मराठी कलाकार एकत्र येऊन म्हणताय ‘पुन्हा एकदा गरुड भरारी घेऊ’
इतर देशांच्या तुलनेत भारतात कोरोनाबाधितांची सध्या संख्या कमी असली तरीदेखील हा आकडावाढतच चालला आहे, याचा परिणाम म्हणून अनेकांच्या मनामद्धे नकारात्मकता वाढत आहे. याच धर्तीवर लोकांमध्ये सकारात्मकता वाढवण्यासाठी अनेक मराठी कलाकारांनी एकत्र येऊन ‘पुन्हा एकदा गरुड भरारी घेऊ’ हे प्रेरणादायी गाणं तयार केले असून सोशल मीडियाच्या माध्यमातून ते सर्वांपर्यंत पोहचवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला आहे. या गाण्याचे ध्वनिमुद्रण आणि चित्रीकरण हे दोन्ही सर्व मराठी कलाकार घरातून मोबाईलच्या साहाय्याने केले असून, तांत्रिक बाबींच्या साहाय्याने शक्य तितकं स्टुडिओ ध्वनिमुद्रणाच्या बरोबरीचं करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला आहे.

‘पुन्हा एकदा गरुड भरारी घेऊ’ या गाण्यात आपल्याला दीपाली सय्यद, मनोज जोशी, किशोरी शहाणे, मकरंद अनासपुरे, रेणुका शहाणे, शिल्पा अनासपुरे, पुष्कर जोग, स्मिता गोंदकर, शरद पोंक्षे, वर्षा उसगावकर, मानसी नाईक, गायत्री दातार, नितीश चव्हाण, स्मिता शेवाळे, देवदत्त नागे, किरण गायकवाड असे कलाकार एकत्र दिसतात. गाण्याचे दिग्दर्शन व संकलन मकरंद शिंदे यांनी केले असून, संगीत जीवन मराठे यांनी दिले आहे.
गाण्याची संकल्पना अभिनेत्री दीपाली सय्यद यांची असून हे गाणं रसिकांसमोर आणण्यासाठी श्रीनिवास कुलकर्णी, अमोल घोडके, राजेंद्र अनासपुरे यांनी पुढाकार घेतला.
Suspense thriller comedy film ‘ Kalshekar Aahet Ka?’
Bramha Vision Presents Suryakant Suryavanshi produce and Vijay Satghare Directed film ‘Kalshekar Aahet ka ?‘ , has finished their Shooting. This is a First film of Bramha vision. The story, Screenplay Written by Anil Pawar.
‘Kalshekar Aahet ka ?’ has mega star cast including Bharat Jadhav, Dipali Sayyad, Sanjay Narvekar, Reshma Marchant, Dipak Shirke ,Usha Nadkarni, Kishor Nadlaskar, Ravindra Berde, Jayraj Nayar, Ganesh Diwakar, Vijay Chavan, Aasha Nyate, Janardan Parab, Vikas Samudre and Resham Chitar.
Director Vijay Satghare said, ‘Film’s plot and presentation is totally different. Leading charector of film Kalshekar (Bharat Jadhav) is a Rich person. All are very curious, Kalshekar always thinks that someone from their nominee of going to kill him for the property.. Suddenly a newly married couple come for honeymoon in his bungalow and they face many problems. One by one many unexpected, bizarre incident happened and someone murderer? Finally who become nominee? What Happened with honeymoon couple? to see what’s ahead we need to watch this suspense thriller comedy, Audience will surely love bharat and sanjay’s chemistry in this flick.
Music of the film is full of catchy, melody song. There are five soundtracks included in music album. Music is rendered by Chinar-Mahesh. S.R.K.Media Entertainment has taken care of marketing for this film
‘Lagnachi waraat Londonchya Gharaat’ to mesmerise audience on June 5
Directors, producers and story writers are trying to the give something new to the audience everyday. Efforts are being made to suit the constantly changing tastes of the audiences.
On of the change that is being seen is the choice of shooting at attractive and foreign locations like the Hindi and English movies. Adopting this major change in its location is Neha International Films ‘Lagnachi Waraat Londonchya Gharaat’. The producers of the movie are Tejaswini, Bashir Desai, Ejaz Sayyed and Rajendra More.
Like every movie these days is left incomplete without superstar Bharat Jadhav’s comedy, ‘Lagnachi Waraat Londonchya Gharaat’ too has the hilarious comedy by him. Some of the parts of the movie are shot in London.
The story is about Ganu who fulfils his parents expectations of becoming something in life by directly going to London. Does a village boy like Ganu is able to survive in a big city like London, what are the problems that he faces, and many more such problems are presented in a hilarious manner by director Pitmabar Kale.
The other actors in the movie are Deepali Sayyed, Vijay Patkar, Pandharinath Kamble, Ramesh Bhatkar, Chetan Dalvi, Ravindra Berde, Prema Kiran, Jayraj Nayyar, Smita Oak, Baba Sheikh, Maya Khutegaonkar and Master Anniruddha Bhalerao.
Season-9 production’s Mayur Vaishnav is the other producer of the movie. The story, script and dialogues are by Santosh Pawar. The lyrics are by Jagdish Khebudkar and Guru Thakur. The music is by Praveen Kumvar. The executive director is Taishik Abbas Bhakri, Iqbal Khan and Shirish Gupta. The lighting is by Shivaji Kale and Abdul Gani while the art direction is by Narendra Bhagat. The editing is by Ashwin Surve.
The new location along with some great acting display by superstars will be mesmerising the audience on June 5.