of Mother earth and what she expects from every human being, living on the earth. References are made to the materialistic living of the people today.
Yogini’s character in this play speaks Marathi and she has very skillfully portrayed her role, with excellent body language and swift movements shown in group performance through ballet steps , used in this play, on suitable music. The play is sure to go places and it will also help Yogini in near future. MMW wishes her and the team best wishes, for their forthcoming shows.
Marathi Theatre Festival at NCPA
After almost about 10 years, National Centre For Performing arts (NCPA) have opened their doors to Marathi Theatre. From 7th August 2010 ‘Paratibimb Marathi Natya Utsav’ will begin here with mixture of contemporary Marathi Theatre, ranging from a Tale of sixteenth century saints to modern day relationships.
One does not know the reasons for discontinuance of Marathi stage from NCPA 10 years ago, but the news about this festival is certainly welcome. It will certainly encourage Marathi Theatre in south Mumbai as most of the theatres are in the suburbs.
During the festival which will go on between 7th August – 11th August 2010, the following plays will be performed. On 7th August at 6.30 pm it will be Avishkar’s ‘Baya Daar Ughaad’. On 8th August at 3 pm it will be Theatrics presentation ‘Ek Rikaami Baaju’ followed by ‘Geli Ekvis Varshe’ from Natak Company at 6.30 pm. On 9th August will be Lalit , Mumbai presentation ‘Ekmekaat’ and on 10th August Aasaakt KalaManch Pune will present ‘Anandbhog Mall’. On the last day, i.e. 11th August Kalakendra Pune will present ‘Mahapur’. Besides the presentation of these plays there will also be a talk show daily at 5pm before the shows