मोनालिसा बागल दिसणार ‘गस्त’ या सिनेमात

छोट्या परड्यापासून आपल्या अभिनयाची सुवरात करात आता मोनालिसा आपल्याला मोठ्या पडद्यावर अनेक चित्रपटांमधे आपल्या अभिनयने प्रेक्षकांचे मन जिंकताना दिसतेय। ‘टोटल हुबलक ‘ ह्या मालिकेत आपण तिला पाहिले, सौ शशी देवधर , झाला बोभाटा, प्रेम संकट, परफ्यूम आणि ड्राय डे ह्या चित्रपटांनंतर, आता अभिनेत्री मोनालिसा बागल झी टॉकीज प्रस्तुत गस्त ह्या सिनेमात प्रमुख भूमिकेत दिसणार आहे.
मोनालिसाने ‘सुजाता’ नावाच्या मुलीची भूमिका साकारली आहे. तिच्यासोबत सैराट फेम अभिनेता तानाजी गालगुंडे देखील सिनेमात दिसणार आहे. मोनालिसाचा नवा सिनेमा, या सिनेमाची नवीन जोडी, नवी गोष्ट यामुळे सिनेमाप्रती प्रेक्षकांची उत्सुकता वाढली आहे आणि त्यांनी सोशल मीडियाच्या माध्यमातून त्यांच्या प्रतिक्रिया देखील कळवल्या आहेत.
येत्या २८ फेब्रुवारीला दु. १२ आणि संध्या. ६ वाजता झी टॉकीजवर हा सिनेमा प्रदर्शित होत आहेत .
Award winning film ‘Bandishala’ now to be premiered on television
‘Bandishala’ which had actress Mukta Barve playing a dashing Jail officer did receive good number of awards prior to its theatre release. Now, this film based on real life story will be premiered on Zee talkies channel on coming Sunday i.e. 11th August in two back to back shows at 12 noon and 6 pm respectively . Written by Sanjay Krishnaji Patil, the writer of many national award winning Marathi films, is directed by Milind Lele and is produced by Shantai Motion Pictures of Ms. Swati Sanjay Patil.

Set on the backdrop of a jail , Mukta has wonderfully portrayed the challenging role of Madhavi Sawant a young dynamic lady jail officer, who has to fight her own battle against criminals as well as those using their political strength to suppress her. It may be recalled that this film had won eight awards at the State Awards function, including the best actress award by Mukta Barve. Television has always been the best medium to reach out to every household in Maharashtra and therefore, the telecast of this film will surely help to spread awareness about what’s happening in our society and show how a woman fights her own her battle against injustice.

MarathiMovieworld.com has already appreciated this film through its review and therefore strongly recommend it for all sensible home viewers. Besides Mukta Barve, the film has many versatile artistes like Vikram Gaikwad, Sharad Ponkshe, Hemangi Kavi, Savita Prabhune, Ajay Purkar, Asha Shelar, Pravin Tarde, Umesh jagtap, Ashwini Giri, Madhav Abhyankar, Prasanna Ketkar and others in important roles and they have all impressed with their performances.
महिला दिनानिमित्त झी टॉकीजची स्त्री शक्तीला विशेष मानवंदना
८ मार्च हा दिवस महिला दिन म्हणून साजरा केला जातो, महिला दिनानिमित्त महिला प्रेक्षकांना झी टॉकीज वाहिनी विशेष भेट देणार आहे . महिलांच्या आयुष्यावरील पाच विशेष चित्रपटांचा नजराणा झी टॉकीज प्रेक्षकांसाठी घेऊन येत आहे. शुक्रवार, ८ मार्च रोजी, झी टॉकीजवर, दिवसभर हे चित्रपट पाहायला मिळतील. महिला सक्षमीकरण, त्यांची समाजातील स्थिती, समाजाचा त्यांच्याकडे पाहण्याचा दृष्टिकोन अशा विषयांवर आधारित चित्रपटांचा यात समावेश असेल. ‘मला आई व्हायचंय‘, ‘फॉरेनची पाटलीण‘, ‘माहेरची साडी‘, ‘तानी‘ या चित्रपटांसह ‘मोकळा श्वास‘ हा सिनेमा पाहण्याचीदेखील संधी प्रेक्षकांना मिळणार आहे.

‘मोकळा श्वास‘ या चित्रपटात आजच्या पुढारलेल्या काळातही, ‘मुलगी नकोच , फक्त मुलगा हवा ‘ ही एका कुटुंबाची मानसिकता दाखवली आहे . सहकुटुंब आनंद घेता येईल असे चित्रपट, हीच झी टॉकीजची खासियत ठरते. त्या बरोबर ‘जिद्दीने उच्चशिक्षण घेणाऱ्या मुलीची कथा असलेला ‘तानी’, जुन्या काळात नेऊन ठेवणारा ‘माहेरची साडी’, प्रेमाखातर खेड्यातील भारतीय संस्कृतीशी एकरूप होणारी परदेशी स्त्री दर्शवणारा ‘फॉरेनची पाटलीण‘, परदेशी दाम्पत्यासाठी सरोगेट आई झालेल्या महिलेचं भावविश्व दाखवणारा ‘मला आई व्हायचंय’ या चित्रपटांचाही ‘महिला दिन विशेष’ यादीत समावेश आहे.
नागराज मंजुळे दिग्दर्शित करणार ‘झी महाराष्ट्र कुस्ती लीग’चा प्रोमो

झी टॉकीजच्या विद्यमाने महाराष्ट्रातील मातीतल्या या खेळाला प्रोत्साहन देण्यासाठी खास ‘झी महाराष्ट्र कुस्ती लीग‘चे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे. या लीगचा थरार २ नोव्हेंबर ते १८ नोव्हेंबर या कालवधीत पुण्याच्या बालेवाडीत रंगणार आहे. या बहुचर्चित ‘झी महाराष्ट्र कुस्ती लीग’ बरोबर सुरवातीपासूनच महाराष्ट्रातील वेगवेगळ्या क्षेत्रातील दिग्गज नावे जोडली जात आहेत .त्यातीलचं एक महत्वाचे नाव म्हणजे दिग्दर्शक नागराज मंजुळे.
‘पिस्तुल्या‘, ‘फँड्री‘ व ‘सैराट‘ यासारख्या चित्रपटातून आपले सामाजिक भान दाखवून देणारे दिग्दर्शक नागराज मंजुळे आता झी टॉकीजसाठी ‘झी महाराष्ट्र कुस्तीलीग’चा प्रोमो दिग्दर्शित करणार आहेत आणि मुख्य म्हणजे यात ते अभिनय सुद्धा करणार आहेत.
पैलवानांनी शड्डू ठोकल्यापासून चितपट करण्याच्या शेवटच्या क्षणापर्यंत वाढणारी ही उत्कंठा ‘झी महाराष्ट्र कुस्ती लीग‘मुळे आता साऱ्या महाराष्ट्राला लागून राहिली आहे. नागराज मंजुळे ‘झी महाराष्ट्र कुस्ती लीग’ चा हा थरार प्रोमोच्या माध्यमातून प्रेक्षकांपर्यंत पोहचवणार आहेत. या प्रोमोबद्दल नागराज मंजुळे यांनी सांगितले की,” घरात बसून छोट्या पडद्यावर क्षणक्षणाला उत्कंठा वाढवणारा कुस्ती हा खेळ पाहण्याची मजा काही औरच असेल. ‘झी महाराष्ट्र कुस्तीलीग’शी संलग्न होऊन त्याचा प्रोमो दिग्दर्शित करताना मला खरंच खूप आनंद होत आहे. माझ्या कामावर आजवर प्रेक्षकांनी भरपूर प्रेम केले आहे आणि त्यांना हा प्रोमोसुद्धा आवडेल अशी आशा व्यक्त करतो “
Zee Talkies’ Na.Sa.Te Udyog show present ‘Dhingana’ artistes

Zee Talkies’ popular comedy show ‘Na.Sa.Te Udyog‘ has popularised in a short time. No wonder, promotions of films is taking place in this programme. Recently the team of Box Office hit film ‘Boyz‘ participated in this programme, which was telecast on Sunday 3rd December 2017. Incidentally, the television premiere of this film will be held on Sunday 24th December 2017 at 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm in two shows for home viewers.
On coming Sunday 10th December 2017 ‘Na.Sa.Te Udyog’ programme on Zee Talkies will present Avtar Gill, Kunika, Priyadarshan Jadhav, Prajakta Hanamghar & Anshuman Vichare together, to promote their film ‘Dhingana‘ which will be released on 8th December 2017. This programme will be held at 9:00 pm on coming Sunday. So, enjoy your Sunday evening while watching this rare combination of Bollywood and Marathi artistes.
Zee Talkies to present a new Comedy show ‘Na.Sa.Te. Udyog’

Known for their encouragement to comedy by instituting comedy awards for Marathi films, Zee Talkies channel is now all set to present a new comedy show on small screen , suitably titled ‘Na.Sa.Te. Udyog’, which will go on the air from tomorrow (Sunday 29th October 2017 ) at 9 pm. This comedy series can be seen every Sunday at this prime time. Making this announcement, Zee Talkies Business head Mr. Bavesh Janavlekar said, “Though Zee Talkies channel is known for presenting Marathi films, this new programme is being presented, keeping in mind the interest of the viewers for comedy programmes. He also expressed confidence that this programme will entertain the home viewers.”
Through this show Vikas Kadam will be seen in the role of director on television. He has already established himself as an actor and is also active in Bollywood. Highlight of this programme is that well Known actor Sanjay Narvekar will be seen on small screen through this programme in the lead role. Along with him there will be many prominent stage and film artistes well versed with comedy like Nilesh Divekar, Namrata Awate, Pankaj Pancharia & Janardan Lavangare. With this show Zee Talkies channel has taken a big step to entertain their home viewers.

‘झी टॅाकीजवर कॅामेडी अवॉर्ड्स’ची धमाल
Zee Talkies ‘Gajar Kirtanacha’ to present Women’s day special week

‘Gajar Kirtanacha Sohala Anandacha‘ programme presented by Zee talkies, has already received a good response during morning hours daily from 7.30 am to 8.30 am. Now, on the occasion of Women’s day, ‘Gajar Kirtanacha Sohala Anandacha‘ programme will present special event during the week 6th March to 12th March 2017.
This special event will present the Kirtan of Supriyatai Sathe, who is known for her mesmerising voice. Listening to Kirtans has already proved to remove stress from your body and help attain peace of mind. Above all, Deepti Bhagwat and Rutuja Bagwe will be the anchors of this show. Hope the home viewers will appreciate this timely special programme.
First Marathi Silent thriller on Zee Talkies

Zee Talkies channel has always tried to offer something different from time to time to entertain the home viewers. Now, their next offering will be First Marathi silent thriller ‘Tathastu‘. With no dialogues in the film, the makers of this film are very confident that the film’s story, presentation style, performances of artistes like Sandeep Pathak and Madhavi Nimkar and direction will be the USP of this film.
‘Tathastu‘ will be telecast by Zee Talkies on Saturday 3rd December 2016 at 10 pm , with repeat show next day, i.e. Sunday 4th December 2016 also at 10 pm. Will this film offer a new experience for Marathi home viewers ? Let us wait and see.
Zee Talkies to present ‘Timeless Asha’

Legendary singer Asha Bhosale’s 83rd birthday was celebrated in a big way at Bhaidas Hall Mumbai by Zee Classic. Asha Bhosale herself was present for this function, when a programme suitably titled ‘Timeless Asha’ was presented by Zee Classic under the leadership of Mahesh Tilekar , who presented some memorable performances by well known artistes like Urmila Matondkar, Radhika Apte, Terence Lewis, Bhumi Pednekar, Lorren Gotlib & Mahi Gill who performed along with choreographers Raghav,Mukti & Shakti Mohan. This programme will be telecast on Zee Talkies today (30th October) at 7 Pm.
Present on this occasion were celebrities like Pandit Shivkumar Sharma, Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia, Dimple Kapadia, Zeenat Aman, Helen, Tabu, Bindu, Jayaprada, Leena Chandavarkar, Shaan, Udit Narayan and others. NCP leader Sharad Pawar was also present along with his wife. While speaking on the occasion Asha Bhosle thanked all the young performers and was overwhelmed by the presence of all those actresses for whom she had lent her voice.