Sony Marathi channel promises full 2 entertainment

A new Marathi channel ‘Sony Marathi’ will be officially launched today with the biggest event of Maharashtra- The entertainment programme held during the Maharashtra Rajya Marathi Chitrapat awards @ 7 pm today. Since morning the channel has been promoting trailers of forthcoming TV serials, films and other entertainment programmes on this channel which has become live now.

After going through these first look trailers of programmes and films it is felt that this new Marathi channel promises full 2 entertainment for all age groups. The artistes in the serials are combination of newcomers and versatile artistes. With suitably designed tagline ‘Vinuya Atut Naati’ this channel has announced telecast of popular Marathi films like ‘Duniyadari’, ‘Shentimental’, ‘Baghtos Kaay Mujara kar’, ‘Muramba’, ‘One Way Ticket’ and so on in days to come. At the same time, the glimpse of their serials like ‘Julta Julta Jultay Ki’, ‘Sare Tujhyach Sathi’ are expected to offer entertainment with a difference.
The channel will also offer lots of entertaining programmes on dance and music with new talent, which is welcome.
Fakta Marathi channel to celebrate ‘Fool to April Fool’ Dhamaka

April Fools’ Day , which is also called All Fools’ Day, is celebrated every year on April 1, when people play practical jokes or spread hoaxes. The jokes and the victims who are fooled are called April fools. Keeping this humour in mind, Fakta Marathi channel will be celebrating the week starting from 1st April to 7th April 2017, with the theme ‘Fool to April Fool’ Dhamaka.
During this period, every day at 11 am entertaining films will be presented for the fun loving home viewers. The names of these films are, ‘Topi Ghal Re’, ‘Galli Te Dilhi’, ‘Ena Meena Dika’, ‘Sali Ne Kela Ghotala’, ‘Buundalbaaz’, ‘Dum Dum Diga Diga’ & ‘Dhumakul’. The presenters are confident that this timely offering through these selected films, would entertain their channel viewers.
ओंकार इंगवले ‘ढोलकी झाली बोलकी’चा विजेता

दूरदर्शन सह्याद्री चॅनेल प्रस्तुत “ढोलकी झाली बोलकी” या कार्यक्रमाचा अंतिम सोहळा 8 डिसेंबर रोजी पार पडला. ह्यात ओंकार चंद्रकांत इंगवले हा अंतिम विजेता ठरला असून ढोलकी सम्राट या पुरस्काराने त्यांना गौरविण्यात आले. या स्पर्धेमध्ये एकूण 48 जण सहभागी झाले होते. अंतिम फेरीसाठी 4 जणांची निवड करण्यात आली होती . अंतिम फेरी पार करत पुण्याचा ओंकार चंद्रकांत इंगवले यांनी ‘ढोलकी सम्राट ‘हा पुरस्कार मिळविला.
तालसम्राट पं मुंकूंद पाटील यांचे शिष्य ओंकार इंगवले यांनी अरे वा शाब्बास (मी मराठी) ,मराठी पाऊल पडते पुढे अशा विविध कार्यक्रमामध्ये आपली कला सादर करून विजितेपद मिळविले आहे. कुटूंबातून चालत आलेला हा वारसा त्यांना त्यांच्या वडिलांकडून (चंद्रकांत इंगवले) याच्यांकडून मिळालेला आहे .
झी टॉकीजवर झिंगाट अॅनिमेशनची जादुई दुनिया

सध्या अॅनिमेशन सिनेमे बच्चे कंपनी बरोबरच मोठ्यांच्यासुद्धापसंतीस उतरत आहेत. ह्या सिनेमांची लोकप्रियता दिवसेंदिवस वाढत आहे.
‘टॉकीज लाईट हाऊस’ मध्ये उलगडणार लघुपट कथेचा प्रवास

लघुपट हे सर्जनशील अभिव्यक्ती व प्रयोगाचे माध्यम मानले जाते. आजही बऱ्याचश्या चांगल्या लघुपट हे रसिकांपर्यंत पोहचत नाहीत. एका मराठी वाहिनीने काही महिन्यांपूर्वी लघुपटांच्या प्रेक्षेपनासाठी एक उपक्रम राबवला होता. ज्याला प्रेक्षकांचा चांगला प्रतिसाद मिळाला. लवकरच ‘झी टॉकीज’ ह्या वाहिनीवर ‘टॉकीज लाईट हाऊस’ या नवीन कार्यक्रम प्रसारित होणार आहे. या आगामी कार्यक्रमात आपणास अनेक उत्कृष्ठ लघुपट पाहायला मिळणार आहेत.
‘झी टॉकीज’ वाहिनीवरील ह्या कार्यक्रमाचे वैशिष्ठ म्हणजे, लघुपटाचा विषय निवडताना त्या विषय निवडीमागचं कारण तसेच तो बनवताना आलेली आव्हानं हे जाणून घ्यायचा प्रयत्न ललित प्रभाकर आणि नेहा महाजन करणार आहेत. लघुपटाच्या विषयानुरूप त्याच धर्तीच्या लोकेशनवर जाऊन या गप्पा रंगणार आहेत.दर रविवारी लघुपट कथेचा हा प्रवास जाणून घ्यायला मिळणार आहे. रविवार १० जानेवारी सायंकाळी ४.३० वाजता याचा पहिला भाग प्रसारित होणार असून पुनःप्रसारणाचा आस्वाद रसिकांना दर शनिवारी सकाळी १० वाजता घेता येईल.
Now, ‘Aapla Talkies’ also joins to offer Marathi movies 24X7

We already have few TV channels like Zee Talkies & Maiboli , offering Marathi Movies round the clock. But now, there is addition of one more channel, to offer old classic and latest Marathi movies, 24×7 on Marathi television. At present, this channel is available on few service providers. But, it is expected to expand its network soon. Earlier, the name of this channel was different, but now, we understand that , they have finalized it as ‘Aapla Talkies’.
By the way, Zee Talkies will telecast world premiere of Marathi film ‘Carry On Maratha’ which was released just four months ago. And, that is a big news. But, Colors Marathi channel is also presenting TV World Premiere of another hit film ‘Balkadu’ coming Sunday i.e.13th December 2015 at 12 noon and 7 pm. Incidentally, ‘Balkadu’ was also released early this year. So, henceforth one thing is clear that the home viewers will get to see new Marathi films, within 4 to 10 months from their release date. However, home viewers are more keen to see some award winning films, instead of commercial films. Best example was that of ‘Zing Chik Zing’ which was recently shown on Maiboli channel.
Now days, there is lot of importance given to marriage ceremonies in TV serials. We have seen this happen in many TV serials in the recent past. Now, ‘Nanda Saukhyabhare’ on Zee Marathi, is getting ready to show the marriage of Neel and Swanandi , in a two hour long episode on coming Sunday. There is another marriage of Ishaan & Gauri also on the cards, in another TV serial ‘Tumcha Aamcha Same Asata’ non Star Pravah. And, how can we forget the most awaited marriage between Yash and Jui in ‘Asa Saasar Surekh Bai’ on Colors Marathi ? One thing is sure that both these marriages are sure to take place, as per the traditional practice followed by our serial makers. Now, how long they will take, depends upon the patience of the viewers.
The two Marathi serials, i.e. ‘Runji’ on Star Pravah and ‘Kamla’ on Colors channel, which started off well, are now tasting the patience of the viewers, with such events taking place , which are not at all convincing. Instead of watching such serials, it is better to watch some new subjects on social issues, presented by Doordarshan Sahyadri channel.
Zee Marathi are getting ready to introduce another love story, through their forthcoming serial ‘Pasant Aahe Mulgi’. However, which serial it will replace, is not known yet. Actually, it’s high time ‘Honar Suun Mi Hya Gharchi’ says Good Bye, after the delivery of Janhavi. But, we will have to wait and see, whether this will happen.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network
‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’ – Mahesh Kothare’s new offering on Colors Channel

After achieving success through his Super hit mythological serial ‘Jai Malhar’ on Zee Marathi, Producer director Mahesh Kothare is now all set to offer his next mythological serial ‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’, which will be telecast this time on Colors Marathi channel. This will be much bigger project, cost wise, than the previous serial, as the set cost of this serial has touched around 1.75 Crore. Even otherwise, while offering a serial based on mythology, there is lot of cost on art design, costumes and special effects and the well known film maker, has accepted all these challenges. Having gained a lot of experience through ‘Jai Malhar’, this time, we expect something big from him.
‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’ will be telecast from Tuesday 24th November 2015 at 8.30 pm from Monday to Saturday. Since, this serial is based on mythology ,with more emphasis on Mother –son relationship, it will be interesting to see the events involving Parvati and Ganesha. With women and children likely to shift to this serial, Zee Marathi’s ‘Majhe Pati Soubhagyavati’ will face a tough competition, at prime time 8.30 pm.
Actually, this serial witnesses overacting from Vaibhav Mangle, especially in his original male appearance, in all those scenes of excessive drinking in the company of friends and later abusing others. Even otherwise, Vaibhav Mangle taking his hair dresser for granted, to use her house, for his change over, that too in absence of her husband, looks odd and unconvincing.
Incidentally, Colors have also started an entertaining reality show for housewives, ‘Aamchya Gharaat Suunbai Joraat’, anchored by Harish Dudhade (‘Majhe Mann Tujhe Jhale’ fame).With new team games for housewives, the show is likely to compete with Aadesh Bhauji’s ‘Home Minister’ on Zee Marathi. After dismal show in the initial episodes, their comedy show ‘Aali Lahar kela kahar’ seem to have shown some improvisation, taking up the local issues of Mumbaikars and especially Marathi people, through the skits in the recent episodes. But, in ‘Asa Sasar Surekh Bai’, they need to include some interesting happenings, rather than stretching on the problems faced by Yash’s uncle and his family. But, the saving grace of this serial is Mrunal Dusanis, whose presence on the screen, makes the viewers happy.
It is better not to talk much about ‘Star Pravah’ serials. It is high time, they replace their old serials, with outdated subjects with new offerings. Now, they are also facing competition from who have also started showing serials on social issues with better subjects, that too at prime time. And, we have already covered them last time.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network
Marathi actresses make it big in Hindi serials

Marathi artistes working in Hindi serials is not new to home viewers. In the past, well known artistes like Nitish Bharadwaj, Varsha Usgaonkar have played prominent roles in grand TV serial ‘Mahabharat’. Then we saw, many more talented artistes in Marathi like Reema Lagoo and Supriya Pilgaonkar also establishing themselves, through popular serial ‘Tu Tu Main Main’. Recently, many Marathi artistes were seen in important roles in Hindi TV serials. And, prominent among them were Neena Kulkarni, Bharati Achrekar, Usha Nadkarni , Vikram Gokhale and others.
Now, we find ‘Chala Hava Yeu Dya‘ fame Shreya Bugde Seth bagging lead role in the DD national serial ‘Albeli- kahani Pyar ki’ which has began its telecast recently on DD National channel from Monday to Friday at prime time. Shreya has found a very challenging role in Hindi and she is making her presence felt, displaying her ample talent.
Among others Neena Kulkarni has been doing well as a south Indian woman in Star Plus serial ‘Yeh hai Mohabattein’ , while Bharti Achrekar makes her presence felt in another Star Plus serial ‘Sumit Sambhal Lega’ telecast at 10 pm. But, it was surprising to find Bhargavi Chirmule performing the prominent role of Sunayna Devi, in new one hour serial ‘Siya Ka Raam’ which is Ramayana from Sita’s point of view. There are other important characters in this serial, also played by some Marathi artistes and one of them is Janhavi’s father in ‘Honar Suun Mi Hya Gharchi’, Mr. Manoj Kolhatkar.
This is a big honour for our Marathi artistes. Now, with all these popular Marathi artistes in hindi serials, our own Marathi serials will have to make their scripts interesting, as the Marathi audience is likely to shift to Hindi, to watch their favourite Marathi artistes.
During the week, we saw Asmita fame Mayuri Wagh performing rain dance on the Maiboli music channel. And, the song was from the Marathi film ‘Bandh Premache’, which had many big artistes in lead roles.
Madhuri Dixit will have a good exposure on Marathi TV, as the programme ‘Marathi Taraka’ will be telecast on Sunday 22nd November on Zee Talkies. By the way, though Madhuri was the chief guest for this show, she shook her legs, in presence of our Marathi taraka, who performed her dances, from different Hindi films
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network
‘DD Sahyadri’ gearing up for Prime Time competition

In spite of competition faced from private channels, Doordarshan Sahyadri channel is trying to make its presence felt, among section of people, living in some cities and rural areas of Maharashtra. Till now, Doordarshan had not tapped the prime time slots for their serials, during the past several years. But, now they are all set to introduce nine new serials, on different subjects and with well known artistes, during the prime time 8pm to 10 pm.daily.
Among the new serials, prominent among them will be ‘Maati Kokanchi Naati Janmachi’ which is targeted at youngsters from Konkan. Then, there are other social issues presented through story based serials like ‘Pashanpati’ and period serial ‘Sushilecha Dev’ based on the novel of Waman Malhar Joshi. There will be family serials like ‘Vachanbaddh’, ‘Goshta Umaltya Manachi’ and ‘Sangarsh Milanacha’ to inspire the women. To entertain the children, there will be an interesting serial like ‘Bunty Television.
We also understand that actress Aishwarya Narkar will also be presenting series of stories through her new serial ‘Chitrakathi’, based on the literature of well known writers, under the banner of her new production company ‘Aishwarya Arts’. For those, who love to watch detective serials, DD Sahyadri will be presenting interesting murder mysteries, detected through their serial ‘Anakalniya’. Now, it will be interesting to see, how these serials will compete with other ongoing Marathi serials on private channels ? But, one thing is sure, that DD Sahyadri is ready for it, as the subjects they have picked up, are very interesting .
Now, talking about the new arrivals on private channels, there was big hope from Bharat Jadhav show on Colors channel. But, their initial episodes were not very appealing. They need to focus more on good scripting.
In ‘Majhe Pati Soubhagyavati’ there was a lot of time wasted in preparing Vaibhav Mangale in the make up of an actress, for the photo shoot. The scene, in which Vaibhav hesitating to be free, in presence of actor Ashok Shinde , for the photo shoot, wasn’t very convincing. Being a professional actor, there was no need to show him feeling shy, in front of another male actor. One could understand his awkwardness in presence of the hair dresser, but not the male lead actor. Moreover, it is observed that the exchange of dialogues between Ramesh Bhatkar and Ashok Shinde, are repeated several times, with the same expressions given by both.
What was interesting to watch during the week, was the gripping story split in three episodes, in ‘Asmita’ on Zee Marathi. But, showing the parallel investigation carried out by ‘Asmita’ to prove her ‘father in law guilty’ in the murder of her father, only diverted the interest from the ongoing case of fake Income tax Officers.
Madhuri Out, Tejashree In

Television commercials are also watched by the home viewers, with keen interest, during the break of the popular serials, provided there are popular models endorsing the product. In the recent past, we have been observing many commercial ads, with our Marathi artistes promoting the consumer products. Ankush Choudhary, Pankaj Vishnu, Sachit Patil, Girija Oak Godbole are regularly seen in many commercial ads. Recently, we also saw two actresses from ‘Dil Dosti Duniyadari’ serial, advertising for a consumer product.
But, the home viewers were surprised during the week, when Tejashree Pradhan, who plays the popular character of Janhavi in ‘Honar Suun Mi Hya Gharchi’, was seen advertising for a dish washer bar, along with another Marathi actor Adinath Kothare. Incidentally, she has replaced popular bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit, who was earlier advertising for the same product. So, it is almost like ‘Madhuri Out, Tejashree In’ to impress the Marathi audience.
The inclusion of more and more Marathi film and television artistes to endorse commercial products, has clearly indicated that their presence on screen, can make a big difference, to market a product. It is mainly because, the Marathi viewers closely relate themselves with actresses like Tejashree, Girija or Swanandi, rather than Bollywood actress like Madhuri, who is not considered as Marathi actress, by viewers in Maharashtra. Madhuri should therefore think seriously, about her Marathi image and accept some offers on Marathi television or films, be it, anchoring of a show, or acting in a Marathi film.
In the coming week, from 2nd November, Colors Marathi will present new comedy show of Bharat Jadhav, at prime time. Earlier, we were not aware of the other performers in this show; but, now it has been revealed that Kranti Redkar will also be part of this show, along with few other popular television artistes. However, it remains to be seen, whether Bharat Jadhav will succeed in pulling the viewers to his show. One thing is sure that Bharat’s mere presence will not work. The script of this show and its presentation will play an important role. By the way, Colors is a also gearing up to present their new serial ‘Ganapati Bappa Morya’, perhaps to compete with other period serials based on mythology.
During the week, we noticed complete dominance of negative characters in most of the Marathi TV serials. Janhavi’s mother in ‘Honar Suun Mi Hya Gharchi’, Mothi Aai in ‘Runji’, Neel’s mother in ‘Nanda Saukhyabhare’, ‘Jui’s sister in ‘Asa Sasar Surekh bai’ were given more than required importance, in every episode. And, there was lot of overacting, noticed by the artistes, performing these roles. On some occasions, they were simply irritating. In the process, the presence of lead artistes the these serial is totally ignored. Hope, it doesn’t go against the serial, as popularity of the serial is always based on positive thinking, as noticed in some of the serials like Asmita’, ‘Duniyadari’ or the laughter shows, which are purely entertaining.
By: Shweta Khot © MMW Network